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The Add pop-up page is used to add the following entities to Structures and Dependencies (CRSW2600):
Each one must be added to an existing Relationship or to the parent curriculum item (located at the top of the Structure or Dependencies diagram).
They can only be added in Structures with a status of INCOMPLETE.
A curriculum item must exist in the Course Structure and Planning subsystem (CRS) before it can be added to Structures and Dependencies (see the CRSF1210, CRSF2210 or CRSF4200 SMS form).
The Reference pages: Relationship Labels (CRSW0120), Relationship Qualifiers (CRSW0110), and Relationship Qualifier Attributes (CRSW0115), constitute the values for the Relationship Description fields (see below) and are used to define and label a Relationship when it is added to Structures and Dependencies. Each value also forms part of the syntax that specifies the completion requirements; such as the required number of credit points, units or contact hours required to complete the component of the course/unit set. These values can be modified via the Add pop-up page, if required.
In Dependencies, you can only add curriculum items that are the same type as the parent curriculum item. In addition, there are restrictions on the type of Relationship that you can add at each Branch level. For more information, see the 'Dependencies' section of the Structures and Dependencies page (CRSW2600).
Note: When adding items to the parent curriculum item located at the top of hierarchy in a Structure or Dependencies, you have the option of adding both a new Relationship and item in the one step, or just a Relationship on its own. This differs to adding items to an existing Relationship.
Relationship Start and/or End Dates and times are automatically applied to Relationships and items when they are added, removed or modified in a Structure or Dependencies in the CRS subsystem. These dates are not visible to the end user as they are applied at database level.
If a Relationship or item is added to a Structure or Dependencies (CRSW2600), a Relationship Start Date (equal to the system date and time) is automatically added to the Relationship/item.
If a Relationship or item is removed from a Structure or Dependencies (CRSW2600), a Relationship End Date (equal to the Relationship Start Date and time minus one second) is automatically added to Relationship/item.
If a Relationship is modified (for example, the Relationship Description), then a new instance of the Relationship is created. That is, a Relationship End Date (equal to the system date and time minus one second) is automatically applied to the existing Relationship, and a Relationship Start Date (equal to the system date and time) is automatically applied to the modified Relationship.
In addition, all items attached to the modified Relationship are also end-dated and a new Relationship Start Date (equal to the system date and time) is applied to each item.
For Structures and Dependencies in a Proposal Instance:
In Proposals, no Relationship Start and End dates are applied to Relationships or items in a Structure or Dependencies (CRSW2600) in a Proposal Instance (PAAW1100).
For instructions on adding a Relationship or item, see 'Building Structures and Dependencies Instructions'.
For instructions on modifying a Relationship or item, see 'Modifying Structures and Dependencies Instructions'.
The Add pop-up page is accessed via the Add or Edit icon located in the Action Panel for a selected Relationship or the main parent curriculum item located at the top of the hierarchy, in Structures and Dependencies (CRSW2600).
Figure 1: Page navigation for CRSW2605.
This section describes the fields and blocks on the Add pop-up page including applicable Table values.
Note: The field listed in the Add pop-up page when you add an item depends on the type of item you are adding. For example, if you select 'Relationship', the Relationship description fields are then displayed, if you select, 'Free Text', the Free Text fields are then displayed, and so on. For more information, see 'Adding Items' in 'Building Structures and Dependencies Instructions'.
Figure 2: Example of the Add pop-up page when adding a new Relationship.
Note: Field labels are institution-configurable.
An asterisk (*) indicates the field is mandatory.
