Purpose |
To evaluate a Student Course Attempt, in relation to course version, course stage or unit set completion rules. |
Subsystem |
Progression |
Structure |
2 Blocks |
Navigation Buttons invoke: |
Course Stage overlay Unit Set overlay Alternative Exit overlay |
Image |
Use this form is to evaluate a student course attempt against existing completion rules. Completion rules may exist for the course version and for the following components of that course version — course stages, unit sets or other course versions that are alternative exits for this course. Rule checking can be run in two modes -
After running a rule evaluation, a lamp displays the result (in the Student Course Attempt block when course completion is evaluated. In the appropriate block for other evaluations.) For example: A detailed explanatory message is returned against each section of the rule, to clearly identify those requirements that have not been satisfied. For example: The creation of completion rules is described in the Completion Rules Overview. The running of completion rule checking in this form does not set completion indicators nor update the status of a Student Course Attempt or Student Unit Set Attempt. This must be done using the appropriate form (for a Student Course Attempt use PRGF4170; for a Student Unit Set Attempt use form ENRF3252). |
Student Course Attempt Block: Retrieve the required Student Course Attempt by querying one or more of the following fields: Person ID, Course Attempt Status, Progression Status, Course Code, Version number or Title. Navigation buttons for Course Stage, Unit Set and Alternative Exit may be disabled. This is based on the context course version and the setting of the Predictive indicator. If no course stages or alternative exits have been defined for the context course version, the applicable button is disabled. If no Student Unit Set Attempt exists in unit sets defined for the context course version (or in Predictive mode no unit sets exist as part of the course offering), the Unit Sets button cannot be used. Select the Predictive indicator in this block where a predictive rule check is required. When set, all subsequent rule checking (for a course, course stage, unit set or alternative exit) will be in predictive mode until the indicator is reset. |
Running a Completion Rule Check: For each type of completion rule the process of checking the context course attempt against the defined completion rule is as follows: The component parts that make up the completion rule are displayed separately in the Rule column. Use the Run Rule button Each component is evaluated and an explanatory message returned. This displays in the Message column beside the relevant component explaining the result for the context student course attempt. |
Course Completion Rule Block: This block displays the completion rule defined for the context Course Version, where one exists. After running a rule check, a lamp displays the overall result of the rule evaluation, in the context block of the form. |
Course Stage Overlay: The Course Stage block displays all course stages defined for the context Course Version. The stages displayed can be restricted to a specific course stage by querying the Course Stage Type and/or Description fields.Set the Predictive indicator in the Student Course Attempt block as required, before running the rule check. The Course Stage Completion Rule block displays the rule defined for the context course stage (where one exists). Run the rule check (from this block) as described above.The Lamp displaying the result of the rule check appears in the Course Stage block context block. |
Unit Set overlay:The context block of this overlay is dynamic. The labelling and data displayed is determined by the current setting of the Predictive indicator.The context block is labelled Student Unit Set Attempt where the Predictive indicator is not set (and unit set completion rule evaluation is to be run in standard mode). It displays all Student Unit Set Attempts associated with the context course. (Student Unit Set Attempts are maintained in ENRF3252). It does not display unit sets that may be part of a course offering, but in which the context student has no student unit attempt.In the Student Unit Set Attempt block, information to identify the unit set (Unit Set Code, Version number, Unit Set Category, Title) is displayed. Additional information is displayed related to the student unit set attempt - Primary Set indicator, Confirmed / Completed / Voluntary Ending indicators and dates and Completion Source. The unit sets displayed can be restricted by using a query (on one or a combination of all fields except Unit Set Category and Title). This context block is labelled Unit Set when the Predictive indicator is selected (and the rule evaluation is to be run in predictive mode). It displays the Unit Set Code, Version Number, Unit Set Category and Title for all unit sets defined as part of the context course offeringIn this block, Unit Set Code, Version Number and Unit Set Category can all be queried. Predictive rule evaluation for unit sets where the student has no unit set attempt tests the rule against a student's unit attempts. It can be used to determine whether a student satisfies the requirements for completion of the unit set because they have the necessary unit attempts, even though they have not enrolled in the unit set. The Unit Set Completion Rule block displays the rule defined for the context unit set (where one exists). Run the rule check (from this block) as described above. Explanatory messages are returned explaining the result of the rule evaluation.A Lamp displaying the result of the rule check appears in the Unit Set/Student Unit Set Attempt block above. |
Alternative Exit overlay:The Alternative Exit block on this overlay displays all alternative exits defined for the course version. In this overlay a query can be performed on Exit Course Code to retrieve a specific record. The Alternative Exit Completion Rule block displays the Course Version completion rule (where one exists) for the context alternative exit course. The rule check is run from this block as described above. Explanatory messages are returned explaining the result of the rule evaluation. A Lamp displaying the result of the rule check appears in the Alternative Exit block above. |
Last Modified on 24 September, 1999