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This page displays details of the review process for a proposal instance and allows active reviewers to record their response for a proposal instance.
On this this page:
The appearance of this page may vary, according to the role of the user and the status of the proposal instance.
Workflow steps for a proposal are determined by the Review Category determined at submission.
Also workflow steps may be generated if some elements are updated (as defined for the proposal type in PAAW0200).
These workflow steps are also incorporated into the workflow.
Details for Review Categories are defined in PAAW0500.
This page is accessed by clicking the Review Proposal button in the Proposal Content page PAAW1120; it displays all review steps for the proposal, including conditionally defined ones.
Click on the Save & Close button to save changes and close this page.
Click on Cancel link to close this page without saving your changes.
Click on the Save and Finish Review button to save changes and return to PAAW1000 directly.
Click on the Finish link to return to PAAW1000 directly.
The steps involved in reviewing a proposal are shown below:
Reviewers are notified when their workflow step is in progress.
Active reviewers select the appropriate response using the pop list. The cumulative effect of these responses determines the status of the workflow step, as described in the next section.
The workflow step status is determined by the active reviewers' responses.
PENDING is the default status for a active BAP members for a workflow step before the workflow step is reached, at which time it changes to INPROGRESS for active BAP members, or NOTREQ for inactive BAP members.
The workflow step status is determined by the active BAP members' responses according to the following logic:
Whether a section or item is displayed in the Review Details section is affected by 'Display When' conditions recorded for elements and items in PAAW0200 and whether a section or item is Mandatory is affected by 'Mandatory When' settings in PAAW0200.
Note that 'Display When' and 'Mandatory When' conditions defined in PAAW0200 allow for a specific instance of an element or item to be visible or mandatory.
A reviewer cannot record a review outcome of COMPLETE if a mandatory element or item does not have value(s) recorded. You can however, record an outcome of FAILED or REQINFO regardless of whether mandatory elements or items are complete.
Note: Mandatory settings are recorded for elements and items in a Proposal Type in PAAW0200. Elements or Items are mandatory if in PAAW0020 they are defined as 'mandatory after submission for review', and the 'Mandatory When' BAP condition matches the current workflow step BAP.
A reviewer can record a comment for the proposal in the Comment pop up (PAAW1180) accessed via the Comments button.
In the Comments pop up, you can also elect to select the Response Required check box.
After this has been done, the user can set their response to REQINFO and the Workflow step status
is then set to REQINFO.
If an active reviewer sets a FAIL status for their review this may initiate a communication item regarding the failed step. The recipients of this communication may be BAP members or the proposer and editors for the proposal. This is determined by the Send 'Communication To' value defined for the proposal's Review Category (in PAAW0500).
In a Workflow Step where all active reviewers have set a Response of FAILED, then the Workflow Step Status is set to FAILED and the submission date for the Proposal Instance record is set to NULL.
The proposer and editors will be notified.
On this page an active reviewer may delegate their review to another user, however they new reviewer must be a staff member.
In a simple sequence of workflow steps, when all active reviewers have completed a workflow step, the next is initiated. However it is possible to have multiple steps occurring at once i.e. they have the same step order.
In this case all reviewers for the active workflow steps (same step order) must be complete before the status of the next step is set to INPROGRESS and all non-active reviewers should be set to NOTREQ.
If the steps that were just completed were the last in the workflow sequence then the status of the Workflow Instance should be set to COMPLETED.
The Workflow Steps for a Proposal Review can also be displayed as they were at a previous point in time.
To do this, select a previous date from the drop down list beside the Workflow Steps heading.
A lamp displays to indicate that a previous set of steps is displayed.
Select Current from the drop down list to display the current workflow steps once again.
Once the Proposal is submitted, the user also has the ability to view and print a review history of the proposal, which shows all the changes for the proposal, the review comments made, and other pertinent information.
For other users (that are not members of a Business Activity Process that maps to a system type of WF-EDITOR), the statuses of the steps are displayed but the page is a read-only display.
A display field 'External workflow tool used. Please contact your administrator for details' is only shown when an external workflow type is designated.
Click on the Preview & Print Review History link to display a pop up containing the Review History details.
In the pop up click on the Print button to print the Review History or Cancel to close the pop up.
This page displays information about the Proposal Instance and its Review Category and a list of workflow steps.
A list of the workflow steps for this proposal instance is displayed. The current list is displayed by default but the workflow, as it occurred previously, can be displayed if required. To do this click on the drop down list next to the Workflow Steps heading and select the required date.
The workflow steps for a proposal includes those defined for the Review Category for the proposal (PAAW0500) as well as conditionally defined review steps from the proposal's elements and items from PAAW0200 or PAAW0300.
Lamp(s) are displayed if the Review Category or Workflow cannot cannot be found or derived for the proposal.
