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Alice to showcase courses, campus at info night

An information evening at Alice Springs campus on 18 September will provide prospective students, friends and their families with the opportunity to explore the broad range of programs that CDU offers in the Red Centre.

Campus Administrator David Reilly said staff from Vocational Education and Training, higher education and the research sector would offer information about the flexible study options and ongoing activities at the campus.

“We offer more than 150 courses in arts, trades, tourism, hospitality, business and primary industries at the vocational level,” he said.

“There are nursing, education and environmental courses at degree level, and we are making steady progress in research.”

Mr Reilly said visitors also could take guided tours of the campus facilities.

“We will provide a free sausage sizzle and give away an Ultimate Study Pack, which will include a 13” Apple MacBook Pro and accessories pack.

“Some of our music students have banded together and will demonstrate their skills. An exhibition of textile works will be on display in the library, where some fun activities will take place.”

Mr Reilly said the Info Night would begin after the first day of this year’s Try A Skills event.

More than 100 Year 9 students from several Central Australian communities will participate in activities in automotive, butchery, community services, construction, hairdressing, media and other areas.

A similar number of students from middle schools in Alice Springs will have their turn the following day.

“It’s an important day for allowing students to literally use their hands and experience the practical nature and value of vocational studies,” he said.

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