Maintain Locations - ORGF0131


To allow the creation and maintenance of locations and their associated contact details


Organisational Structure


Single Block


Navigation Buttons invoke:

Maintain Location Addresses form

Maintain Location Relationships form

Maintain Venues form





An organisation may conduct business at a number of locations. Locations may be assigned to organisational units but will also be used elsewhere in the system, such as Course Structure and Planning.

A location type is institution defined using the form ORGF0117.

A location must be assigned a location type. The location type determines the subsequent use of the location in other subsystems (e.g. locations of GRAD_CTR system type are accessed by the Graduations subsystem).


A particular campus or examination location would be an example of a location.


To create a new location record using the Maintain Locations form:

In Insert mode:

  1. Enter the location code in the Location Code field.
  2. Enter the name or description of the location in the Description field.
  3. Optionally select the SSF Avail indicator. Selecting this indicator allows the exam location to display in the Exam Location LOV in the Student Course Attempt Update application within Callista Connect. This allows students to update their nominated examination location through the web.
  4. Select the appropriate location type from the list of values (or key a valid value).
  5. Select the appropriate Government Location Code(Campus Postcode) from the list if values.
  6. Save.


  • For a location to have specific system functionality, it must be assigned a location type that is mapped to a System Location Type. The available System Location Types are EXAM_CTR, CAMPUS and GRD_CTR.
  • A Coordinator must be entered against a location of the system type EXAM_CTR.
  • The SSF Avail indicator can only be unselected for records with a location type of EXAM_LOC
  • The Callista installation includes a location of NONCENTRAL. This location is used as part of the concept of centrally scheduled non-centrally managed examinations. The NONCENTRAL location is mapped to the system assessment type NONCENTRAL. The location NONCENTRAL cannot be deleted. However, where the system assessment type is not mapped to an institution defined assessment type, the NONCENTRAL location can be closed.
  • The Government Location codes are defined for Australia as 'A' and International as 'X', and are collected for DEST element 477.
  • Select the Venues navigation button accessing the Maintain Venues form (ASSF4200) to create and maintain examination or graduation venues. When creating an exam or graduation location, at least one open venue should be attached. Failure to do so will render the location unusable for examination or graduation purposes.

To modify a location record using the Maintain Locations form:

  1. Find the record to be modified.
  2. Modify the record as required.
  3. Save.


  • If a location has been assigned to one or more organisational units or used elsewhere in the system, normally only minor description modifications should be carried out. Modifications to location type will have major ramifications. For example, changing a location's type from one mapped to system type CAMPUS to one mapped to system type EXAM_LOC makes the location available as an exam location rather than as a campus.

To delete a location record using the Maintain Locations form:

  1. Find the record to be deleted.
  2. Locate the cursor in the record to be deleted.
  3. Delete record.
  4. Save.


  • If a location has been used elsewhere in the system, it cannot be deleted. It can be closed, preventing any further use, by selecting the Closed check box.

 Last Modified on 23 January, 2002