Field: | Description: |
*'Adding To' block |
This block displays details of either a selected Relationship or the parent curriculum item to which you are adding an item. (See the Item to Add Field, below.) 1. If the selected item is a Relationship then the Relationship Description fields for the selected Relationship are displayed. See the Relationship Description Field description, below. You can modify the details in these fields, if required. 2. If the selected item is the parent curriculum item located at the top of the Structure or Dependencies, then:
Table Values in CRS: Table Values in PAA: |
Item to Add | This field is used to select one of the following items from the drop-down selector to add to the Structure or Dependencies:
The items listed above are described in the rows below. You can add these items to an existing Relationship, or to the parent curriculum item located at the top of the hierarchy in conjunction with a new Relationship. For instructions on adding the above items, see 'Adding Items' in 'Building Structures and Dependencies Instructions'. Table Values: |
*Relationship Description | This field is displayed if you selected the Relationship item in the 'Item to Add' field above. It is comprised of the following mandatory fields (in consecutive order):
Together these fields form the 'Relationship' label displayed on the Relationship item in the Structure or Dependencies diagram. This label also specifies the completion requirements for this component of the course or unit set. For example, if the Relationship Qualifier is 'Must do', the Lower Qualifier value is '12' and the Relationship Qualifier Attribute is 'credit points', then the syntax for the completion requirement for this component is: 'Must do 12 credit points'. Figure 3: Relationship Description fields in the Add pop-up page. For a list of the different types of Relationship Description values available for Structures and Dependencies, see the Structures and Dependencies page (CRSW2600). |
*Relationship Label | This is the description (i.e. label) of the Relationship you are adding. Select a value from the drop-down selector. Theses are institution-defined values defined in the Relationship Label page (CRSW0120). For more information, see the Relationship Label page (CRSW0120). In Dependencies, only an institution-defined Relationship Label mapped to a System Relationship Label of DEPENDENCY can be added at Branch 2 and below. Table Value: |
*Relationship Qualifier | This is an institution-defined value (for example, 'must complete', 'do all', 'incompatible') sourced from the Relationship Qualifiers page (CRSW0110). For more information, see Relationship Description, above. Select a value from the drop-down selector. Relationship Qualifier values available for selection from the drop-down selector vary according to the Relationship Label you selected in the previous field. Likewise, the Relationship Qualifier you select for this field determines which Relationship Qualifiers Attributes (CRSW0115) are available for selection in the subsequent field. For more information, see the Relationship Qualifiers page (CRSW0110). Table Value: |
*Lower Qualifier Value *Upper Qualifier Value |
These fields are only displayed if the Relationship Qualifier you selected (in the previous field) requires a qualifier value. Enter a number greater than zero. The Lower Qualifier field is only displayed if you selected one of the following Relationship Qualifiers which requires a quantifier value:
Both the Lower Qualifier Value and Upper Qualifier Value fields are displayed if a range must be specified (i.e. if the Relationship Qualifier value in the previous field is 'BETWEEN'); otherwise, just the single Lower Qualifier Value field is displayed. Table Values: Upper Qualifier Value: |
*Relationship Qualifier Attribute | An institution-defined value sourced from the Relationship Qualifier Attribute page (CRSW0115), for example, Credit Points, Contact Hours. Select a value from the drop-down selector. Theses are institution-defined values defined in the Relationship Qualifier Attribute page (CRSW0115). The values available for selection from the drop-down selector vary according to the value you selected for the Relationship Label field (see above). Table Value: |
Course Version | This field is only displayed in Dependencies, if you selected 'Course' in the 'Item to Add' field. The list of values for this field are sourced from CRSF1210. The 'Auto-Complete' function is automatically enabled on this field and the Search function is available to assist with finding and entering a course. You can select a specific version or the 'latest version' (i.e. a code for which no version is specified) of a course. If you select and add the 'latest version' of a course, then the latest version is always displayed in the Structure/Dependencies. For example, if it is subsequently replaced by a new version in CRSF1210 then the item is automatically updated in the Structure/Dependencies to the new version. Note: You cannot add the same course version more than once to the same Relationship. Table Value: Stored in: (for Child Type of COURSE) |
