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Conference at CDU focuses on future of diversity

Professor Peter Kell
Professor Peter Kell

The role of diversity in global societies of the future will be the hot topic at an international conference that starts at Charles Darwin University today.

Academics from universities in Africa, The Americas, Europe, the Middle East and the Asia-Pacific will converge on the Casuarina campus for the 13th International Conference on Diversity in Organizations, Communities and Nations’ for the three-day program of research presentations and workshops.

Heading up the CDU organising team is Head of the School of Education Professor Peter Kell, who said the conference would explore what diversity meant, examine the concept as a positive aspect of a global society, and investigate its effects in communities.

“The event provides a forum for thinking and speaking about diversity, from the ‘big picture’ perspective to everyday experiences of diversity in real-life situations,” Professor Kell said.

“Differences used to be ignored. Today, differences are recognised as the foundations of identity, and have formed the basis of social projects aimed at enhancing inclusion and the value of diversity.

“Darwin, being one of the most diverse cities in the world, is the ideal location for a conference that discusses the forms and futures of human difference and diversity.”

Professor Kell will give a keynote address that explores global student mobility and the internationalisation of education and training.

The conference will take place at CDU’s Casuarina campus from 26 – 28 June 2013.

For the conference program, visit W:

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