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To select OSHC course details to include in Admission Offer Letter. |
Subsystem | Admissions | ||
Normally Run By | Enrolment/Admissions Specialist | ||
Anticipated Frequency |
As required |
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Person | |
Course Details | |||
Buttons |
View/Override OSHC Details (ADMF3920) | ||
Reset Selection |
Use this form to make selections on course combinations, Overseas Student Health Care (OHSC) details and their duration. This information is included in the Admission Offer letter. Note: Institutions can record OSHC details for international students in the 'Maintain Health Care Cover Details' (ADMF32U0) form. For an international student's visa to be valid they must have valid OSHC. Depending on the selections made and the student's Health Care Provider record in ADMF32U0; course, OSHC durations and associated rates will be derived. You can select one, multiple or all courses from this function and produce an Admission letter(s) with OSHC details spanning the total period of all courses selected including the associated OSHC rates. Course Attempts with Admission Outcome statuses of COND-OFFER, OFFER and Enrolment statuses of INTERMIT, INACTIVE, UNCONFIRM and ENROLLED will be displayed and available for selection against the student. If only one course is selected then the process will only consider that selection and only include details of that course duration and OSHC details in the Admission letter. A selection must be saved prior to going to ADMF3920. A saved selection must be cleared before another combination can be selected and processed. Once an Admission letter is produced for a particular combination then a warning displays if the same course combination is selected again. Course Duration/OSHC Calculations The visa details are currently recorded in and can be sourced from ' Maintain Person International Details' (ENRF3050) form. If start and end dates exist in ENRF3050 for an international student then this will be displayed along with the visa type in the function. Course Duration is derived using Course Version Standard Full Time Completion, taking into account any Advanced Standing, using the following formula:
This is the existing formula used to calculate the Course Duration for existing Admission Letter parameters and for government reporting purposes. Advanced Standing Once Course Duration has been derived, Advanced Standing (if applicable) is considered, in order to obtain the Adv. Stand End Date which in turn is required to obtain the Tot. Adv. Stand. Exempted Duration. These values are calculated automatically by the system which takes into account Course Duration, any Course Completion Date Aliases, and Advanced Standing credit points. The derived Advanced Standing Duration is displayed in the Tot. Adv. Stand. Exempted Duration field in this form. If the difference between the Expected Course End Date and Adv. Stand. End Date is less than 6 months, then the Advanced Standing will not be taken into consideration and a full period will apply. i.e. Advanced Standing will not be displayed if the formula derives a value that is not a full 6 month's credit. If, for any reason, you do not want to use Advanced Standing then a manual override will be required. Visa Duration Where the visa duration is not known the following additional points will be considered as part of deriving the period of the visa as per the DIAC guide viz. 1 October to 31 December:
In summary, the Visa Duration is automatically calculated as follows: 1. Obtains the expected earliest course start date. Other Selections You can also use this form to select the display format of the Course Duration on the Admission letter. The Duration is rounded up to the nearest whole number and is displayed in either years, months or weeks. In addition, you can select the type of cover and rates that need to be displayed on the Admission letter: Single, Family or Both. One or all of the above options can be selected and reflected on the Admission letter. Accessing this form: This form is accessed via the OSHC button in the ' Maintain Admission Letter Details' (ADMF3900) form. |
Person Block
Notes/Details: Duration - Available options are Weeks, Months or Years and determines how the Duration is displayed in the Course Details block, below If a user deselects the check box for a Health Care Type that has previously assessed fee(s), a message displays to give the user the choice of cancelling or proceeding. If the user chooses to proceed, the Fee Assessment will be reversed. |
Course Details
Notes/Details: Exp Course Start Date - This it the Agreed Start Date displayed under the 'International' T-List item in the 'Direct Admissions Course' (ADMF3240) form. If there is no existing Agreed Start Date, it uses the Course Start Date which is a date alias. (For more information, see ADMF3920.) Exp Course End Date - This date is derived using the Override Course Completion Date (displayed under the 'International' T-List item in the 'Direct Admissions Course' (ADMF3240) form). If this is null, then the Derivation of Expected Completion period (displayed under the 'Completion Period' T-List item in the 'Direct Admissions Course' (ADMF3240) form) is used instead. The Adv Stand End Date is the Exp Course End Date adjusted by the Adv Standing granted (or approved) to the student, based on the formula (provided in the Intro. section, above) in 6 month blocks. Duration appears for each course record and takes Advanced Standing into account. It considers the Adv Stand End Date over the Exp Course End Date. Visa Duration (see calculation provided above) is added to each course in the Course Details block. However, when courses are 'packaged' the Visa Duration is only added to the Total Duration once (i.e. adds the period from the Start Date of the first course to the End Date of the final course listed in the Course Details block). Therefore, Visa Duration is not counted for each course packaged - it is only applied once when the Date Range is derived. Date Range, Total Duration and Total Adv Stand Exempted Duration are only calculated based on selected records (e.g. ticked in the selection box). The Date Range displays the Start Date of the earliest selected course adjusted by the Pre-course buffer (see ADMF02R0) and the End Date of the latest selected course reduced by the Adv Standing duration. The Adv Standing duration is equivalent to half year blocks (6 months, 12 months, 18 months etc., rounded down). For example, if Adv Standing = 5 months then NO Adv Standing will be accounted for, if Adv Standing >6 months but <12 months then = 6 months will be removed from the end date, and so on). Note: The Visa Start Date may impact the earliest Course Start Date. Total Duration is the time the selection of courses will cover and will be reduced by any Adv Standing (based on the rule above, adjusted by 6 month blocks) . This will be rounded to the nearest weeks, month or years based on the selection of duration in the top block. Tot. Adv Stand Exempted Duration is the derived duration (see in Intro. section, above). Buttons:
Last Modified on 10 May, 2017 3:01 PM
History Information
Release Information | Project | Change to Document |,, | 2172 - ECU - Overseas Health Cover | Added warning message for deselecting Health Care Types. |,, 17.0 | 1995 - Calipso 38694 | Updated page. |
13.1, 14.0 | 1708 - Compliance | New Online Help Page |