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The research journey



August 2005: Workshopping


Workshops at Merri Creek Productions

IKRMNA work is distributed undertaken by varying groupings of people in many places and times. Prominently displayed on the website are public performances in the School of Australian Indigenous Knowledge Systems at Charles Darwin University in which many of us have participated. Similarly aspects of the collective work in places like Gulkula, Kabulwarnamyo, and Djurranalpi appear under emerging solutions. One site that is implicitly visible in all pages on this website is that of Merri Creek Productions http://www.merricreek.com/index.html. Trevor and Juli design and maintain our website. They also host our planning meetings for which we usually assemble for ourselves an excellent lunch. These meetings are held when Michael and/or Bryce travel to Melbourne.

We have an agreed list of things we need to talk about and perhaps make decisions on. Usually the lists are much the same, and usually we only sort of make decisions. To recognise this site of IKRMNA work we exhibit here four sets of minutes-reflections and a display of images

Notes from workshop October 2004 pdf 64K

Notes from workshop May 2005 pdf 96K

Notes from workshop July 2005 pdf 76K




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