Students in this course are enrolled in CDU units, as CDU students. Educators from Menzies School of Health Research coordinate and deliver the course.
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Hear from our students
Merita makes the most of CDU’s worldwide partnerships
As a GP in Timor Leste, Dr Merita Monteiro saw lots of examples of communicable disease in her clinic. Thanks to the partnership between CDU, the Menzies School of Health Research and the Ministry of Health in Timor-Leste, Dr Monteiro is learning from the best to help tackle these diseases in her home country while she's studying public health. When Merita graduated with a medical degree in Cuba back in 2011, she had no idea that eventually she’d end up in Darwin studying a Master of Public Health.
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Julie is on a mission to better healthcare in her hometown
Julie has always been inspired by travelling and learning from different cultures. She's studying at Menzies to pursue her career dream to improve the healthcare system back home in the Philippines.
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Bisal’s journey to transformative change in public health
Bisal's family connections to healthcare meant he was destined for a career in health. Now a pharmacist, Bisal is advancing his skill set with a degree in public health to help bring change to his hometown in Nepal.
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