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Environmental science at CDU


At Charles Darwin University we have a passion and a vision to use our skills and knowledge to help shape a brighter future - one where we minimise our impact on the environments in which we operate and contribute to a sustainable world.

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Get involved with Sustainability@CDU

Small changes, made by many, make a big difference. CDU encourages staff and students to make sustainability a part of their work, study and everyday life. 

See what changes you can make

Governance and strategy

CDU is committed to a world built on social justice, sustainability, creativity and collective effort. We have put in place strategies and governance to achieve our vision of being recognised as a true champion of sustainability and becoming a celebrated innovator in sustainability education, research and community engagement.

CDU achievements

CDU has made some big changes in the last few years around sustainability by developing strategies within its learning and teaching, research and facilities management to contribute to a sustainable world.

Research opportunities

CDU delivers research that is of the highest quality and which achieves impact. Find out more about sustainability-related research and how you can be involved.

Sustainability@CDU and student life

CDU encourages students to be aware of and involved in some aspect of sustainability. See what undergraduate opportunities there are in sustainability and read profiles of what CDU students are doing.

Environmental, social and economic sustainability news

  • CDU researchers tackle remote waste management in remote communities.

    CDU researchers tackle remote waste

    In faraway outback towns across the Northern Territory, the tyranny of distance resulting in high transport costs means goods arrive, but sometimes never leave. 

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  • Corrine

    CDU plan to redress Indigenous accounting shortage

    A new Charles Darwin University initiative aims to make a serious difference to the number of Indigenous accountants working across the Northern Territory and Australia.

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  • Dr Carla Eisemberg

    Science judges place CDU ecologist in top tier

    Charles Darwin University ecologist Dr Carla Eisemberg has been recognised for research excellence by judges searching for Australia’s nominee for the internationally prestigious APEC ASPIRE Prize.

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