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A new approach to manage Darwin Harbour

Darwin Harbour is a strategic port in the Top End of Australia. It provides a major economic contribution to the regional economy.

Over the last decade, rigorous and consistent water quality monitoring has been carried out by researchers from our Research Institute for the Environment and Livelihood (RIEL), which has provided invaluable information on the harbour, catchment and ecosystems. However, the Darwin Harbour Advisory Committee has recognised that with the increased developing pressure and climate change, a broader scope is needed, which will now include social, economic, environmental and Indigenous cultural values.

The Traditional Owners of the land where the Darwin Harbour stands have a profound knowledge of the biological, seasonal and sacredness of the harbour’s land and water. These Traditional Owners, along with many other stakeholders, will work together on developing the Integrated Report Card.

Over the next few years, the Report Card will track the health of Darwin Harbour to allow informed decision making towards a sustainable future for all those living in the surrounding area.


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