Maintain Job Details - JBSF4110


To allow the creation and maintenance of system jobs and their outputs, and to record any restrictions applying to them


Job Control and Scheduling


Two Blocks + 3 overlays

System Job

Job Output

Job Run Window Restriction (overlay block)

Job Run Mode Restriction (overlay block)

Job Conflict (overlay block)


Navigation Buttons invoke:

Job Run Window Restriction block (overlay)

Job Run Mode Restriction block (overlay)

Job Conflict (overlay)

Maintain Job Dependencies form

Maintain Job Output Options form

Maintain Job Text form




System Job


Data in this form will normally be set up and maintained by IT staff with responsibility for the Callista system.

This is the principal form used to identify and define executable jobs to be run within the Callista system. The jobs recorded here will be available to be run when requested by end-users with appropriate security privileges. Jobs can be of the following types: shell scripts, Pro*C and C executables, database procedures and reports.

The job details recorded in this block include:

  • identifying information (description, titles used in menus)
  • job control information (job priority, whether the job can be restarted)
  • operating information (job type, execution file name, parameter form name)
  • security information (constraints on data access).

An executable job (recorded here in the Job Execution Name field) can be known within the Callista system under several different job names, each of which may be associated with one or more output records.

In this block it is also possible to indicate that restrictions apply on the data accessed for report jobs. The nature of the data restrictions depends on the database access specified in the security subsystem for the person requesting the job.

Overlay blocks called from this block are used to record restrictions about time and method of running. A form can also be called to record any prerequisite and/or dependent jobs associated with this job. Details of output file(s) from the job are recorded in the Job Output block.


To create a new system job record using the Maintain Job Details form:

In Insert mode:

  1. Enter the name of the new job in the Job Name field.
  2. Enter an explanatory description in the Description field.
  3. Select the type of job from the list of values (or key a valid value) in the System Job Type field.
  4. Select a priority from the list of values (or key in a number from 1 to 9) in the System Job Priority field.
  5. Enter a suitable title for menu use in the Menu Title field.
  6. Enter a title in the Short Title field.
  7. Enter the physical file name of the executable job in the Job Execution Name field.
  8. Enter the name of the parameter form, if any, associated with the execution job.
  9. Select the Restartable checkbox if this job can be rerun.
  10. For information purposes, select the Update Job checkbox if applicable to this job.
  11. For report jobs, select the Run As Requester checkbox if restricted data access is required.
  12. If required, enter additional information about the job in the Comments field.
  13. If required, access the Job Run Window Restriction block and/or the Job Run Mode Restriction block and/or the Job Conflict block via the navigation buttons.
  14. Save.


  • Job Name: name by which the executable job is known within the Callista system. This name is used when granting a job to security roles and individual users.
  • Last Run Date: date and time when the job was last run within a request is displayed by the system.
  • System Job Type: used by the system to build operating system commands when the job is scheduled to run.
  • System Job Priority: nine system-defined values. Each job must be assigned a priority, used by the system in ordering jobs at run time. Users granted override privilege for a particular job (in security forms SECF0062 or SECF0063) can override this priority when requesting the job.
  • Menu Title: used to identify the job in the menus, the alpha list and the history list (accessed from menus).
  • Short Title: used in the Zoom facility and in some security forms.
  • Job Execution Name: the name of the executable job. For case-sensitive operating systems such as Unix, the case here must match the filename. There can be a one-to-many relationship between an executable job and the system jobs named in the Job Name field.
  • Parameter Form: this form has a 1:1 relationship with the execution job. If there is no entry here, the Job Parameters button in the central request form, JBSF5210, is disabled. Refer to the Parameter Form Development Standards document in the technical documentation for further information.
  • Parameter Form Type: either REPORT where the parameter form is an Oracle Reports form or FORM where the parameter form is an Oracle Forms form.
  • Pass Request Job Run ID Parameter indicator: if set, the unique code which identifies a particular job run request instance of the job is passed to the job as a parameter. The code is used to uniquely identify the output from a job. In particular, it identifies extract tables to jobs which further process the extracted data.
  • Restartable indicator: if set, the job will be restarted at the next available opportunity after an operating system failure, database restart or other system failure.
  • Update Job indicator: used only for information. The setting/unsetting of this indicator does not affect processing in any way.
  • Run As Requester indicator: if set, report jobs will only include data that the person creating the request is permitted by their security privileges to view. Update and other jobs are not affected by this indicator.

