Maintain Government HECS Payment Options - ENRF0161


To allow the creation and maintenance of government HECS payment options




Single Block

Government HECS Payment Option




Government HECS Payment Option


This form is used to record and maintain the set of government HECS payment option codes (DEST element 380) as specified in the Data Dictionary of the DEST manual. These codes identify, for enrolments in courses, the HECS exemption status for HECS-exempt students and the payment options for HECS-liable and OLAA students. They are used in reporting to government. Government HECS payment options are mapped to system HECS Payment Types which are used to determine the method of calculation of HECS liabilities. Institution defined HECS payment options are mapped to government HECS payment options. It is the institution defined values which are recorded for students at enrolment.

Some government HECS payment options can benefit from a discount under certain conditions, and these options are indicated in this form. Currently (1998) these options are 10 - DEFERRED PAYMENT and 11 - UP FRONT PAYMENT WITH DISCOUNT.


Some example government HECS payment options and the system HECS Payment Types to which they map are shown below.

Govt HECS Payment Option


System HECS Payment Type

Allow Discount

Capture TFN Information


Deferred payment





Up Front Payment - Discount





Up Front Payment - No Discount or Safety Net



13 Post Graduate Education Loans Scheme EXEMPT . yes


Fully Employer Funded





To create a new government HECS payment option record:

  1. Enter Insert mode.
  2. Enter the new government HECS payment code in the Govt HECS Payment Option field of a blank record.
  3. Enter the corresponding description for the code in the Description field.
  4. Select the System HECS payment type, to which the government HECS payment option maps, from the list of values (or key a valid value) in the System HECS Payment Type field.
  5. Select the Allow Discount indicator, if required.
  6. Select the Capture TFN Information indicator, if required.
  7. Save.


  • Currently (1998) government HECS payment options 10 and 11 require the Allow Discount indicator to be set. This allows discounts to be taken into account in calculating expected payments in the Student Finance System. Discount details are set up in the Maintain Payment Schedule, FINF2860.
  • Capture TFN Information. Selecting this indicator ensures that the student's Tax file Number is recorded when a HECS Payment Option of 13 is specified.

To modify a government HECS payment option record:

  1. Find the record to be modified.
  2. Modify the record as required.
  3. Save.
  • A government HECS payment option should only be modified where the change is to correct incorrectly entered data or to record changes required by government. This will only be possible if the record has not been used to define an institution defined HECS payment option.

To delete a government HECS payment option record:

  1. Find the record to be deleted.
  2. Locate the cursor in the record to be deleted.
  3. Delete record.
  4. Save.


  • If a government HECS payment option has been used to define an institution defined HECS payment option, it cannot be deleted. It can be closed, preventing any further use, by selecting the Closed check box.


Changes within this form will have the following notable effects:

Updated 6 September 2002