Student Course Fee Statement (FINF9110)
To see help about a particular feature of this
screen, click on the feature in the picture below.
About The Information In
This Screen
The screen is divided into two blocks:
- Fee Assessment - shows the context fee assessment for which transactions
are displayed in the Fee Statement block.
This screen can only be entered in context
from either the Student Course Fee Inquiry
screen or the Student Fee Calendar
Inquiry screen and only when the selected fee assessment
in either of these screens has its Last Notification Date set.
Queries cannot be performed in this block. To retrieve the records
of other student fee assessments, return to the previous screen
(by clicking on the Exit button
) and
select another fee assessment record or perform a new query there.
Information lamps
are displayed at the top of the screen where applicable. These
lamps and their meaning are:
- displays when the student currently has an encumbrance of any
type. Administrative encumbrances can be checked in the Maintain
Basic Person Encumbrance Detail form (ENRF6310).
Academic encumbrances can be checked via the Maintain Student
Progression Rule form (PRGF6600). A zoom
can be created to these forms - access depends on Callista security
displays where the student has been recorded as deceased.
- Fee Statement - displays all recorded transactions for the context
fee assessment.
Information lamps
are displayed at the top of the block where applicable. These
lamps and their meaning are:
- displays when the student has a system HECS payment type DEFERRED
as at the census date. (Refer to Government HECS Option mapping
in ENRF0161)
displays where the student has a system HECS payment type UPFRONT
as at the census date.
displays where the student has a system HECS payment type UPFRONT_D
(upfront payment with discount) as at the census date.
Where To From Here?
- Return to the previous screen - by
clicking on the Exit button
- End your inquiry session - by selecting Exit
Forms from the Action menu.
- Return to the menu - by clicking on the Exit
, as many times as required, to scroll back through
previously viewed screens.
Detail in this Form
- Person ID - the identification number of a person recorded
in Callista. A person may or may not be a student.
- Course Code - the course code for the course attempt which is
the subject of the fee assessment.
- Financial Period - the financial period in which the fee assessment
occurred (includes the following start and end date fields).
- Fee Category (course attempt) - the fee category for the course
attempt. The fee category is assigned to the course attempt at
admission or enrolment.
- Fee Calendar - the fee period in which fees were assessed. FEE-SEM2
01/07/2000 31/12/2000 indicates that fees were assessed in the
semester 2 fee period of 2000.
- Fee Type - the type of fee assessed.
- System Fee Type - the system fee type of the selected fee assessment.
System fee types HECS and TUITION are used by the system to distinguish
the fees that must be reported to the Australian Government in
DEST returns. A system fee type of OTHER is used for non-reportable
tuition fees.
- Fee Trigger
Category - the system fee trigger
category for the selected fee assessment. The student will have
been assessed for the particular fee when the fee assessment
routine matched their course and/or unit set and/or unit(s) to
a trigger defined for the fee. Valid values for the system fee
- Payment Due
or Received - if the transaction is
a debt (assessment), the date payment is due. If the transaction
is a payment, the date the payment was received.
- Transaction
Type - the System
defined type of the transaction. Only values which might appear
on a student's statement of account are shown. Values displayed
here, and their meanings are:
- ASSESSMENT - an automatically
generated transaction recording a fee assessment
- PAYMENT - a transaction recording
a fee payment
- DISCOUNT - a transaction
recording the application of a discount
Note: Only debt which has been notified to the student
is shown.
- Transaction
Amount - the amount of the transaction,
in the specified currency.
- Tax Amount - the amount of tax attributable to taxable transactions.
These transactions may be either assessment, discount or payment
- Sponsored Amount
- The amount of the student's fees
which is sponsored. This field only contains data where the transaction
- Discount
Available - The amount
of an available discount. This field only contains data where
the transaction type is ASSESSMENT.
- Expected
Payment - the amount
of an expected payment. This field only contains data where the
transaction type is ASSESSMENT.
- Optional Payment indicator - shows whether or not payment for
the fee type is optional. Debt against optional payment fee types
is not pursued where payment is not made by the due date.
- Discount Percentage - percentage of discount applicable to the fee type
for payment by the due date. Only one or other of discount percentage
or discount amount is applicable for a particular fee type.
- Discount Amount
- amount of discount applicable to
the fee type for payment by the due date. Only one or other of
discount percentage or discount amount is applicable for a particular
fee type.
- Disc Minimum
Payment - the minimum payment which
must be made, for the fee type, in order to attract a discount.
- Exchange Rate
- the exchange rate applicable at
the time of the transaction. The local currency has an exchange
rate of 1. Exchange rates are manually recorded in Callista,
the frequency of their recording being determined by the institution.
- Sponsor Code
- displays only for PAYMENT transaction
types, if payment was made by sponsor and for DISCOUNT transaction
types where sponsorship is 100%
Updated 31 January 2002