section of the user manual provides an overview of the Research Subsystem.
In this Section:
See Also:
Specialist User
overview provides information about setting up the subsystem to ensure it
functions correctly. A Special Topics section provides
more detailed explanation of some aspects of the subsystem. Detailed explanations
and instructions for the use of individual database forms can be accessed
from the subsystem's Table of Contents or using the links provided throughout this overview.
Research subsystem is used to manage all processes relating to research students
within an institution. These students are those who have applied for/enrolled
in a research course and unit. The functioning of the subsystem involves interaction
with other subsystems (Admissions, Enrolments, Assessments for example) and
unique processes within the Research subsystem.
functionality provided through the Research system can be used in varying
ways, to best suit the needs of an institution. In addition to using the subsystem
to manage research students, some functions may also be useful in assisting
with student administration in other courses.
example an Architecture course might require a student to complete a project
each year (in units called Special Project 1, 2 and 3 - coursework units that
use the standard method for EFTSU calculation). The recording of a student's
proposed project, the tracking, monitoring and examination of the project
could use Candidature and Thesis functionality from this subsystem. Any Student
Course Attempt can have only one candidature, but this candidature can have
multiple theses, so each year's project could become a new 'thesis'.
a student makes an application for admission to a research course, the admissions
process allows navigation to the Research Candidature Details form (RESF3211). This form is used to record specific
information about this
details are mandatory before an offer of a place can be made, so should be
recorded early in the Admissions process. These are: Research Topic, expected
submission dates (which can be the system-calculated dates) and a Principal
Supervisor (refer to Supervision). Where the candidate's Commencement Date is different
from the default Course Start Date, this should also be entered. Note that
Commencement Date cannot be backdated any earlier than the Course Start Date Alias instance. The teaching period chosen for the application/enrolment
must be one which allows entry of the applicable commencement date. Other
non-mandatory candidature and thesis details can be entered at this stage
if known, or at any time over the candidature period. An Admission Course
Application Instance record for this student now exists (along with the underlying
Candidature details).
student is pre-enrolled in the course when the mandatory Candidature details
exist and an offer of a place is made by the institution. Where a 'PRE-ENROL'
step is set for the Admission Process Category used, pre-enrolment
occurs automatically when the application is processed through Admissions
(using form ADMF3000). If the Student Course Attempt is entered directly
through the Enrolments subsystem (using ENRF3000) pre-enrolment
is done through the running of a batch job (ENRJ3100), scheduled by an Enrolment specialist.
candidature (and thesis) details, including the commencement date, entered
as part of the Admission Course Application, are brought forward to the Student
Course Attempt. The SCA has the status of 'UNCONFIRM' (if the student
has not confirmed their enrolment) or 'INACTIVE' (where the student
has accepted the offer by confirming the Student Course Attempt via enrolments
or admissions, but as yet has no enrolled units).
or Admissions functionality could now be used to further process the Student
Course Attempt. This would normally follow these steps:
student is now enrolled in the selected research course and all units. From
this point on, research functions could be accessed directly (rather than
navigating to the research forms via ADMF3000 or ENRF3000).
a student does not proceed with the application and confirm her/his enrolment,
the Clean-Up Unconfirmed Student Course Attempts job (ADMJ3850) removes the link between the unconfirmed student course
attempt and the candidature record, then deletes the student course attempt
(created through pre-enrolment). This job would be scheduled by a specialist
in Admissions.
who want to begin their research after the 31st August Census Date
in one academic year or prior to the start of the standard first teaching
period in the next, may be enrolled in the applicable research unit for a
summer semester, if the institution has established calendars and teaching
periods to allow this. Refer to the Specialist Overview for example configuration of these calendars. EFTSU
for a Student Unit Attempt in a summer semester would be calculated using
standard methods, where calendars are configured as described in the specialist
process of re-enrolling a candidate in required units (for subsequent teaching
calendar instances) and the course (for subsequent academic calendar instances)
would be done by (or in consultation with) an enrolment specialist. The batch
pre-enrolment process (ENRJ3100) can be used for this re-enrolment of students.
of a student from his/her research unit is handled through the standard Unit Discontinuation process (using form ENRF3000). Administrative Unit Statuses applicable
to research units can be configured to allow discontinuation without an assessment
penalty. The establishing of these statuses, research grading schema and unit
discontinuation data aliases is fully explained in the Specialist Overview.
entered against research units can use a specific grading schema established
for use in this subsystem. Institutional policy and assessment specialists
should be consulted for further explanation about assessment procedures. Setting
up a grading schema for research units is explained in the Specialist Overview.
course transfer process (using ENRF4150), as it applies to transfer from one research course
to another research course, allows the existing candidature record to be transferred
to the new course. The transfer of a candidature record includes transferring
a candidate's attendance history; all thesis records (except any deleted thesis
records which exist in the current candidature); thesis exam and panel member
details; supervisors; scholarship and milestone details. If a candidature
does not exist in the current course, a course transfer cannot occur. If a
candidature record exists already in the new course, the current candidature
cannot be transferred.
a transfer is done through Admissions, using the system Admission Process Type of 'TRANSFER',
any associated candidature details are not transferred and must be reentered.
