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Giving to CDU

Friends of CDU

You make cdu flower

Friends of CDU builds on the legacy created by the former CDU Foundation to enhance the relationship between our University and the community. The support we receive helps fund scholarships, research initiatives, language and culture programs and other activities that benefit the university and its students.

As a Friend of CDU, you have access to exclusive events and opportunities to engage with the university’s faculty, staff, and students.

CDU acknowledges the generous donors who have made accumulative gifts of $1,000 or more through our ‘Friends of CDU’ program.

Become a Friend of CDU

Giving levels

Vice Chancellors Circle: $250,000+

The VC's Circle recognises the remarkable contributions of individuals and businesses who support CDU at the highest level, including those who have confirmed leaving a Bequest to CDU in their will.   

You have made an extraordinary difference to our University, positively impacting current and future generations of students, researchers, staff and the wider NT community. 

As members of the VC’s Circle, we will provide you with meaningful opportunities to engage with the Vice-Chancellor and President, students, researchers and our senior leadership team at special events throughout the year. You will also receive updates on our University's great work and annual updates on the impact of your generous support.  

Patrons: $100,000+

As a Patron of CDU, you have demonstrated exceptional philanthropic leadership. Your generosity and commitment to the Territory provide support to students from all backgrounds, bolsters our research programs, instils confidence in our teachers and leaves a lasting positive impression on the broader society. 

Our Patrons are invited to join us for special events throughout the year, where you will have the opportunity to attend special lectures and engage with students, researchers, and CDU’s Leadership team. We will also keep you informed on the great work that CDU is doing and provide annual updates on the impact of your giving. 

Companions: $50,000+

Our Companions play a fundamental role in empowering student success, transforming teaching and learning, and driving research discovery and impact. 

As a CDU Companion, you will be invited to take part in several events throughout the year to witness the difference your gifts are already making in the lives of students, researchers, and CDU staff. You will also be provided with annual updates on the impact of your generosity.

Senior Fellows $25,000+

As a CDU Senior Fellow, you play an integral part in supporting students, research and specialist programs and enabling ground-breaking research that will contribute to the knowledge base of the Northern Territory and benefit the community at large.  

Our Senior Fellows are invited to join us for annual events, including opportunities to engage with students, researchers, staff and the CDU Leadership team. We will also provide you with annual updates on the impact of your contributions and the contributions of all our Friends.

Fellows: $10,000+

As a CDU Fellow, you play an integral part in supporting students, research and specialist programs and enabling ground-breaking research that will contribute to the knowledge base of the Northern Territory and benefit the community at large.  

Our Fellows are invited to join us for annual events, including opportunities to engage with students, researchers, staff and the CDU Leadership team. We will also provide you with annual updates on the impact of your contributions and the contributions of all our Friends. 

Friends: $1,000+

You can always count on your friends, and CDU’s Friends are no different. You are our chosen family, and we thank you for supporting our students, researchers, staff and community. 
As a Friend, you will be invited to an annual donor celebration so CDU’s leadership team can thank you in person and recognise your contributions to the Territory’s University. We will also provide you with annual updates on the impact of your contributions and the contributions of all our Friends.

View our Donor Honour Roll

Join a chapter 

Greek guardians dancing

Greek Guardians

Established in 2012, the Greek Language and Culture (commonly known as The Greek Guardians) have worked with the Northern Territory’s Greek community to secure the University’s Greek Language and Culture Program.

Greek Guardians program page  

Friends of the CDU Art Gallery

Friends of CDU Art Gallery

The CDU Art Collection and Gallery would like to cultivate our friends to support and advocate for our art collection, exhibition programs and public programs. 

Friends of the CDU Art Gallery page


CDyou Workplace Giving Hands

CDyou Staff Giving Program

CDyou is the staff giving program for CDU employees. It is a simple and effective way for our staff to participate in the rewarding act of philanthropy by regularly donating pre-tax dollars, which support CDU programs or our charity partners.

100% of their donations are directed to the cause of their choice and the University matches dollar–for–dollar any staff donation towards internal activities. This means that our staff can double their impact for the CDU programs they find most important.  

CDyou is the University’s staff giving program. If you are a current staff member and want more information on how you can

For more information, please visit (staff credentials required).

CDU Bequest society- Nancy Kingsland and Alison Jackson

CDU Bequest Society

CDU’s Bequest Society is among our closest Friends. They have made a commitment that will support the University’s work and make a transformative impact on countless lives for many years after they have gone.

We live in one of the most unique landscapes in the world with the longest history on earth, which has been permeated with adventure, disaster, innovation and inspiration.

The Territory has been here long before any of us, and if you choose to, you can make a significant difference to its future long after you are gone with an enduring contribution to the advancement of the Northern Territory – where there is still so much improvement to be made, so much more connectivity to provide, and so much more to discover and protect.

For more information about CDU’s Bequest Society and to find out if making a bequest is something worthwhile please visit the Leaving a Bequest page below.

Leaving a Bequest  


Contact us

The Alumni & Giving team are available to answer your questions around giving to CDU
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