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New project to support Hermannsburg Aboriginal community in Central Australia

A new tourism partnership between Charles Darwin University (CDU) and the Department of Industry Tourism and Trade (DITT) has been introduced to increase workforce capacity in the Hermannsburg community in Central Australia.
A new tourism partnership between Charles Darwin University (CDU) and the Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade (DITT) will increase workforce capacity in the Hermannsburg community in Central Australia.

A new tourism partnership between Charles Darwin University (CDU) and the Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade (DITT) will increase the local workforce in the tourism and hospitality sectors in the Hermannsburg community.

The Skills Development Project will deliver funding for CDU to employ a project officer to work alongside the local Aboriginal community to help deliver skills appropriate to the local tourism sector.

The objective of the project is to enhance employment opportunities through developing a tourism training hub, encouraging microbusiness development, and delivering training to the local community to boost economic development and jobs for the community.

CDU Associate Vice-Chancellor Central Australia Jay Walker said the project would support First Nations Territorians living within the Hermannsburg community to develop tourism pathways to support workforce development.

“This is an incredibly special project that puts First Nations people at the centre of community and workforce development – giving them the skills they need to strengthen the Territory’s tourism industry in Central Australia,” Mr Walker said.

“We’re working alongside First Nations people to ensure they have their rightful place in our tourism industry, with all the economic benefits it brings their community.”

Tourism NT Director Regions South Stuart Ord said the two-year project funded by the Northern Territory Government (NTG) will help increase the local skilled workforce within the Hermannsburg community for the tourism and hospitality sectors.

“One key action area for the region has been to help develop a local tourism and hospitality workforce and the project officer will work with the Hermannsburg School and local community to create long-term employment pathways for the community,” Mr Ord said.  

“A major goal of this project is to give the people of the Hermannsburg community a sense of ownership over the Precinct and to ensure they are benefiting from potential business and tourism opportunities.”

This $240,000 project, will be overseen by a newly appointed Steering Committee with members from the Commonwealth Government, NTG, CDU, local not-for-profit businesses and the Hermannsburg community.

The new CDU Project Officer will work directly within the Hermannsburg community to support in the facilitation of creating employment opportunities.

View the Hermannsburg Historic Precinct website and tourism and hospitality courses available for study at CDU.  

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