Unit Set Version | This field is displayed if you selected 'Unit Set' in the 'Item to Add' field. The list of values for this field are sourced from CRSF4200. Only ACTIVE or PLANNED unit sets can be added. In Dependencies, this item is only available for selection if the parent curriculum item is a unit set. The 'Auto-Complete' function is automatically enabled on this field and the Search function is available to assist with finding and entering a unit set. You can select either a specific version or the 'latest version' (i.e. a code for which no version is specified) of a unit set. Unit Sets that have a Unit Set Course Type Restriction defined can only be added to a Course Structure of that type. Note: You cannot add the same unit set version more than once to a Relationship. Table Value: Stored in: (for Child Type of UNIT_SET) |
Category | This field displays the Unit Set Category for the selected unit set version, as defined in CRSF4200 for the unit set (for example, Major). Table value: |
Unit Version | This field is displayed if you selected 'Unit' in the 'Item to Add' field. The list of values for this field are sourced from CRSF2210. Only ACTIVE or PLANNED Units can be added. In Dependencies, this item is only available for selection if the parent curriculum item is a unit. The 'Auto-Complete' function is automatically enabled on this field and the Search function is available to assist with finding and entering a unit. You can select either a specific version or the 'latest version' (i.e. a code for which no version is specified) of a unit. If you select and add the 'latest version' of a unit, then the latest version is always displayed in the Structure/Dependencies. For example, if it is subsequently replaced by a new version in CRSF2210 then the item is automatically updated in the Structure/Dependencies to the new version. Note: You cannot add the same unit version more than once to a Relationship. Table Value: Stored in: (for Child Type of UNIT) |
Credit Points | This field displays the number of enrolled credit points for the selected unit version, as specified in the CRSF2210 form for the unit. Table value: |
Contact Hours | This field displays the number of contact hours for the selected unit version is displayed, as specified in the CRSF2210 form for the unit. This field applies to VET units. Table value: |
Free Text | This field is displayed if you selected 'Free Text' in the 'Item to Add' field. This field is used to include additional information about a course requirement that is not represented by a curriculum item or special requirement. If required, it may also include a URL or hyperlink to related documentation, such as the university's Handbook. The text you enter in this field will appear in the Free Text rectangle shape that is added to the Structure or Dependencies (CRSW2600). You can enter up to a maximum of 200 characters in this field. This field is mandatory if you selected a value of 'Free Text' in the 'Item to Add' field. To enter a URL or hyperlink, you must enter a value in both the Link Description and Link URL fields. (See Link URL, below.) In Structures and Dependencies for a Proposal Instance (PAAW1100), a Free Text item may be used as a placeholder for a curriculum item that does not yet exist. Stored Table Values: |
Link Description [Free Text] |
This field is mandatory if you specified a value in the URL field (below). Otherwise, leave blank. Enter a description of the URL link that is to be included in the text. This description will appear in brackets beside the URL in the Free Text rectangle added to the Structure or Dependencies (CRSW2600). Stored Table Values: |
Link URL [Free Text] |
This field is mandatory if you specified a value in the Link Description field (above). Otherwise, leave blank. If required, enter the URL to be included in the text, for example, To enter a URL, you must include the protocol, domain (and/or port) and path.
For example: <protocol>://<domain>:<port>/<path>
Tip: Navigate to the required destination, copy the full URL from your browser and paste into the Link URL field. The URL appears in brackets beside the Link Description in a Free Text shape in the Structure or Dependencies (CRSW2600). After you have added the Free Text item you can test the URL by selecting the Free Text item in the Structure or Dependencies page (CRSW2600) then clicking the Open Link icon in the Action panel. Stored Table Values: |
Additional Information | This field is used to include additional information about a course requirement that is not represented by a Curriculum Item or Special Requirement. It can store formatted text up to 4000 characters. However, unlike the Free Text field this text will not be displayed in the graphical representation of the Structure or Dependencies in CRSW2600. If CKEditor is enabled by your institution, text can be easily formatted in this field. Stored Table Values: |
Requirement Code | This field is displayed if you selected 'Special Requirement' in the 'Item to Add' field. The list of values for this field are sourced from CRSF4110. You cannot add the same Special Requirement more than once to a Relationship. However, you can add it to different Relationships, if required. Table Value: |
Page last modified: 8 October, 2015 3:09 PM
History Information:
Release Version | Project | Change to Document | | 2104 - Course Structures Post Implementation | Added 'Additional Information' field. |
17.0 | 1955 - Structures in Proposals | Added info about Relationship Start and end dates to the Intro section, and a note to the Free Text field description. |
16.1 | 1820 | Updated navigation diagram |, | 1820 - Phase 2 Calipsos | Added note re: latest and specific versions, to the Course, Unit Set and Unit sections of the Field Descriptions section. | | 1820 - Timelines | Added Credit Points and Contact Hours, changed 'element' to 'item'. |, | 1820 - Structures - Part 1 | New page |