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NT educator awarded prestigious scholarship

Professor Peter Kell
Professor Peter Kell

One of the Northern Territory’s most prominent education academics has been awarded the prestigious 2014 Fulbright Northern Territory Scholarship in the Senior Scholarship category.

One of only 30 awardees throughout Australia, Charles Darwin University’s Head of the School of Education Professor Peter Kell is a life-long educator with a research focus on global education.

He will travel to the United States in early 2015 to explore questions on internationalising the learning experience of postgraduate education in the Northern Territory as part of a research project entitled “Reaching Out to the Globe: Internationalising masters postgraduate learning in education”.

“I will spend six months at the University of Illinois (Champaign-Urbana) researching how we can use new technologies to develop collaborative transnational learning experiences in postgraduate education,” Professor Kell said.

“US and Australian students will be involved in a collaborative Master of Education online program, where we hope to gather information on experience of internationalised postgraduate learning and effective design, protocols and learning frameworks.

“The data will be used to start a global network in postgraduate learning in education.”

Professor Kell said part of the focus of the project would be to further develop the new Master of Education (International) commencing at CDU in 2014.

Professor Kell’s current research interests include global student mobility, the internationalisation of education and training in the Asia Pacific, and literacy and language in East Asia.

He has extensive experience in primary, adult, community and technical education. He has taught in literacy programs in TAFE and the tertiary education sector. He has wide research and teaching experience in the Asia Pacific region and is involved in a range of research projects in China, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore.

Before his appointment at CDU, Dr Kell was at the Centre for Lifelong Learning Research and Development at the Hong Kong Institute of Education from 2009-11.


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