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Depending upon your security privileges you may enter this page as an 'Assessor' (i.e. limited access) or an 'Administrator' (i.e. advanced access). Your level of access is indicated in the page heading. This help page contains information for the Assessor View of ADMW1000. To see information for the Administrator View click here. The Administrator View is similar to the Assessor View but it displays a greater set of details in the update panel. The Assessor View is displayed to any user who does not have the Advanced Security Function of ADM-ADMIN assigned to them (via SECF0063 or SECF0062). Assessors from outside the institution may be given access to the Admission Assessor page (ADMW1100) which gives the assessor access to Admission Applications assigned to them for which they make comments, attach documents or update the Assessment Status to approve or reject application. |
The Admission process allows for a student's entry into a course to be assessed and approved.
This page displays a list of Admission Applications and their details.
An Admission Assessor is a person who is assigned a set of Admission Applications and determines their initial viability. They do this by recording an Assessment Status and uploading any relevant documentation.
When an assessor enters this page, they initially see only the Admission Applications assigned to them.
The columns displayed on a user's first entry to this page are:
The list of Admission Applications can be filtered and sorted, and the range of columns and their order can be adjusted as required.
If Oracle Meta Data Services (MDS) features are enabled in your system, when you exit from ADMW1000, the current array of columns is retained and will be displayed upon re-entry to this page. For more details regarding MDS, refer to the most recent JSF Upgrade Guide in the Callista Product Centre on the Callista wiki.
For a complete list of the columns and their table
references and descriptions, see Admission Application Columns.
The list of Applications displayed here can also be exported to an excel spreadsheet via the Export To Excel button.
Selecting a large number of columns for display may affect the usability of this page, so it is recommended that you don't select columns that are not immediately required.
The page also displays an Update Panel on the right side of the screen where changes can be made to some parts of the selected Admission Application(s).
Note that validations for Admission Applications will apply to updates made here. These are the same validations that apply to Admission Applications in ADMF3240.
Note: The Copy Application and Copy Batch functions are only available for Administrative Users. ( i.e. Having Advanced Security Function ADM-ADMIN).
Further information about Admissions Processing can be found in these Online Help pages:
Filtering the list of Admission Applications may display a more manageable set of records and allows sorting and export activities to work more efficiently in this page.
For Assessors, the displayed list will initially contain only applications for which they have been assigned as the assessor. To display all applications, click on the Include Only toolbar icon and deselect the 'Applications currently assigned to me' option. Note that Assessors can make updates to Admissions Applications that are assigned to someone else.
Application Searches
If a filter has been applied, then a 'List filtered' lamp and Reset button is displayed at the bottom of the list. Click on the Reset button to remove the filter.
A filter applied in a previous session will not be retained when you next enter this page.
When making Batch Updates reduce the displayed list as much possible before selecting the applications for update.
When this page is opened by a user, the array of columns displayed will be retained from their previous session. Note, however that this feature can be turned off by your institution, so check with your system administrator if this does not occur.
The sort order of the Admission Applications can be changed by clicking on the sort icons in the heading for a column, however because of the large number of Admission Application records maintained by institutions, it is recommended that you do not sort records on this page unless the set of Admission Applications displayed has been heavily filtered.
Note that sort orders will not be retained for a user, from one session to the next.
The sort order of the Admission Applications can be changed by clicking on the sort icons in the heading for a column.
The time taken to sort the list of Admission Applications can be reduced by filtering the list beforehand (i.e. reducing the number of records).
Note that sort orders will not be retained for a user, from one session to the next.
The List of Admission Applications can be exported to an Excel Spreadsheet by clicking on the Export to Excel button.
The time taken for this operation can be reduced by filtering the list beforehand (i.e. reducing the number of records).
The Update Panel displays to the right of the Admission Application list when records are selected in the Application list.
The set of fields available in the Update Panel for an Assessor (i.e. Assessor View) depends on the number of Admission Applications selected.
When a single Admission Application is selected, the header of the update displays the student's Person ID, Name, Course Version and Application Number.
Listed below are the fields that display in the Update Panel for an Assessor when a single Admission Application is selected.
