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Alice music student wins spot at BASSINTHEGRASS

A Charles Darwin University music student from Alice Springs has been invited to perform a solo act at the Territory’s largest music festival next month.

Michael Lindsey, a Vocational Education and Training in Schools Certificate III graduate, is preparing fresh material for BASSINTHEGRASS, an annual all-day concert in Darwin that attracted a crowd of more than 7000 last year.

Contemporary music lecturer Cain Gilmour said Michael won the right to perform at “BASS” by winning the soloists section at the Battle of the School Bands final in Darwin on Friday (11 April).

“We are enormously proud that Michael is the second Alice Springs student in three years to win a spot at BASS,” Mr Gilmour said.

“As an up and coming musical talent with strong skills as a vocalist and guitarist, BASS will be a huge feather in Michael’s cap.

“He showed at the Battle of the Bands final that he’s come a long way in terms of his showmanship and stagecraft skills.”

Mr Gilmour said fellow Alice Springs student Silva Landers came second in the solo section, while three-member group Hello Jenny came third in the bands section.

“They are all part of a strong cohort of musically talented students that have been working their way through the certificate program for the past two years.”

Mr Gilmour said it was particularly rewarding that several of his former students had forged careers in the music industry, including 2012 BASSINTHEGRASS singer Micah Rothwell, who is now a member of a Melbourne-based band.

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