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CDU Brahman stud impresses Show judge

Charles Darwin University Brahman cattle from Katherine campus scooped several high awards at Royal Darwin Show at the weekend.

The university took 16 cattle to Darwin following a strong performance at the Katherine Show the previous week.

Farm and stud overseer Jess Beckhouse said the 32-month-old “Rural College Gingernut” was the top performer, winning champion senior cow and supreme champion cow.

“It is one of the best accolades you can get in a competition like this,” she said.

“We have had two very good outcomes in successive weeks.”

Two CDU staff, including Ms Beckhouse, picked up awards in the personnel classes. Ms Beckhouse and Troy Johnson finished first and second respectively in the paraders’ competition.

Mr Johnson also collected a ribbon for coming second in the judging competition with Ms Beckhouse a ribbon for third.

Ms Beckhouse said the collection of trophies and ribbons gathered at the two shows was the result of a team effort.

Stuart Austin, Stuart Webster, Boyd Tope (Mataranka Station) and Troy Johnson (Katherine Rural Campus) were all instrumental in achieving the successful outcome, she said.



Royal Darwin Show:

Reserve junior champion heifer – Rural College Isabella

Champion senior cow – RC Gingernut

Supreme champion cow – RC Gingernut

Champion junior bull – RC Huckleberry

Reserve champion junior bull – RC Hercules

CDU also won the Brahman breeders group

Paraders’ competition – Jess Beckhouse 1st; Troy Johnson 2nd

Judging competition – Troy Johnson 2nd; Jess Beckhouse 3rd.


Katherine Show:

Junior champion Brahman heifer – Rural College Isabella

Junior champion Brahman bull – RC Hercules

Reserve junior champion Brahman bull – RC Huckleberry

Reserve senior champion Brahman cow – RC Gingernut

Res senior champion Brahman bull – RC Geronimo

Overall best pen of three.


Ms Beckhouse won the senior handling competition and CDU Katherine Rural Campus station hand Mr Johnson won the senior judging competition.

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