Student Fee Calendar Inquiry (FINF9200)
To see help about a particular feature of this
screen, click on the feature in the picture below.
About The Information In
This Screen
The screen is divided into two blocks:
- Student Fee
Calendar - shows the financial and
fee periods in which the student has been assessed for fees.
If the screen is entered:
- via the Student Fee Calendars button - in
the Person Inquiry screen, all the
fee calendars in which the selected student has been assessed
are displayed.
- directly from a menu, the screen fields are
blank and a query must be performed in this block to retrieve
the required student course attempts. Note that dependent on
the query criteria, fee period records can be retrieved for more
than one student.
- via the Calendar Inquiry button in the Student Course Fee Inquiry screen, all
the fee calendars in which the selected student has been assessed
are displayed.
A query cannot be performed in this block
if the screen is entered, in context, from another screen. A
query can be performed where the screen is entered from a menu.
To perform a query here it is preferable to use a student's ID
number as query criteria. An alternative is to use the Find Person
to activate the Find
Person form, which can be used to locate the required student
Information lamps
are displayed at the top of the screen where applicable. These
lamps and their meaning are:
- displays when the student currently has an encumbrance of any
type. Administrative encumbrances can be checked in the Maintain
Basic Person Encumbrance Detail form (ENRF6310).
Academic encumbrances can be checked via the Maintain Student
Progression Rule form (PRGF6600). A zoom
can be created to these forms - access depends on Callista security
displays where the student has been recorded as deceased.
The navigation buttons in this block are described
under 'Where To From Here?'.
- Fee Assessment - displays basic details of the student's fee assessments
for the fee period selected in the top block. The assessment
for each fee type is shown separately.
The navigation buttons in this block are described
under 'Where To From Here?'.
Where To From
- Return to the previous screen (if
applicable) - by clicking on the Exit button
- End your inquiry session - by selecting Exit
Forms from the Action menu.
- Return to the menu - by clicking on the Exit
, as many times as required, to scroll back through
previously viewed screens.
- View details of credit amounts for
the student - by clicking on the System Credits button.
- View details of any refunds for the
student -
by clicking on the Student Refunds button.
- View fee assessments for the student,
grouped by course attempt - by clicking on the Course
Fee Inquiry button.
Detail in this Form
- Person ID - the identification number of a person recorded
in Callista. A person may or may not be a student.
- the
Find Person button. Clicking on the button displays the
Find Person screen which is used to specify detailed query criteria
to assist in locating the record of a person.
- System Credits
button - clicking on the button displays
the System Credit Inquiry screen containing
details of any credit amounts due to the student.
- Student Refunds
button - clicking on the button displays
the Student Refund Inquiry screen
containing details of any refunds calculated or entered for the
- Calendar Inquiry
button - clicking on the button displays
the Student Fee Calendar Inquiry screen
containing details of fee assessments for the student, grouped
by fee period.
- Course Fee
Inquiry button - clicking on the button
displays the Student Course Fee Inquiry
screen containing details of fee assessments for the student,
grouped by course attempt.
- Financial Period - the financial period in which the fee assessment
occurred (includes the following start and end date fields).
- Fee Calendar - the fee period in which fees were assessed (includes
the following start and end date fields). FEE-SEM2 01/07/2000
31/12/2000 indicates that fees were assessed in the semester
2 fee period of 2000.
- Outstanding
Balance (for fee period) - the amount
of fees owing for the fee period, being the difference between
the total assessed amount for the fee period and total payments
credited against that fee period. Any discounts which may be
available are not taken into account here.
- Detail button - clicking on the button displays the Fee
Transaction Detail Inquiry screen which shows details of
all assessments and all of the transactions for each assessment,
for the fee period adjacent to the selected Detail button.
- Total - the total outstanding balance. If this block is
requeried, using query criteria which return a different set
of records, the total is recalculated.
- Fee Type - the type of fee assessed.
- Course Code - the code of the course for which the fee was assessed.
- Fee Category
(course attempt) - the fee category
for the course attempt. The fee category is assigned to the course
attempt at admission or enrolment.
- Manual Entry indicator - indicates that at least one manual
entry has been made for the fee assessment. The system will not
perform any further automatic fee assessments for this fee type
in this fee period.
- Total Amount
Due - the individual assessment of
a student's financial obligation for a particular fee type in
a particular fee period.
- Total Payments - individual amounts credited against the assessment
for the particular fee type in the particular fee period. Includes
payments by a sponsor.
- Sponsor Amount
- the amount of the assessment, shown
under Total Amount Due, which is sponsored.
- Total Amount
Owing (fee assessment) - the difference
between the Total Amount Due and the Total Payment.
Fee Summary button -clicking on the button displays the
Student Fee Summary screen that shows
a detailed breakdown of the student's debt and payments for the
selected fee assessment.
- Totals - the sum of the values in each column. Note that
requerying in this block using different query criteria may result
in a different set of records being displayed. The totals are
recalculated based on the new set of records.
- System Fee
Type - The system fee type of the
selected fee assessment. System fee types HECS and TUITION are
used by the system to distinguish the fees that must be reported
to the Australian Government in DEST returns. A system fee type
of OTHER is used for non-reportable fees.
- Fee Trigger
Cat - The system fee trigger category
for the selected fee assessment. The student will have been assessed
for the particular fee when the fee assessment routine matched
their course and/or unit set and/or unit(s) to a trigger defined
for the fee. Valid values for the system fee trigger category
- Last Transaction
- the date on which the last transaction
related to the selected fee assessment occurred. This includes
assessment, credit and discount transactions. The Fee
Transaction Detail Inquiry screen, accessed via a Detail
button in the top block, shows details of all transactions for
a fee assessment.
- Last Effective
Assessment - the effective date of
the last fee assessment for the fee type.
- Last Notification
- the last date on which the student
was notified of their debt.
- Last Reminder - the most
recent date on which the student was reminded of overdue debt.
- Fee Statement button - not
in use. In a future release this will
navigate to a Student Fee Calendar Fee Statement.
Updated 31 January 2002