Maintain Grading Schemas - ASSF5110


To maintain the set of grading schemas




Two Blocks

Grading Schema

Grading Schema Grade

Navigation button invokes:

Maintain Grading Schema Grade Translation form



This form is used to maintain basic grading schema details and the available grades within each schema. The need to create new schema or new versions of an existing schema is determined by the policy of the institution.

Grading schemas are used by both the manual entry result process and the Electronic Upload Process, to determine the grades that can be applied to student unit attempts.

Grading schema are linked to unit offering options in the Maintain Unit Offering Options form (CRSF2500).

Within a grading schema, the use of a grade for publication is specified. A grade can be published in any or all of:

  • Noticeboard
  • Official Notification - such as transcripts and certificates of results
  • Newspaper
  • Internal Documents - including draft transcripts and academic histories.


Queries can be performed to retrieve existing grading schemas or new schema's can be created.

To create a new grading schema:

  • Record a unique grading schema code.
  • The version number is inserted by the system on saving.
  • Record the start date and optionally the end date which define the period when the grading schema is active.

To record grades within a grading schema:

  • Record a unique code for the grade and enter the grade description.
  • Select a system result type. This is a broad grouping of grades and has various functional roles in the Progression and Enrolment subsystems. The chosen result type should reflect the ultimate outcome. For example, where a grade is withdrawn-fail the result type should be FAIL not WITHDRAWN.
  • Optionally set the lower and upper values of the mark range. This defines the range of marks within the grade. For example: 60 - 69 = Credit. Callista uses this range to validate grades and derive grades from marks.
  • Record the grade rank. This is mandatory and is a numerical order of the grade. For example: HD = 1, Distinction = 2, Credit = 3… Fail = 7. The rules facility requires that each grade be given a unique rank and that the order is 1 - highest grade, 2 - next highest and so on. Grade rank determines the display order of grades in LOV's and some reports, such as the Unit Outcome Distribution report (ASSR06M0). Grade rank is also used in Progression rules.

Optionally record further details for each grade:

  • GPA Value - is used to calculate course grade point averages.
  • External Grade - the alternate grade to be displayed on external publications.
  • Designate a grade as a 'special grade type' to indicate that the grade, when applied to a student unit, has special meaning. A grade with a special grade type of:
    • REPLACEABLE is a grade that can be replaced during the electronic upload process. For example, a student may be enrolled in a unit at Location X, but actually does the unit at Location Y. The assessor at Location X has no knowledge of the student and gives the student the replaceable grade (eg. XN). However, the assessor at Location Y knows the student, assesses them and gives them an actual grade. The assessor at Location X has uploaded their results first. When the assessor at Location Y uploads their results, the students replaceable grade is updated with the actual grade.
    • SUPP-EXAM is a grade that means that the student has been granted a supplementary exam. This is used by Callista to identify supplementary examination students whose details are to be passed to the exam timetabling subsystem for a special/supplementary exam period.
    • SPECIAL -EXAM is a grade that means that the student has been granted a special or deferred examination. This is used by Callista to identify special examination students whose details are to be passed to the exam timetabling subsystem for a special/supplementary exam period.
    • CONCEDED-PASS is a grade that can be recognised as part of progression and the course completion rules. The grade indicates a pass has been granted in a unit attempt for institution defined reasons.
  • Select Grade Inclusion indicators - when selected the grade will be included in the corresponding published form.
  • Nominate the Outcome Applicability by selecting the indicator for one of the following; Student Unit Attempt, SUA Assessment Item or SUA Element of Comp.
  • Notional percentage grade distribution - these indicate the minimum and maximum percentage of students to achieve a certain grade, ie the usual expected distribution. There is no system functionality currently associated with this. However, they are displayed in the Unit Outcome Distribution report (ASSR06M0).
  • System Assigned indicator - when selected, the grade can only be assigned by the system, it cannot be keyed by the user. Currently there is no validation preventing a user from keying in a grade set as system assigned.
  • Default Outstanding Grade indicator - sets the grade as the grade to be inserted by the Insert Administrative Grades process (ASSJ5371), if an alternate grade is not specified as a parameter.


  • Grades cannot be added to a grading schema that does not have a current or future date range.
  • Non-current grading schema cannot be assigned to a unit offering option.
  • If there are several versions of a particular grading schema then only one may have no end date all others MUST have an end date.
  • Where there are several versions of a particular grading schema, the date ranges cannot overlap.
  • The mark ranges for two different grades within the schema cannot overlap.
  • If either the upper or lower mark range is set, then both must be set.
  • Only one grade within a grading schema can be set as the default outstanding grade.
  • The grade translation button navigates in context to the Maintain Grading Schema Grade Translation form (ASSF5120). This form enables the translation of grades from one grading schema to another.
  • Where a grading schema grade has been mapped to another grade for grade translation in ASSF5120, its system result type cannot be altered.

Notes on administrative unit status :

  • The mapping of withdrawal grades to the administrative unit status DISCONTIN is performed in the Maintain Administrative Unit Statuses form (ENRF0110).
  • One and only one withdrawal grade in each grading schema can be mapped to a specific administrative unit status.
  • Where a student is to be discontinued and only one grading schema is mapped to the administrative unit status, that grade is recorded for the student.
  • Where a student is to be discontinued and there are multiple grading schemas mapped to the administrative unit status, the discontinuation process examines which grading schema is mapped to the student's unit attempt and inserts the corresponding grade.

To create a new version of an existing grading schema:

  1. Perform query to retrieve the grading schema to be duplicated.
  2. Select add new record.
  3. Select duplicate record above. This will display the grading schema details.
  4. Change the dates to a current or future period.
  5. Save the record. A message is displayed indicating that the schema details are being copied to the new version number.
  6. Select OK. A second message is displayed indicating that the copying was successful. Select OK.
  7. The new version is displayed, however, the grade details are not displayed.
  8. Select the first row in the Grading Schema Grade block and execute a query to display the grades that were copied to the new version.
  9. Amend grades as required.


Last Modified on 18 September 2001