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This page displays context information for the proposal in the shaded section at the top of the page. Below this, a number of fields are available for administrators to record overrides and approve the proposal.
A user may also view Proposal Item Due Dates. These may be recorded for some items for the Proposal Type in PAAW0200.
If due dates here are earlier than the due date derived for this proposal instance using date aliases recorded in PAAW0100, then the earliest due date recorded here will be used by the system. Administrators can update the Override Due Date regardless of the current proposal status or their own editor status.
Administrator are defined as below:
This page is also also used to delegate the proposal to a colleague, or nominate additional editors for the proposal.
Some Types of Course Proposals may require proof of Concept details to be recorded during initial proposal creation or prior to submission.
Proof of Concept details may also be displayed here for proposals for which they are required. Any user can change the Proof of Concept before submission, however only an administrator can change the proof of concept after a proposal has been submitted.
This page displays as a pop up window when you click on the About this Proposal (accessed via More in the toolbar).
It can be accessed from the
following pages in the the context of the proposal displayed on that page:
Field: | Description: |
Description | Description of the proposal instance. Originally recorded in PAAW1040, but can be overridden here. Up to 100 characters is available in this field. PROPOSAL_INSTANCE.DESCRIPTION |
Proposal Transfer Status | The institution-defined transfer status of the proposal instance (mapped to a system value of READY, CANCELLED, NOT-APPLIC, COMPLETE, TRANSFER, PENDING or ERROR). After a proposal has been reviewed, a member of a UV-APPROVE BAP for the proposal's org unit is able to set the Proposal Transfer status to one that maps to the system value of READY, thereby approving the proposal so that the proposal status can be set to APPROVED the next time PAAJ1110 is run. When the Proposal Transfer Status is set to READY the Proposal Instance Approved Date is set to today's date. (See information about Proposal Statuses in Proposals Overview). PROPOSAL_INSTANCE.PROPOSAL_TRANSFER_STATUS |
Proposal Outcome | Outcome of the proposal. e.g. Whether a new course, or new course version, etc, results from the proposal. Before submission, a member of a UV-APPROVE BAP for the proposal's org unit is able to set the proposal's outcome. A value recorded here it will not be changed by the system during submission of the proposal. PROPOSAL_INSTANCE.S_PROPOSAL_OUTCOME |
Override Due Date | A new due date for this proposal can be recorded by an administrator with Advanced Security function UV-TM-OVRD and who is a member of a TIME-OVRD BAP in the proposal’s org unit. For a draft proposal, a date recorded here will be the new Submission deadline. For a submitted proposal, a date recorded here will be the new Final Review deadline. PROPOSAL_INSTANCE.OVERRIDE_DUE_DT |
Due dates for Items in this Proposal Instance are displayed here. They are inherited from item definition recorded for a Proposal Type in PAAW0200, and cannot be modified here.
If due dates here are earlier than the due date derived for this proposal instance using date aliases recorded in PAAW0100, then the earliest due date recorded here will be used by the system.
Field: | Description: |
Date | Due Date for item as determined using the date alias recorded for the item in PAAW0200. DT_ALIAS_INSTANCE_V.ABSOLUTE_VAL |
Element | Description of the element which contains the item, as defined in PAAW0200. PROPOSAL_ELEMENT.DESCRIPTION |
Item | Description of the item as defined in PAAW0200. PROPOSAL_ITEM.DESCRIPTION |
Nominate a person here if you wish for them to oversee the management of a proposal that you have created. They will receive a message notifying them of their nomination (defined in PAAW0100) and will have a record in the delegations section in the Proposals page PAAW1000.
Any person marked as a Staff Member
in ADMF1213 may be selected.
Field: | Description: |
Person ID | Person ID of the Delegate. The Search and Select Person results are restricted to Staff Members. PROPOSAL_INSTANCE_DELEGATE.PERSON_ID |
Name | If Preferred Name is recorded then the Title, Preferred Name and Surname displays, otherwise the Title, Given Name and Surname of the Delegate displays. PERSON.TITLE NVL (PERSON.PREFERRED_NAME, PERSON.GIVEN_NAME) PERSON.SURNAME |
Mandatory | An administrator selects this check box if they wish to force the acceptance of the delegation. Such an administrator must have: - Advanced Security role PR-EDTRS - An Org Unit BAP relationship UV-PR-EDIT for the proposal Org Unit (or superior Org Unit thereof). If the check box is selected, the status of the delegate is ASSIGNED. PROPOSAL_INSTANCE_DELEGATE.ACCEPTANCE_REQ_IND |
Allocation Date | Date on which the delegation record was created. PROPOSAL_INSTANCE_DELEGATE.ALLOCATION_DT |
Reason | Reason recorded by a delegate who rejected the delegation. (Reason required to do so). PROPOSAL_INSTANCE_DELEGATE.REASON |
Delegation Statuses
Editors for this Proposal Instance are displayed here. Editors may be added or removed from this list. Any user in the system marked as a Staff Member in ADMF1213 may be selected.
Field: | Description: |
Person ID | Person ID of the Editor. The Search and Select Person results are restricted to Staff Members. (PROPOSAL_INSTANCE_EDITOR.PERSON_ID) |
Name | If Preferred Name is recorded then the Title, Preferred Name and Surname displays, otherwise the Title, Given Name and Surname of the Editor displays. PERSON.TITLE NVL(PERSON.PREFERRED_NAME, PERSON.GIVEN_NAME) PERSON.SURNAME |
Only members of a BAP of type UV-PR-EDIT for the proposal org unit may be selected as editors.
This section is only displayed for Course Proposals where a Proof of Concept is required, as specified in PAAW0200.
In some Proposal Types, as defined in PAAW0200, a Proof of Concept needs to be defined during proposal creation (in PAAW1040).
In this case, before submission, the Proof of Concept can be changed by anyone but not be made blank. After submission, only administrators (with Advanced Security role = PR-CRS-AD) can change the Proof of Concept value.
In other Proposal Types the Proof of Concept is not required until submission. Once again, after submission, only administrators can change the Proof of Concept value.
Field: | Description: |
Proof of Concept Proposal | Proposal ID and Description of the Proof of Concept Proposal. PROPOSAL_INSTANCE.PROPOSAL_ID and PROPOSAL_INSTANCE.DESCRIPTION |
Proposer ID | The person who created the Proof of Concept Proposal. PERSON.TITLE NVL(PERSON.PREFERRED_NAME, PERSON.GIVEN_NAME) PERSON.SURNAME |
Page last modified: 22 May, 2017 2:07 PM
History Information:
Release Version | Project | Change to Document | | 2234 - PC317 | Updated proposal transfer status to be institution-defined value. |
16.0 | 1844 - CAPS Enhancements | Added note about administrator's ability to update the Override Due Date value. |
15.0 | 1722 - 11g Upgrade | New Help page for 11g. |