Advanced Standing Glossary

The terms used in the Advanced Standing subsystem are described below. The relationships between data, and concepts used in this subsystem, are explained in detail in the Understanding Advanced Standing section.




% Of Course Requirements Granted


the total number of credit points of advanced standing granted divided by the number of credit points required for the course, as a percentage.

Academic Transcript indicator


specifies whether the advanced standing details are to be included on the student's academic transcript.

Adv Stnd Type


System defined types describing the effect of granting an application for advanced standing.

Advanced Standing Unit


the unit in which the student is being given advanced standing.

Advanced Standing Unit Level


the level at which advanced standing is being given (e.g. 1 - first year level within a course, 2 - second year level within a course).

Basis Details


details of the information upon which the approved advanced standing is based.

Completed checkbox - Basis Details


indicates whether the student completed the course which forms the basis of the unit advanced standing.

Completion/Progression indicator


specifies whether the advanced standing details are to count towards the student's completion/progression requirements for the course.

Crs Grouped


describes whether the unit is to be regarded as course grouped.

Crs Type - Basis Details


the course type of the course which forms the basis of the unit advanced standing.

Default Basis Institution


the institution which is to be used as the default exemption institution when creating unit or unit level advanced standing records.

Default Major Exemption Institution


the institution which is used as the default exemption institution when creating advanced standing records.

Expiry Date Increment


describes the increment (in months) added to the current date which is used as the default expiry date when creating unit or unit level advanced standing records.

Granting Status


describes the progress of a student's application for advanced standing.

Institution - Basis Details


the institution at which the student undertook the study that resulted in the unit advanced standing.

Last Year of Enrolment - Basis Details


the year in which the person was last enrolled in the course which forms the basis of the unit advanced standing.

Major Exemption Institution


the institution where the majority of the advanced standing exemption was obtained. This maps onto DEST element 368.



the percentage of credit for a unit which is to be granted as advanced standing.

Recognition Type - advanced standing


the available types of recognition which apply to the units, unit sets etc. which form the advanced standing.

Total CP Approved


the total credit points approved as advanced standing.

Total CP Granted


total credit points granted as advanced standing.

Unit Deletion Cut-Off Date Alias


describes the cutoff date alias for advanced standing. It is linked to the teaching period of the enrolled student unit attempt. If advanced standing is granted on or prior to this date the enrolled student unit attempt can be deleted.

Updated 30 January 2002.