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Online course available: Indigenous Cultures and Environment

Indigenous woman explaining a figure drawn in the dirt to a man who is sitting with her and listening
Photo Credit: Tourism NT/Archie Sartracom

Learn about the relationship between Australian Indigenous people and the Environment - Analyse the impact that Indigenous knowledge systems can have on natural and cultural resources management.

Program Overview
Explore the nature and contemporary expression of the unique, strong and enduring relationship between Australian Indigenous people, their cultures and the natural environment. You will gain contextual understandings of the natural environment, drawn from different Indigenous traditions.

Through exposure to different ontological understandings of relationships to land and sea country, you will analyse and critique the role and impact these knowledge systems can have on the contemporary management of natural and cultural resources. The program aims to build awareness of scientific knowledge-making processes that needs to be understood before venturing into the world of Indigenous environmental knowledge.

Course length
One week intensive from 21 – 25 June 2021 with follow up sessions until 30th July.

English requirement
IELTS 6.0 [or equivalent]

Apply today I I +611800 061 963

Download course pack (PDF, 3.14 MB)

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