An Assessor can also add Comments to the application by clicking on the Comments button
Field: | Description: |
Assessor Name | The name of the person assigned to assess this application. e.g. Dr ED BILLOWS Populated automatically By Search and Select. May be null. ASSR_PDV.CONTEXT_BLOCK_NAME |
Date Assigned | The date when the assessor was assigned to this application. Populated automatically and cannot be updated unless a new assessor is assigned. ADM_COURSE_APPL_INSTANCE.ASSESSOR_ASSIGNED_DT |
Assessment Due Date | The date when the Admission Application is due to be assessed. #This defaults to a value 5 days after the Date Assigned but can be updated manually. It can be used to identify when Applications are overdue but does not trigger any actions when it passes. Once populated, the Assessment Due Date is unaffected by status changes. ADM_COURSE_APPL_INSTANCE.ASSESSMENT_DUE_DT |
Assessment Status | The current status of the Admission Application. Available values will correspond to APPROVED, MOREINFO, REASSESS or REJECTED. It may also be blank (default). Entries in this field by an 'Assessor' user may impact the Assessor fields above. i.e. If an Assessor user sets the Assessment Status to REJECTED or APPROVED, then the Assessor, Assessor Name and Date Assigned fields are cleared and 'None' is displayed. Note that if these values are selected by an Administrator user, there is a different effect. If any user sets the Assessment Status to MOREINFO or REASSESS, then the Assessor ID, Assessor Name and Assessor Assigned Date fields remain populated. ADM_COURSE_APPL_INSTANCE.ASSESSMENT_STATUS |
# Note that the default 5 day offset can be modified by your institution and different default offsets can also be applied for different types of admissions. e.g. 5 days for Undergraduate HECS students but 8 days for International Post graduate students. The default offset is controlled by a Custom Source Routine (admp_get_dflt_ass_due_by_dt). Check with your Callista SMS administrator if this needs to be modified.
Click on the History button in the Assessor section to display a history of Assessor records for this Admission Application.
Each row represents a set of values saved in the Assessor section of the Update panel. These history records are sortable but the row containing the most recently saved set of values has a yellow background, so can always be recognised.
Note that the History button will not display for an Admission Application until values have been saved in the Assessor section. It is also unavailable while Assessor records are being edited or when bulk updates are being made.
There is also a Documentation section which allows the attachment of documents related to the Admission Application. These Documentation values are not available for display as columns in Admission Application list.
Field: | Description: |
Document | The file name of the document uploaded. DOCUMENT.FILENAME |
Date | The date on which the document was uploaded. DOCUMENT.UPDATE_ON |
Type | The type of document as selected when the document was downloaded. These are institution-defined values recorded in GENF0100. A descriptive Explanation of the document type should be included in GENF0100 and these are also displayed in the list of Document Type values when uploading a document.. DOCUMENT.DOCUMENT_TYPE |
Note: Administrator users (i.e. Administrative View) have a greater range of fields available in the Update Panel.
Note that an Assessor only has the Assessor and Documentation sections available for single update in an Admission Application.
Batch Update mode allows the selection and update of multiple Admission Applications. In order to make multiple selections and hence Batch Updates a user must have been assigned the ADM-BATCH Advanced Function (for their user record in SECF0062 or their user role in SECF0063). |
In Batch Update mode any updates will be applied to all selected records. The list cannot be refined in Batch Update mode; to do this click on the Finish the Batch link.
The following fields can be updated by an Assessor on this page in Batch Mode:
These fields are described above.
The steps that could be involved in the process are outlined in the diagram below:
Note: The Batch Outcome Status is only temporarily associated with an Admission Application. It exists only during the current Batch Update.
It is purely an indicator and does not affect further Application processing. i.e. applications are simply not updated.
If Style Classes have been defined by your institution then a Filter Type button will also display in the toolbar. Click on this button to filter the applications using the defined styles. Institutions have full control over the condition or set of conditions that control the style applied each row. These styles are achieved by the use of Custom Source Routines. For more information refer to the Callista technical information in the 'Callista Development Centre' branch of the Callista Product Centre wiki space:
Note: If no conditional Styles are defined for your institution then the Filter Type button does not display.
An adjustment of the 'Include Only' setting will work within current constraints for the 'Filter Type' and vice versa. e.g. If Include Only is set for 'Applications currently assigned to me' and you select a Filter Type for 'overdue applications', then only 'overdue applications assigned to me' will be displayed. If you then set the Include Only setting to 'All applications' then all overdue applications will display. Subsequently setting the Filter Type to display 'Applications due today' then all applications due today will display(not just yours).
Note: If no Style Classes are defined for your institution, then the Filter Type button does not display.
Page last modified: 10 October, 2016 10:24 AM
History Information:
Release Version | Project | Change to Document |
---|---|---| | 2231 - ECU Risk Assessment | Added information for Admission Assessor page(ADMW1100) |, & | 2175 - Admission Transformation | Added ADVW1000 and ENRW6300 in navigation. | | 2105/2135 - Admission Transformation | Numerous changes throughout page. |, & | 2072 - Admission Transformation | New Help page. |