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Casuarina campus ‘ablaze’ for Discover CDU

Fire training exercise at the new facility on Casuarina campus.
Fire training exercise at the new facility on Casuarina campus.

Demonstrations and a sneak peek into the brand new $2.3 million fire ground training facility will be a highlight at Discover CDU on Casuarina campus this Sunday.
It will be the first time the public gets to tour the world-class facility that provides high-level training in simulated emergency environments for the oil and gas, maritime, industrial and defence industries.
Charles Darwin University Events Officer Dean Dempsey said the public was welcome to watch a half-hour training exercise at 11am, 12 noon or 1.30pm at the facility.
Mr Dempsey said other activities at Discover CDU included campus tours, informative talks, displays, interactive workshops, food and entertainment.
Another highlight will be an attempt to fashion the Territory’s longest sausage.
“The sausage is set to be 60 metres long made with 30 kilos of meat,” Mr Dempsey said. “Unfortunately, it won’t be for public consumption but it will be donated to local animal charities.”

Other hands-on activities will include barramundi feeding, 3D printing, print-making and operating a one-tonne digger.

Discover CDU will take place between 10am to 2pm this Sunday, 19 August. Darwin Bus Service will provide free travel to Casuarina campus from 9am to 3pm.

The public is advised to secure a place at the fire training demonstration by registering at  or on the day at the registration tent outside Building Red 8.

For a map of the Casuarina campus visit

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