Research Candidature Details form (RESF3211) allows the capture, processing and control
of all candidature details. It is the central form in this subsystem and all
other functional forms can be accessed from it.
enrolled research student's candidature record has at a minimum the mandatory
candidature details (Research Topic, Principal Supervisor, Min and Max Submission
Dates). A default Attendance % value (from CRSF1170) and system-calculated
values for the effective full-time days used and total available (EFTD Used/Total)
will also exist (refer to Special Topics for an explanation of these calculations).
staff can complete and update the candidature details using this form, at
any time throughout the candidature. This may involve
Research Candidature Details form also provides a summary view of the current
status of any thesis associated with this candidate. A candidate can have
multiple theses and an information lamp on the form notifies the user where
multiple theses exist.
data collection, monitoring and reporting can be done using the other forms
accessed via the navigation buttons here. These additional forms are used
to record/update data relating to theses, scholarships, milestones and supervision details.
EFTD Used/Total, submission dates and attendance entries maintained in RESF3211
are important to monitoring a candidate's progress. The displayed number of
effective full-time days available and current number used give a candidate
and his/her supervisors a clear picture of the amount of time remaining for
the research. Callista dynamically provides either the actual EFTD or an override
EFTD value that has been entered manually. Note that a candidate with an attendance
of less than 100% will 'consume' only a proportion of an EFTD each calendar
day. Submission dates provide 'deadlines' (for the earliest and latest dates
at which submission can be made) against which research progress can be evaluated,
in reviews conducted with the candidate (see Milestones).
in a candidate's attendance pattern
is common over a candidature and these changes can be recorded by entering
a new value in the Attendance variation overlay. At the same time, the event
associated with the variation can be recorded. Attendance
variations can be recorded in advance. The Attendance Variation overlay provides
a record of the candidate's attendance pattern, with each entry displaying
a start and end date, applicable attendance % and type, and a description
of the causal event. The attendance variation records can be altered. For
example a candidate's attendance pattern may be updated as part of a review
meeting. This may require changes to both the Attendance % field and changes
to the history records. Institutional policy determines how frequently attendance
updates are to be made for research candidates.
are those responsible for overseeing the progress of any research student.
The Research Supervisors form (RESF3250) is used to record and maintain all information
about a candidate's supervisors. Institutions determine policy regarding the
qualifications and the number of supervisors required for a candidate. Callista
requires that there be, at a minimum, one principal supervisor. This supervisor
is recorded at the Admissions stage. Additional supervisors can also be recorded
during the admissions process, if known. They can be added at any time during
the candidature, when staff changes require this or when the need for additional
supervisors makes this necessary. A supervisor whose supervision period cannot
cover the whole of the candidate's research period, has their supervision
period recorded by entering an End Date.
Regardless of the circumstances (including intermission or re-admission) supervision
records must be continuous (ie. the next supervisor record must start on the
day after the last record ended).
may be staff of the institution or external to the institution. Where a supervisor
is from outside the institution, the person's details must be added to the
database so he/she can be recorded as a supervisor. This can be done from
the form. A candidate's supervision arrangements are the basis for the distribution
of income (generated by this student) to the organisational units within institution.
Payments to external supervisors cannot be handled by Callista and would be
done by an organisational unit, using the institution's financial package.
For this reason, supervisory and funding percentages may not be the same.
the example, the table displays details for the 3 supervisors recorded for
a candidate. Payment for the last supervisor K Harrison, who is not a staff
member, is to be made by the organisational unit 001. The funding percentage
given for the supervisory staff member from that unit (J. Smith) includes
an appropriate proportion to cover payment to the external supervisor.
Supervisor Name |
Member of Staff? |
Organisational Unit |
Supervision % |
Funding % |
J. Smith |
Yes |
001 |
60 |
80 |
L. Lim |
Yes |
002 |
20 |
20 |
K. Harrison |
No |
n/a |
20 |
0 |
current delivery set provides the facility to record scholarship details using
the Record Scholarship Details form (RESF3500). A candidate can receive more than one
scholarship and each can be entered. The dates of the scholarship, its monetary
value, other benefits or conditions which apply, can be recorded for each
usually have established phases a candidate proceeds through, in the preparation
and submission of his/her thesis. These phases have points at which progress
is reviewed by supervisors, other research staff and the candidate. Milestones
provide the facility to nominate these phases and review points, and monitor
progress against them.
research course may have different phases and review points. Because of this,
Callista provides the facility for an institution to define a set of milestones
for a course. The creation of these sets of course default milestones would
be done by a specialist user in the form RESF3231.
for a particular candidate are established in the Maintain
Candidature Milestones form (RESF3232).