Field: | Description: |
Workflow Step | Name and description of the workflow step. WORKFLOW_STEP.WORKFLOW_STEP |
Description: | Description of the workflow step WORKFLOW_STEP.DESCRIPTION |
Reviewers To Complete Step | The number of reviewers required to complete this step. When this many reviewers have set an outcome of COMPLETE or FAILED then the workflow step is complete. Users with the Advanced Function of Edit Workflow will have the ability to modify this field for workflow steps that have not started (system workflow status of PENDING). This value is also included in a lamp displayed above the Review Details table (see below). When this value is null (meaning all active viewers must complete) or is greater than or equal to the count of active reviewers for the step, then this lamp does not display. WORKFLOW_INSTANCE_STEP.REVIEWERS_TO_COMPLETE |
Order | Number which determines the relative position of this step in the work flow sequence WORKFLOW_INSTANCE_STEP.STEP_ORDER |
Workflow Instance Step Status | Current status of this instance of the workflow step. WORKFLOW_INSTANCE_STEP.WORKFLOW_INST_STEP_STATUS |
Click on a Workflow step to display the Workflow Step Page.
You can also click on the Preview Review History button to display a pop up containing tracked changes for this proposal
This heading on this page includes the name of the workflow step that was selected on the previous page.
If the 'Any Reviewer Completes' check box has been selected for this Workflow Step then a lamp 'This workflow step can be completed by a single reviewer. Any reviewer with Response Required that records a response will complete this workflow step.' is displayed. When an active reviewer completes the workflow step the review status of any other active reviewers will change to NOTREQD.
Field: | Description: |
Workflow Step | Context Workflow step WORKFLOW_INSTANCE_STEP.WORKFLOW_STEP |
Workflow | Workflow that this step is a part of WORKFLOW_INSTANCE_STEP.WORKFLOW_CD |
Due Date | Due Date for the Workflow step WORKFLOW_INSTANCE_STEP.DUE_DT |
The 'Reviewers to Complete Step' value above is included in a lamp above the Review Details table. Default text for this message is: 'This workflow step can be completed by any <number> reviewers.' This message text can be customised for an institution in GENW0070.
This lamp does not display when:
This section is only displayed if the current user is a workflow administrator. (Has the Advanced Function of ED-WRKFLW).
Field: | Description: |
New Due Date | New Due Date for the Workflow step WORKFLOW_INSTANCE_STEP.DUE_DT |
See 'Display When' and Mandatory When' Conditions' (above) for details about how these conditions, defined in PAAW0200, affect the Sections and Items displayed here.
If there are Items in the proposal that are only meant to show up in the Review stage or earlier, then the following details are displayed in the Review Items table.
Field: | Description: |
Section Menu Title | Menu Title of the element (from PAAW0200). This forms a link to the Maintain Proposal page (PAAW1100) with the selected Proposal Instance Element displayed. PROPOSAL_ELEMENT.MENU_TITLE |
Section | Name of the element (from PAAW0200). PROPOSAL_INSTANCE_ELEMENT.PROPOSAL_ELEMENT_CD |
Description | Description of the element (from PAAW0200). PROPOSAL_ELEMENT.DESCRIPTION |
Proposal Item | Item name (from PAAW0200). PROPOSAL_INSTANCE_ITEM.PROPOSAL_ITEM_CD |
Item Description | Item description (from PAAW0200). PROPOSAL_ITEM.DESCRIPTION |
Mandatory | Displays Y if the item is mandatory , or if the item's 'mandatory when' value = 'REVIEW' and the user is a member of the item's 'mandatory when' BAP. |
Satisfied | Indicates if Mandatory conditions are satisfied. The displayed value is derived and is only N if the item is Mandatory and doesn't have a value recorded. |
When a comment is recorded (in PAAW1180) for a section (element) of the proposal (i.e. not a 'General' comment) and the reviewer has selected the Response Required check box for the comment, then that section is listed here.
Field: | Description: |
Section Menu Title | Menu Title of the element (from PAAW0200). This forms a link to the Maintain Proposal page (PAAW1100) with the selected Proposal Instance Element displayed. PROPOSAL_ELEMENT.MENU_TITLE |
Section | Name of the element (from PAAW0200). PROPOSAL_INSTANCE_ELEMENT.PROPOSAL_ELEMENT_CD |
Description | Description of the element (from PAAW0200). PROPOSAL_ELEMENT.DESCRIPTION |
A list of reviewers with their responses is displayed.
Field: | Description: |
Response Required | A tick displays if a response is required from this reviewer. i.e. They are an Active member of the BAP as defined in GENF4820. WORKFLOW_INSTANCE_STEP_PERSON.ACTIVE_IND |
Response | The reviewer's response. The reviewer selects their response using the drop down list that displays below. The reviewer response values are defined in GENF4880. The Response values of active Reviewers (i.e. Response Required is ticked) determine the status of the Workflow Instance Step. See above. WORKFLOW_INSTANCE_STEP_PERSON.WORKFLOW_INST_STEP_STATUS |
When reviewing a proposal, the user selects their own record above and the fields below display for them.
