Dr Berman is an Associate Professor of Law at CDU and has a longstanding interest in the regulation of hate crimes. He was one of a handful of academics invited to participate in the first White House Conference on Hate Crimes during the Clinton administration in 1997.
Dr Berman has published a book, a book chapter and numerous law review articles in highly ranked international law journals, including Stanford Journal of International Law, Texas International Law Journal, Oxford Comparative Law Forum, Cambridge International Journal of Law in Context and Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law. His publications have been cited in leading treatises, governmental and non-governmental reports and by legal scholars as well as French and Australian anthropologists.
Dr Berman was the Project Manager and Chief Investigator funded by a grant from the Queensland Department of Justice and Attorney General to investigate legal responses to homophobic and transphobic violence in Queensland. The results of Dr Berman’s research on were published in a book nominated for a National Human Rights Award.
Dr Berman’s research areas include:
- indigenous peoples and international law
- links between international human rights law and foreign policy
- humanitarian intervention
- the international rules regulating the use of force
- gender and the law
- sexuality and the law
- international law and racial hate speech regulation
- comparative constitutional law.