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Young Indigenous scientists head to Japan

Georgina Derrick
Georgina Derrick

Two Indigenous science students will join other talented young people from across Asia in a celebration of science and friendship at the 2013 Asian Science Camp.

Georgina Derrick from the Northern Territory and Avea Sabatino from Western Australia won the inaugural Charles Darwin University (CDU) Asian Science Camp Scholarships, and will travel to Tsukuba, Japan from 25 - 30 August as part of the Australian delegation. 

St John’s College student Georgina Derrick said she hopes to pursue a career in medicine after she graduates this year.

“I love studying science and I would like to become a doctor so I can go back into remote communities and help promote healthy living,” Georgina said.

“At the Asian Science Camp I am looking forward to experiencing a different culture, meeting new people and learning more about science.”

Hosted by a different country each year, the Asian Science Camp promotes international cooperation and networks among the best young science students of the next generation in Asia, Australia and Oceania, and encourages deeper thinking about science and scientific knowledge.

During the six-day program students will participate in lectures, master classes and round table discussions with some of the world’s greatest scientific minds, including Nobel Laureates and celebrated researchers.

Australian Science Innovations coordinates the selection of the Australian delegation and this year, they partnered with CDU to support two Indigenous students’ attendance at the camp.

Dr Mark Toner, Chair of Australian Science Innovations, believes programs like the Asian Science Camp are critical to building stronger relationships with our Asian neighbours by deepening people-to-people linkages. 

“If Australia is to thrive in the Asian Century, our young people must be linked personally and professionally to Asia,” said Dr Toner.

“The Asian Science Camp is a great opportunity to be excited by science, share ideas, foster friendships and start collaborations between young people that will benefit our region for many years to come.”

The Asian Science Camp is the brainchild of Nobel Laureates Professor Yuan-Tseh Lee and Professor Masatoshi Koshiba, and has been held in Taiwan, Bali, Tsukuba, Mumbai, Daejeon and Jerusalem in previous years.

Australian Science Innovations is a not-for-profit organisation committed to providing high quality science extension programs that inspire, challenge and raise the aspirations of students in science.  The organisation aims to redress Australia’s skill shortage by encouraging students to study science and consider careers in science or science related fields. 

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