To modify a system job record using the Maintain Job Details form:

  1. Find the record to be modified.
  2. Modify the record as required.
  3. Save.


To delete a system job record using the Maintain Job Details form:

  1. Find the record to be deleted.
  2. Locate the cursor in the record to be deleted.
  3. Delete record.
  4. Save.


  • A system job cannot be deleted if job output records, job conflict records, job run window restriction records or job run mode restriction records exist for it. Neither can it be deleted if it is part of a job request.
  • Jobs can be made unavailable for further use by setting the Closed indicator. Jobs in existing requests will still run.


Job Output


Refer to the section Output from Jobs in Understanding Job Control & Scheduling, for an overview.

A job may have one or more output files. Records must be created here for each file to be directed to an output destination (printer, fax or email). At run time, a unique number is appended to each output file created.

The Maintain Job Output Options (JBSF4120) form, accessed via the Job Output Options navigation button in this block, allows the setting up of output options (destinations) to be used when the job is requested by an end-user.

The Override Options indicator and associated indicators, Allow Print, Allow Fax (not operational), Allow Email, control whether or not people requesting jobs are permitted to change or add output destinations. These possibilities exist:

  • Output option specified / No Override: Cannot alter the destination at request time.
  • Output option specified / Override: It is possible to alter the destination at request time.
  • Output option not specified / Override: A destination must be added at request time.

The System Output Type field allows the selection of output in one of three forms:

  • POSTCRIPT - creates a file in postscript format for sending to a postscript printer or viewing via a third party postscript viewer.
  • TEXT - creates a text file, particularly suitable for insertion into third party applications.
  • PDF - creates a file in pdf format for viewing with Adobe Acrobat Reader.


To create a new job output record using the Maintain Job Details form:

In Insert mode:

  1. Enter a description for the output in the Description field.
  2. If required, select TEXT or PDF from the pop-down list for System Output Type.
  3. Enter the output file name associated with this system job in the Output File Name field.
  4. Select the Override indicators, as required.
  5. Optionally, select the Delete Output indicator.
  6. Save.


  • An output number is supplied automatically by the system on saving.
  • The Reports facility will pick up the job's output file name from this block. For other jobs, such as shell scripts or Pro*C, the name recorded here should be the name used in the executable job. For case-sensitive operating systems such as Unix, the case must match the case of the filename. For all output, the JBS subsystem uses the output file name recorded here to direct the output file to a destination.
  • Output type defaults to Postscript.
  • If the Override Options indicator is set, then at least one of Allow Print, Allow Fax, Allow Email must also be set.

To modify a job output record using the Maintain Job Details form:

  1. Find the record to be modified.
  2. Modify the record as required.
  3. Save.


To delete a job output record using the Maintain Job Details form:

  1. Find the record to be deleted.
  2. Locate the cursor in the record to be deleted.
  3. Delete record.
  4. Save.


  • Job output cannot be deleted once this output exists in a request, or if it has output options.


Job Run Window Restriction


A job can be restricted to running only in certain run windows. For a job run in immediate mode, this restricts the times it may start. If run in batch mode, the job can only be included in a request with the same run window(s).

This overlay block, which is displayed when the Restrictions and Run Window Restrictions navigation buttons are selected, is used to select the run windows against which the job may run.

For full information on run windows, see the documentation for the Maintain Run Windows (JBSF4410) form.


