To allow the creation and maintenance of encumbrances against a student record |
Subsystem |
Structure |
Two Blocks |
Person Person Encumbrance |
Navigation Button invokes: |
Comments/Details overflow block Person Encumbrance Effect block |
Person |
Explanation |
This is a context block and displays details of the student for whom encumbrance details are being viewed or recorded. When this form is invoked via the navigation button in ENRF3000, the student record appearing there will be the context record here. Where this form is entered directly, queries can be performed in this block to locate a student's encumbrance records; however, names are case sensitive and are best avoided as query criteria. Where the form is entered via ENRF3000, it is necessary to exit this form and return to ENRF3000 to query another student. See ' To Inquire on the Encumbrances of a Student …' below for specific detail regarding data retrieved in this form. |
Person Encumbrance |
Explanation |
An overview of encumbrance functionality is provided under Management of Existing Enrolments.An academic encumbrance is placed on a student through Progression functionality (through the association of the encumbrance and a progression outcome). An administrative encumbrance is placed on a student by specifying the appropriate encumbrance type and recording the ID of the person who authorised its application. Callista defaults the start date of the encumbrance type to the current date. This can be altered to a future date if required. The Comments/Details navigation button is labelled dynamically, based on the current display in the overflow area. The Detail overflow area is dynamic. Field labels for those fields relevant to an academic encumbrance applied through a progression outcome dim (and the fields are not populated) when the encumbrance is an administrative one. A Comments text field can be displayed using the Comments navigation button.The effect of an encumbrance on a student is determined by the set of default effects attached to the encumbrance type. These are viewed by selecting the View Encumbrance Effects navigation button. Attaching an encumbrance to a student applies the effects attached to the encumbrance type to the student. When the encumbrance is saved, a message is displayed advising of those effects which have been successfully applied to the student, those (if any) which have failed and specifying any extra detail required to complete the creation of the encumbrance. Unsuccessfully applied effects must be manually added by selecting the Encumbrance Details navigation button and adding the effects in ENRF6320. Further, subject to certain system rules, the set of default effects can be modified if required. Details of this process are available under ENRF6320.Academic encumbrances (applied as part of a progression outcome) can only be maintained through the form PRGF6610, accessed by selecting the Progression Rule navigation button. This button is inactive where the context person encumbrance is administrative. |
To inquire on the encumbrances of a student using the Maintain Basic Person Encumbrance Detail form: |
To add a new encumbrance to a student using the Maintain Basic Person Encumbrance Detail form: |
To modify a student encumbrance using the Maintain Basic Person Encumbrance Detail form: |
To delete a student encumbrance using the Maintain Basic Person Encumbrance Detail form: |
To inquire on the encumbrance effects applied to a student using the Maintain Basic Person Encumbrance Detail form: |
Changes within this form will have the following notable effects: |
Applying an encumbrance to a student applies the associated effects. These effects are described in the encumbrance effects list and may restrict a student's subsequent enrolment or access to services. |
Last Modified on 20 September, 1999