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A rendezvous of printmaking and sound

A rendezvous of printmaking and sound
A rendezvous of printmaking and sound

Artworks created through merging sound and vision will be the focus of research to be presented by Charles Darwin University printmaking lecturer Mats Unden.

Mr Unden will present his research entitled “Moves and Marks: A Rendezvous of Printmaking and Sound” at the Art Association of Australia and New Zealand (AAANZ) Annual Conference 2013 in Melbourne.

“As a musician and printmaker, my lifelong passion for music and sound has always gone hand in hand with a passion for visual art,” Mr Unden said.

“In my current practice I experiment with a variety of strategies that combine music and printmaking with other art forms and disciplines. In a broad sense, I am exploring how music and printmaking interact outside their traditional frameworks.”

Mr Unden recently demonstrated the concept during an interdisciplinary performance entitled “Marks and Moves” held at Darwin Visual Arts Association gallery in Darwin.

“Printmaking is any form of mark making, printing, stamping, rubbing,” he said. “Sound is any form of sound, vibration, music; it may be acoustic, electronic, live, or recorded.”

The AAANZ annual conference will be held in Melbourne 7 to 9 December.

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