Maintain Alternate Person Identifiers - ENRF3010


To allow the creation and maintenance of alternate person identifiers




Two Blocks


Alternate Person ID





This form can be accessed in different ways - either directly or, as part of the enrolments and admissions processes, from the Record Enrolments form (ENRF3000) and Direct Admissions form (ADMF3000) respectively. Data is also created (and may be displayed in this form) by Tertiary Admission Centre processing, and by the Student Finance subsystem.

Accessing the Maintain Alternate Person Identifiers form directly from the menu allows the user to query details in the Person Detail block and retrieve a number of records one after the other.

If the form is accessed from ENRF3000 or ADMF3000 as a step in the enrolment or admission process, it opens with a student ID carried forward as the context record. In these circumstances it is not possible to query any other person details.

Note that the person query function in this form is not as powerful as that in the Find Person form (ADMF1211). Names are case sensitive and are best avoided as query criteria. To avoid delays in retrieving records it is preferable to use Person ID numbers as query criteria.


The Alternate Person ID form can be used to record Tertiary Admission Centre numbers, staff IDs and identification numbers issued to students by other organisations.


Alternate Person ID


The Alternate Person ID block is used to record and display identification numbers/names by which the person is recognised by other systems and/or organisations. Open records are displayed first followed by end dated records. Each alternate ID is assigned a person ID type which identifies the system/organisation to which the alternate ID belongs. Person ID types are maintained using the Maintain Person ID Types form (ENRF01B0). Each record can be start and end dated to indicate the period for which the record applied. Records are sorted by surname with open records listed first followed by end dated records.

PAY_ADV_NO. Users are strongly advised NOT to record a value in the Alternate Person ID field for a Person ID Type equivalent to the system value PAY-ADV-NO, nor delete any value recorded there.

A number recorded against this Person ID Type is a payment advice number used within the Student Finance subsystem. It is intended to identify the student when a fee payment is received through a bank. In the future, a unique number will be generated by the system the first time a person payment schedule is created for the student, and will be displayed in this form. It will not be altered by the system thereafter. The number is made available through the extract FINJ6120 for inclusion on a Statement of Account, the extract FINJ6121 for inclusion on a Reminder Notice, and imported via interface processing into an external financial system.

If this number is deleted, it will not be possible for Callista to match payments received to invoices. If the student has multiple payment advice numbers, the Statement of Account extract will fail, with a message to this effect displayed in the job scheduler run log.

Apprenticeship Client Identifier

An Apprenticeship Client Identifier (ACI) is a unique number allocated to every apprentice. This number is issued at the time the apprenticeship is undertaken and is valid for the entire period of the apprenticeship. The ACI Person ID type is enter in ENRF01B0 and is mapped to the ACI System Person ID Type.

Training Contract Identifier

The Training Contract Identifier (TCI) is assigned to a student each time the enter into a new training contract. This number is applied at the course level therefore there can be multiple TCI numbers for an individual student. The TCI Person ID type is enter in ENRF01B0 and is mapped to the TCI System Person ID Type.


Typical usage of alternate ID is for the recording of a person's Tertiary Admissions Centre number or an identification number used by a commercial client or the staff number of a person who is recorded on both staff and student databases.


To create a new alternate person ID record for a person using the Maintain Alternate Person Identifiers form:

  1. Ensure that the correct person record is displayed.
  2. Navigate to the Alternate Person ID block.
  3. Enter Insert mode.
  4. Enter the alternate identifier in the Alternate Person ID field of a blank record.
  5. Select an ID type from the list of values (or key a valid value) in the Person ID Type field.
  6. If this alternate ID is applicable only for a fixed period, enter the period in the Start and End Date fields. (optional)
  7. Save.


  • Users are strongly advised NOT to enter an alternate person ID against an ID type with a system value of PAY_ADV_NO (see above).

To modify an alternate person ID record for a person using the Maintain Alternate Person Identifiers form:

  1. Find the record to be modified.
  2. Modify the record as required.
  3. Save.
  • Only the start and end date can be modified.
  • Users are strongly advised NOT to modify an alternate person ID for an ID type with a system value of PAY_ADV_NO (see above).

To delete an alternate person ID record from a person using the Maintain Alternate Person Identifiers form:

  1. Find the record to be deleted.
  2. Locate the cursor in the record to be deleted.
  3. Delete record.
  4. Save.


  • Whilst alternate ID records can be deleted, it is preferable to retain them for future reference, by end dating them.
  • Users are strongly advised NOT to delete an alternate person ID for an ID type with a system value of PAY_ADV_NO (see above).


Changes within this form will have the following notable effects:

PAY-ADV-NO. If an alternate person ID number recorded against this system person ID type is deleted, it will not be possible for Callista to match fee payments received to invoices in the Student Finance subsystem. If the student has multiple numbers recorded against this type, the Statement of Account extract will fail.

Last Modified on 27 January, 2003.