Established in 2012, the Guardians of Greek Language and Culture (more commonly known as The Greek Guardians) has worked together with the Northern Territory’s Greek community (and others) to secure the University’s Greek Language and Culture Program.
With an internationally recognised study program incorporating an innovative research agenda focussed on Greek communities across the globe, CDU delivers Australia's most respected in-country Greek language and culture programs and is accredited by the Greek Government as the Examination Centre for the Certificate of attainment in Greek Language.
Ongoing Greek language and culture lectures are delivered both online and face-to-face at CDU's Casuarina Campus, and CDU plays host to regular Greek poetry symposia, visiting academics and public lectures.
Ongoing support from the Greek Guardians will see CDU continue to deliver an outstanding Hellenic and Greek Language and Culture curriculum in undergraduate and post graduate studies, whilst supporting new initiatives such as scholarships and bursaries for disadvantaged students, visiting academic programs, research fellowships, and cultural exchanges.
Become a Greek Guardian
Both individuals and organisations are invited to pledge their support and become a Guardian of Greek Language and Culture at CDU.
Make a Pledge to support the Guardians of Greek Language and Culture
Make a Pledge to support the Guardians of Greek Language and Culture
Donate to the Guardians of Greek Language and Culture
Donate to the Guardians of Greek Language and Culture
Greek Guardian information
Greek Guardians brochure
International Conference on the Hellenic Diaspora
Thoughts for the materialisation of an educational program which has as its objective the teaching of Greek language and culture, and which would promote cross-academic collaboration both in and outside of Greece, came to fruition in 2007 when the first draft of a plan for such a collaborative initiative was signed by the University of the Aegean in Greece, and Charles Darwin University in Australia (CDU, 2016).
This is the 3rd conference organised by Charles Darwin University, University of the Aegean and University of Macedonia. In the conference there are contributors, academics, researchers all around the world, including Australia, Europe, America, Africa and Canada. The outcome of the conference will be the publication of Perspectives on the Hellenic Diaspora Volume 3 in 2023.
The 4th International on the Hellenic Diaspora will be held in 2024.
Visit the International Conference on the Hellenic Diaspora website
Perspectives on the Hellenic Diaspora
Comprising of a compilation of papers delivered at the 2017 inaugural three-leg conference of the same name, Perspectives on the Hellenic Diaspora is the first major publication of the CDU Hellenic Studies Program.
Read more about the conference here
Officially launched on 11 April 2019, Perspectives on the Hellenic Diaspora is the first of what will be a multi-issue publication, generously supported by the Northern Territory Government through The Friends of Greek Language and Culture.
You can purchase your own edition of Perspectives on the Hellenic Diaspora from the CDU Bookshop, with all proceeds going to Greek Language and Culture program.
Perspectives on the Hellenic Diaspora - Volume Two
Perspectives on the Hellenic Diaspora - Volume Two aims for original research to highlight migration, settlement and adaptation of Greeks to the Northern Territory.
Telling the stories of pioneer Greek settlers to northern Australia pre and post-WWII, this project aims to reveal the life, hardships and achievements of the Greek Territorians to the Northern Territory and to Australia in general.
Perspectives on the Hellenic Diaspora - Volume Two includes broader papers from the 2019 international conference 'Perspectives on the Hellenic Diaspora', held in three parts over three days in Darwin, Rhodes and Thessaloniki.
Read more about the conference here
You can purchase your own edition of Perspectives on the Hellenic Diaspora - Volume 2 from the CDU Bookshop, with all proceeds going to Greek Language and Culture program.
Celebrating 20 Years of Greek Language and Culture at CDU
CDU’s vibrant Greek Guardians donor group celebrated 20 years of delivering one of Australia’s most respected in-country study Greek Language and Culture programs with a re-launch on May 24th 2023, at CDU’s Casuarina campus. Over 60 guests attended the event, with live entertainment provided by the OPA Dance School.
The event was a great success, raising over $125,000 in donations towards the Guardians of Greek Language and Culture program at CDU.
Over the next five years, the Greek Guardians plan to expand this study program with several new initiatives, including supporting postgraduate students in Greek (sister) universities, exchange programs, supporting Year 12 students to enrol in CDU’s Extension Studies Program and building collaborations for exchange of staff and students under international internship programs.
The Greek Guardians would like to thank all the generous donors who have contributed to this study program.