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Faculty of Science and Technology

Master of Environmental Management research project

This unit is the capstone of the Master of Environmental Management course. Students plan, execute and write up a substantial piece of research with the individual support of a research supervisor who provides discipline expertise and academic mentoring. The unit involves the preparation of a project proposal as a hurdle assessment, before the commencement of the research project.

This research project provides students with a unique opportunity to apply and consolidate many of the skills they have developed while undertaking the course-work component of the Master of Environmental Management.  The project also allows students to focus on one area of investigation that is of interest.  Undertaking independent research is invariably a transforming experience.

Students are expected to have identified a research topic and supervisor in the semester prior to the commencement of this unit.

If none of the projects listed below are of any interest; students may approach a range of researchers to discuss project ideas, prior to committing to any project or supervisory arrangement.

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Brett Murphy
MEM Research Project Coordinator
T: 08 8946 6049


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