For most candidates, the Course Default Milestone set is appropriate and can
be inserted for the candidate, using the button on the form. Milestones from
the set that are not required can be deleted. Additional milestones which
are not part of the course set, but are required for this candidate, can be
added. A milestone can be nominated as a precedent for another milestone,
where one must be achieved before another.
milestones for a candidate can be viewed by accessing RESF3232 from either
the Candidature or the Thesis form.
milestone has a due date by which it should be achieved. Typically, a review
meeting between the candidate and her/his supervisors would be held at this
time to assess progress against the milestone. Progress is recorded by changing
the status of the milestone, at these review points. A milestone which is
complete would be given the status of 'ACHIEVED'. Institutional policy
determines the procedures for renegotiating milestones which have not been
achieved. Institutional policy also determines penalties for failure to achieve
example an institution may adopt the following policy relating to renegotiation.
Where the supervisor agrees progress is being made but the candidate needs
more time to achieve the milestone, the due date is changed and the status
updated to 'RE-PLANNED'. Where progress has not been satisfactory,
the status is changed to 'FAILED' and a second review meeting (for
this milestone) arranged to reassess progress. At this second meeting, successful
progress would mean the status is updated to 'ACHIEVED' or 'RE-PLANNED'
as appropriate.
comments field provides supervisors and administrative staff with the facility
to enter notes relating to any review of a candidate's progress or milestones.
Note: Functionality to trigger notification about imminent or past (but not
updated) milestones is to be delivered in a future delivery set.
Maintain Thesis Details form (RESF3700) allows the capture and maintenance of
all thesis data associated with a candidature. A thesis cannot exist without
a candidature record. The context candidature record is displayed when the
form is accessed from RESF3211. If accessed directly (from a menu for example),
the required candidature record is retrieved through a query.
general, institutional policy determines when various thesis information should
be recorded. The system allows the entry of most details in the Thesis block
at any time. The following data can only be entered when the described conditions
are met.
candidate can have entries for multiple theses and a single thesis can have
multiple examinations recorded. A thesis record can be deleted, if the thesis
has not been submitted. This is a 'logical' deletion; the record is not physically
removed from the database, instead it is marked as a deleted thesis. This
means it can still be displayed if required.
for the examination of a thesis and creation of examining panels are well
established in institutions which offer research studies. These subsystem
functions are designed to be used with these established procedures. For example
most institutions have a required notification of submission period for a
thesis. When a candidate gives this notification, the Expected Submission
date can be entered in RESF3700. The process of recording this examination
and establishing the examining panel may, in some institutions, begin on nomination
of an expected submission date. Other institutions may allow this process
to begin before the submission date has been nominated.
a Thesis Exam Type and Thesis Panel Type is the first step in the examination
process. These fields are mandatory when the actual submission date is entered.
A tracking item
and associated steps can be initiated for this thesis exam using the tracking
item navigation button.
creation of the examining panel can follow the entry of the exam and panel
types. Note that an examining panel is not mandatory. In circumstances where
an institution does not want to record details of an examining panel (for
example where research functionality is being used to record the examination
of a special project undertaken by an undergraduate student), the Thesis Exam
block can be completed without any records for an underlying examining panel.
However, if the Panel Type selected has a recommended size, creating a partial
panel with less than this recommended number prevents the entering of a Thesis
Result for this examination. (The Thesis Panel Types and their recommended
size values can be viewed in RESF3181.)
an examining panel follows the general steps outlined here:
establishment of the examining panel is now complete. The institution's thesis
examination processes would now be followed and the system can be used to
track and update the steps in this process.
the Recommended Result and Remarks from each confirmed panel members as they
are received. When the examination process is complete, a Thesis Result is
entered for that examination, in the Thesis Exam block. If an examining panel
exists, entering a result which matches none of the Recommended Results entered
for panel members triggers a warning.
payment date for examiners is entered as required. This and the Examiner's
Remarks are the only fields which can be altered after a Thesis Result has
been entered against the thesis examination.
there is to be no further examinations of this thesis and all existing examinations
have a Thesis Result entered, the Final Result can be entered. The status
of the thesis becomes 'EXAMINED'.
examination of a thesis and the communication between an examining panel member
and the institution both require the completion of an established set of processes
and tracking the location/transfer of documents. Tracking items created for
either the examination or a panel member assist in ensuring these occur as
Tracking subsystem provides the facility to monitor the movement of documents
or progress of defined processes. Two system tracking types have been defined
for use in the Research subsystem. These are 'RES-TEX' and 'RES-TPM'.
Each has an associated set of steps. These become the default steps when a
tracking item is initiated for a Thesis Exam ('RES-TEX') or a Thesis
Panel Member ('RES-TPM'). These steps are defined by a subsystem specialist,
when setting up the system (see Specialist
tracking item is created by using the Tracking button on RESF3700, against
the Thesis Exam or Thesis Panel Member. Once the item has been created, it
can be opened and updated when required, using the same button. Action dates
for each step are calculated and completion dates entered when the step is
finished. Notes can be added about any step. Steps that do not need to be
completed can be by-passed. For example where a tracking item is created for
each prospective panel member, a number of default steps can be by-passed
for those who decline to join the panel.
is not mandatory to create tracking items, but this facility may be a valuable
tool in managing the thesis examination process.
to Tracking, for
a general understanding of this subsystem.)
Modified on 25 September 2002