Unit Outcome Distribution Report - ASSR06M0




This report shows the distribution of grades for specific units for selected assessment periods.

The report can be run for recommended grades or finalised grades.

Normally Run By

Assessments specialist

Anticipated Frequency

At the end of each assessment period.

Parameter Sample


Report Sample


Related/Dependent Jobs



Run Details

This job is run:

  • At the end of assessment periods.
  • At any time deemed necessary for whatever reason.

This job is run during assessment periods to provide statistical information on the distribution of results within a unit. This information is typically used by assessors or boards of examiners to compare the actual distribution of grades with the expected distribution. In some cases, where the actual distribution of recommended grades significantly deviates from the expected distribution, outcomes may be modified.

This job can be run in both batch and online modes. It is best to run this report online for a specified unit code or in batch mode for a large number of units.

Refer to the Job Control and Scheduling subsystem for details on scheduling and running batch and online jobs.


Job Parameters

Most parameters for this job are used to refine the data set produced in the report. For example: the report may be run for every unit offering within an assessment period or for a specific unit offering option.

The report is set to produce either recommended or finalised grades. It cannot run both in the same report.



Unit Outcome Distribution Report


The report displays tables representing the distribution of grades for each grading schema attached to the unit. I.e. it not only displays the unit offering option grading schema, but also any course offering pattern grading schemas attached to the students undertaking the unit attempt. For example: MAA101 may be taken by a student in course A300 which has a different grading schema to MAA101. Tables displaying the distribution of grades for both schemas are included for unit MAA101.

For each unit offering, the number of outcomes for each pass and fail grade is reported, together with the percentage for each grade (as a proportion of the total number of outcomes). The Notional Percentage Maximum Grade Distribution (MAX %) for each grade is also displayed, so that users of the report can compare the actual distribution for each grade with the maximum expected distribution. (NB Notional grade distributions are sourced from ASSF5110 Maintain Grading Schema). A summary of the distribution for all result types (FAIL, INCOMPLETE, PASS, WITHDRAWN) is also displayed.


Last Modified on 26 July 1999