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CDU cyber security expert on centre stage at Disruptive Technologies conference

June 2023 edition
CDU cyber security expert on centre stage at Disruptive Technologies conference

Charles Darwin University’s (CDU) leading cyber security expert has travelled to Korea to take part in a key international conference on AI in the digital age.  

The conference, co-hosted by the Korea Institute of Public Administration (KIPA), the Korea Legislation Research Institute (KLRI), and CDU’s NT Academic Centre for Cybersecurity and Innovation, discussed AI practice, policy and research priorities.

CDU’s Professor of Information Technology Mamoun Alazab co-organised and participated in the “Tackling Disruptive Technology in the Era of Digital Transformation" conference that took part in Seoul South Korea in April.

The conference invited experts from across the world and a variety of organisations including from Amazon Web Service, Alan Turing Institute, Monash University, University of Warwick, and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

At the conference, Professor Alazab spoke about how malware has recently evolved into cyber weapons that are utilising AI.

“Artificial intelligence (AI) as an offensive cyber weapon poses a significant concern,” Professor Alazab said.  

“AI-powered malware introduces the prospect of self-propagating, self- mutate, and adaptive threats that can quickly spread across networks, autonomously exploit vulnerabilities, and adapt to changing environments.”

“While AI can empower human capabilities through diverse private and public enterprises, it also brings about considerable ethical concerns, social disruption, and security risks that must be tackled.”

“This conference provided the perfect opportunity to gather the world’s foremost experts on AI and enabled us to learn from each other’s experiences and thoughts on Disruptive Technology.”

Australia Ambassador to the Republic of Korea, H.E. Ms Catherine Raper provided the congratulatory remarks, and spoke about Australia’s approach to Cyber Security.

The conference was organised into three sessions with presentations and discussions on data driven public service reform, ethical engagement with AI driven technology, and cybersecurity and data protection.

Day One and Day Two of the conference can be viewed on the official YouTube Channel of the KIPA.

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