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CDU students lead change for safer LGBTQIA+ spaces

June 2023 edition
LGBTQIA+ leadership and allyship summit

Charles Darwin University students are paving the way for safer spaces for the queer community within higher education and NT workplaces, after returning from a national summit on LGBTQIA+ representation in the public sector.

Student representatives of the CDU Queer Network recently attended the Public Sector LGBTQIA+ Leadership and Allyship Summit in Canberra, to learn from senior LGBTQIA+ leaders and engage with community members to create a more inclusive and diverse public sector for the future.

CDU Queer Network President Forest Peters, who is in their final year of a Bachelor of Social Work, said the summit was an opportunity to gain insight into the challenges and opportunities within authentic and intersectional leadership.

“This was an incredible experience to sit amongst so many empowering people in our community,” Forest said.

“I think one of the biggest take-home messages for me was ‘the stories we share give our younger generation the leaders they deserve’. We share our stories like those who came before us because without them, we wouldn't have a roadmap to navigate the hurdles we face today."

Forest said they would bring back newfound information and ideas from the conference to help improve spaces for the queer community in the NT.

"There is always more work to be done to advocate for safer spaces for our community, so we can support future staff and students at CDU,” they said.

“By expanding our spaces for the queer community to feel safe, represented, and included, we are taking concrete steps towards creating an environment where everyone can thrive, whether that is the classroom or the workplace.”

CDU Queer Network Vice-President Daniel Pietryka said the network is committed to driving change and creating safer spaces for the LGBTQIA+ community at CDU.

“Every student deserves to feels respected and valued for who they are,” Mr Pietryka said.

"We believe that by amplifying the voices of the queer community and advocating for safer spaces at CDU, everyone can feel free to be their authentic selves.”

The CDU Queer Network aims to create positive changes that support the queer community and foster a more inclusive campus for all students.

CDU commemorates International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) on every year on May 17, among other events to support LGBTQIA+ students.

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