A lamp -
'Reminder: You have not provided a response yet' - is displayed beside the current user's name if they are an Active reviewer and they have not yet saved a response.
Field: | Description: |
Delegate To | A reviewer with administrative rights can delegate their own review to another member in the BAP for this workflow step instance. WORKFLOW_INSTANCE_STEP_PERSON.PERSON_ID |
My Response | This field is only shown for after submission for reviewers of the proposal. The reviewer selects a workflow status. WORKFLOW_INSTANCE_STEP_PERSON.WORKFLOW_INST_STEP_STATUS |
Comments | The reviewer may record a comment here to support their assessment if required. A lamp - 'Saved comments are available to all users' - is displayed. This field will not display if the Enable Reviewer Comments check box is not selected in PAAW1100 (except where a delegation has occurred). WORKFLOW_INSTANCE_STEP_PERSON.COMMENTS |
Workflows are defined in GENF4830 and steps are recorded for them in GENF4820.
Those workflows form part of the Review Category whose details are recorded in PAAW0500.
When a Proposal is created it may have a Review Category allocated according to its Proposal Type (PAAW0200). Alternatively the Review Category can be calculated on the fly, based on the changes being made in the proposal.
i.e. The sum of the amendment values (as defined for Proposal Items in PAAW0200) for all items in the Proposal is calculated and the Review Category with the matching Amendment Range as defined in the PAAW0500 is allocated.
Administrators with the ED-WRKFLW Advanced Function can change the Workflow Reviewers. An Add link is available for such users and when clicked, a new record is inserted and the Name field becomes an input field with a Person lookup.
To delete a reviewer click on the Delete link next to the reviewer.
Once a Proposal is submitted, a user that is a member of a Business Activity Process that maps to a system type of WF-EDITOR (in GENF4900) can view the list of the workflow steps and their statuses. They can also change the Review Category (and thus the associated Workflow Steps), and add or delete steps in the Workflow Instance. When a workflow step is manually added to the workflow, then the people associated with that workflow step are also added.
Once a workflow step is completed, the administrator can no longer update or delete it and when all workflow steps have been completed, the Review Category can no longer be modified. Workflow steps cannot be added ahead of other steps that have been completed.
If the Review Category is changed after Workflow Steps have been completed, then a warning is displayed that this action will cause a loss of all current progress in the workflow.
Once the Review Category is changed, the current Workflow Instance has its status updated to CANCELLED and has the default indicator set. Once the existing workflow has been canceled then a new Workflow Instance, relating to the new Review Category, is created and the steps started over again.
This process is identical to that used by the Submission tab in PAAW1100, which creates a Workflow Instance and its associated steps. It also takes into account the Workflow Steps that are associated with Proposal Elements and/or Items that have a Workflow Step associated with them, where these Elements or Items are modified within a Proposal. If there are any such Elements or Items, then the Workflow steps associated with these will be included in the new Workflow to review the Proposal.
The Workflow Step Status is derived from the responses of the active reviewers for that Workflow Step. Whenever this results in a value of COMPLETED then the administrator no longer has the ability to add or remove reviewers from the step.
Click on the Preview & Print Review History button to open the Preview & Print Review History pop up.
This displays a history of the review process in this proposal including:
In the Preview & Print Review History pop up, click on the Print button to print this History.
Your ability to update the review records (Review Category, Workflow, Workflow Step and Reviewers) depends on the the status of the proposal and your security administrator privileges.
Prior to submission, this page simply lists the Review Category steps and is read-only.
After submission, a user with the appropriate Advanced Security Role and no Org Unit restrictions can update the review records.
Org Unit restrictions may affect your ability to update Review records as described below:
Where a user has a current active BAP record and an advanced security role then the level of security is set to the one which allows the greater capability.
Page last modified: 10 November, 2016 4:03 PM
History Information:
Release Version | Project | Change to Document | | 2234 - PC345 | Replaced 'Any Reviewer Completes' check box with the 'Reviewers to Complete' field and related information. | & | 2090 - PC322 | Added information about the Available to Reviewer indicator in reviewer responses |
18.0 | 2074 - Proposals Functional Updates | Added new lamps, Due Date and New Due Date field, Save and Finish Review button and information for the determination of workflow steps. |
17.1 | 2003 - CAPS Enhancements | Added information in sections for delegating a reviewer and failing a step |, & 17.0.0 | 1993 - Timeline View | Added information about the Any Reviewer Completes check box |
16.0 | 1844 - CAPS Enhancements | Added note about the effect of 'Display When' and 'Mandatory When' settings |
15.0 | 1722 - 11g Upgrade | New Help page for 11g. |