To place a run window restriction on a system job, using the Maintain Job Details form:

  1. Access the overlay block using the Restrictions/Run Window Restrictions navigation buttons.
  2. Ensure mode is Insert.
  3. Either
    key a valid run window value in the Run Window field
    using the icon alongside the field ,
    access the pop-up window, Inquire On Run Windows (
    JBSF4411), and select the required run window using that form.
  4. Save.
  5. To reinstate previous screen layout, select Back.


  • A restriction can be saved here, or on return to the previous layout.

To delete a job run window restriction record using the Maintain Job Details form:

  1. Find the record to be deleted.
  2. Locate the cursor in the record to be deleted.
  3. Delete record.
  4. Save.
  5. To reinstate previous screen layout, select Back.


  • Save here or after reinstating the previous screen layout.


Job Run Mode Restriction


Report jobs can be run in either IMMEDIATE or BATCH mode. In IMMEDIATE mode, they run as a background process on the client machine. Jobs other than report jobs must be run in batch mode, within a request.

This overlay block, which is displayed when the Restrictions and Run Mode Restrictions navigation buttons are selected, is used to stipulate that a report is to be run only in one or other mode. If a mode restriction is not applied here, it may be run in either mode. (However, if a job is restricted to a particular run window, and that run window in turn is restricted to a particular run mode, then the job is effectively restricted to a specific run mode.) If specified as IMMEDIATE mode only, it can never form part of a job request.


To place a run mode restriction on a system job, using the Maintain Job Details form:

  1. Access the overlay block using the Restrictions/Run Mode Restrictions navigation buttons.
  2. Ensure Insert mode.
  3. Select the run mode required from the list of values (or key a valid value) in the System Run Mode field of a blank record.
  4. Save.
  5. To reinstate previous screen layout, select Back.


  • Only report jobs may be run in IMMEDIATE mode.

To delete a job run mode restriction record using the Maintain Job Details form:

  1. Find the record to be deleted.
  2. Locate the cursor in the record to be deleted.
  3. Delete record.
  4. Save.


  • This will have the effect of reinstating both modes as options for a report job.


Job Conflict


It may be inadvisable to run a particular job concurrently with another, particularly where the two jobs access the same set of data. Conflict may occur where two jobs are simultaneously updating a set of data, or where one job is extracting data while another job is updating the same data. A further consideration, where a job processes large data volumes, is that concurrent processing may unnecessarily slow down both jobs.

When a job conflict record is entered against a job, this job cannot run if the conflict job is running, and vice-versa. Callista will only allow the second job to run when the first job is finished.

One or more jobs can be recorded as conflict jobs.

Those jobs for which this is critical will already have conflict records set up, and are identified in the job's documentation. System administrators may use this function to control the relative timing of other jobs and reports.


In Finance Interface processing, composite jobs have been set up with conflict records, as shown here. In this example, none of the four jobs can run while any other is running. The setup also prevents different instances of the same job from running concurrently.

Job Name

Conflict Job Name












To add a conflict record to a system job, using the Maintain Job Details form:

  1. Access the overlay block using Conflicts navigation button.
  2. Select the conflict job from the list of values (or key a valid value) in the Conflict Job Name field of a blank record.
  3. Save.
  4. To reinstate previous screen layout, select Back.

Rules & Notes:

  • Conflict relationships work both ways. i.e. an attempt to run either job will not succeed if the other job is running.
  • More than one job can be recorded as a conflict job.
  • Conflict records can prevent separate instances of the same job from running concurrently.

To delete a conflict record using the Maintain Job Details form:

  1. Find the record to be deleted.
  2. Locate the cursor in the record to be deleted.
  3. Delete record.
  4. Save.


  • This will have the effect of allowing both jobs to run concurrently.


Changes within this form will have the following notable effects:

Changes made to a job's details may affect the ability to submit existing requests containing the job, or prevent a job waiting to run from doing so.


 Last Modified on 11 March 2002