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Research and Innovation

Dr Adelle Sefton-Rowston

Higher Degree by Research

Adelle is a senior lecturer in Literary Studies and Creative Writing at CDU. She specializes in contemporary Australian literature, particularly settler narratives of Australian identity politics, race relations, and reconciliation in poetry and prose.

She has published extensively on the intersections of literature, psychology, and politics in settler and First Nations writing. Adelle is particularly interested in texts, including graffiti, that are written about, for, and within prisons, that offer new paradigms for a changing world.

Adelle is a published poet, and co-editor of NT literary journal 'Borderlands'. Her respective publications concerning literary journal culture, contemporary literary theory and practice are of Q1 standard. Adelle has extensive experience supervising postgraduate students who are working on their own novels, and supporting them through the reflexive and exegetical process.

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