Create Advanced Standing Details - ADVF4200

Student Advanced Standing (ADV4200a)


To allow the creation and maintenance of Advanced Standing Records for Individual Students


Advanced Standing


Part of ADVF4200

Two Blocks:


Advanced Standing


Navigation Buttons invoke:

Unit Details screen

Unit Level Details screen





This is the context block and displays details of the student whose advanced standing, course attempt details are displayed in the block below. When this form is invoked via the navigation button in another form (e.g. Record Enrolments form), the information displayed here is for the same student as selected in that form and no other student's record can be queried. When this form is invoked via a different method, queries can be performed in this block.


From the Record Enrolments form (ENRF3000), advanced standing details can be recorded or modified for the student selected there by selecting the Adv Standing navigation button and invoking this form. When advanced standing is being recorded or checked outside enrolment processing it is quicker to access this form directly from a menu and query the required students' records here.

To inquire on the advanced standing details of a student other than the one initially displayed:

  1. Enter Query mode.
  2. Enter the ID number of the required student in the Person ID field. (A query can be performed using name details as query criteria, however, this is not recommended as an efficient method to retrieve records in this form.)
  3. Execute the query.


  • A query cannot be performed in this block if the form was invoked via the navigation button in the Record Enrolments form.

Advanced Standing


Advanced standing is granted for a student's specific course attempt, although the basis for granting advanced standing in one course attempt may also be applicable to other course attempts. This block is used to record and display the course attempts for which advanced standing has been granted. It also displays summary details of the advanced standing. Advanced standing details for a student's course attempt(s) can be recorded for specific units (Advanced Standing Unit), or for unit levels (Advanced Standing Unit Level).


When advanced standing is granted, it is granted for a particular course attempt of a student. With the student's details displayed in the Person block, the course attempt in which advanced standing is granted is displayed or can be recorded in this block. The system defaults a 'major exemption institution' which can be changed and summarises the 'value' of the advanced standing.

To record advanced standing course attempt details for a student using the Create Advanced Standing Details form - Student Advanced Standing screen:

  1. Ensure that the correct student record is displayed in the Person block.
  2. Navigate to the Advanced Standing block.
  3. Either:
    1. Select the previously recorded course version to which the advance standing applies or
    2. Enter Insert mode -
  4. Select the required course version from the list of values in the Course field (or key valid values in the Course and Version fields) of a blank record.
  5. Save
  6. Navigate to the Unit Details or Unit Level Details screens to continue entering details.
  7. The area at the bottom of this form displays derived and defaulted information. This is described in Rules, opposite.


  • Advanced standing records can only be added to student course attempts with the statuses ENROLLED, UNCONFIRM, INACTIVE and INTERMIT. (But not DISCONTIN OR LAPSED.)
  • 'Total Approved CP', 'Advanced Standing Granted CP', 'Duplicate Units CP', 'Total Granted CP' and 'Percentage of Course Requirements Granted' fields contain derived values. (How they are derived is explained in the Subsystem Glossary) Where no unit or unit level details are recorded for the advanced standing record, their values will all be zero.
  • The Major Exemption Institution fields are also derived (see Subsystem Glossary), but where no unit or unit level details are recorded for the advanced standing record, they default to the value specified as the 'Default Major Exemption Institution' in the Advanced Standing Configuration form (ADVF1110).

To modify advanced standing course attempt details for a student using the Create Advanced Standing Details form - Student Advanced Standing screen:



  • Records cannot be modified here. Allowable actions are:
    • adding a student course attempt record or
    • deleting a record where no unit or unit level details exist.
To run a fee assessment for this student:
  1. Click on the Fee Assessment icon.
  2. Enter the Effective Date or accept the default date and click the OK button.
  • A fee type of ADVSTND must exist.
  • A fee category must exist for the student.
  • An Advanced Standing Source must be nominated for the unit, for example, RPL.

To delete advanced standing course attempt details for a student using the Create Advanced Standing Details form - Student Advanced Standing screen:

  1. Find the record to be deleted.
  2. Locate the cursor in the record to be deleted.
  3. Delete record.
  4. Save.


  • Advanced standing course attempt records can only be deleted where no unit or unit level details are associated with them.

Changes within this form will have the following notable effects:

Adding a course attempt record here will permit unit and/or unit level details of the advanced standing to be recorded.

Updated 26 February, 2003.