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Nezily studying and working
Darwin local Nezily has her hands full. This mum works full-time for a not-for-profit organisation while studying a Master of Business Administration online with Charles Darwin University.
Male student smiling in a workspace
The option to study and work has many benefits but it also comes with challenges. Equip yourself to navigate the tough times to successfully reach your goals.  
Join us for this TASA’s Travelling Scholar Lecture: Judicial Work & Emotion: A Socio-legal Approach, presented by Sharyn Roach Anleu (Matthew Flinders Distinguished Professor, Flinders University).
Stock image of female student studying online on her bed with a laptop
From finding time to finding your tribe, eight online students at CDU share their insider tips on to make online degree work for your life and goals.
Luke standing outdoors raising a large Aboriginal flag
Luke has worked in many different jobs after completing his vocational qualifications at high school. From bank teller to youth worker, Luke could be considered the jack of all trades! However, his decision to push himself further has brought him back into the world of study, this time to gain vocational training qualifications in business.
Social Work CDU Event
Study CDU’s Social Work program, which is nationally accredited, to gain the skills and knowledge to help people overcome social challenges.
Devaki Monani
Senior Lecturer - Social Work

CDU, Faculty of Health, FH - Human Services, Social Work

P: 08 8946 6089, E:

Blue 1 Level 1 Room 90a
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