Maintain Run Windows - JBSF4410


To allow the specification of 'windows' of time within which scheduled jobs may start, and to record any run mode restrictions against these windows


Job Control and Scheduling


Two Blocks + overlay

Run Window

Run Window Interval

Run Window Run Mode Restriction (overlay block)


Navigation Button invokes:

Run Window Run Mode Restriction block (overlay)



Run Window


Run windows identify sets of times within a week. They provide a mechanism to control when jobs run because a run window must be specified in a request to run batch jobs, and may be specified against individual jobs, whether run in batch or immediate mode. Jobs can start only during their specified run window, and only if there is an active batch queue which can operate in the same run window.

Basic run windows details are created and maintained in this block. The periods during which each run window is in effect are recorded in the Run Window Interval block below. It is also possible to restrict a run window to a particular mode of running. This is done by accessing the Run Window Run Mode Restriction block via the navigation button.


The week could be set up with a run window for business hours, another for jobs run after hours, and a third for weekend work.

To create a new run window record using the Maintain Run Windows form:

  1. Enter Insert mode.
  2. Enter the new run window name in the Run Window field of a blank record.
  3. Enter the corresponding description for the run window in the Description field.
  4. Save.

To modify a run window record using the Maintain Run Windows form:

  1. Find the record to be modified.
  2. Modify the record as required.
  3. Save.


  • A run window name cannot be modified. Only the description and the value of the Closed indicator may be changed.

To delete a run window record using the Maintain Run Windows form:

  1. Find the record to be deleted.
  2. Locate the cursor in the record to be deleted.
  3. Delete record.
  4. Save.


  • A run window cannot be deleted if run window interval records or run window run mode restriction records exist for it. Neither can it be deleted if it is specified in a job request or a batch queue.
  • A run window can be Closed, preventing its further use. Jobs that have already been saved in an existing request for that run window (request statuses PLANNED, WAIT or SCHEDULED) will not be prevented from running.

Run Window Interval


This block is used to record, for each run window in the Run Window block, the periods within a week which constitute that window.


Run Window

Start Day of Week

Start Time

End Day of Week

End Time











To create a new run window interval record using the Maintain Run Windows form:

  1. Enter Insert mode (for all but first record to be created).
  2. Select the day of the week on which the interval starts from the list of values (or key the first one or two letters) in the Start Day Of Week field of a blank record.
  3. Key in the start time of the interval in the Start Time field.
  4. Select the day of the week on which the interval ends from the list of values (or key the first one or two letters) in the End Day Of Week field.
  5. Key in the end time of the interval in the End Time field.
  6. Repeat from 1 to create the required number of intervals. (Reminder: Function key F3 duplicates the field above.)
  7. Save.


  • The intervals for a single run window cannot overlap.
  • The system gives a warning if intervals for different run windows overlap.
  • An alternative to entering insert mode to create each subsequent record after the first is to click in the Start Time field of a blank record.
  • Clicking in a Day of Week field produces the pop-down list, but tabbing to the field allows keying.
  • The system uses the 24 hour clock (e.g. 5 p.m. should be entered as 17:00).
  • Time can be entered in a variety of formats. For example, 8:01 can be entered as 8.01, 8-01 or 8:1, amongst others.
  • An entered time like 8.3 is interpreted by the system as 8.03.

To modify a run window interval record using the Maintain Run Windows form:

  1. Find the record to be modified.
  2. Modify the record as required.
  3. Save.

To delete a run window interval record using the Maintain Run Windows form:

  1. Find the record to be deleted.
  2. Locate the cursor in the record to be deleted.
  3. Delete record.
  4. Save.

Run Window Run Mode Restriction


There are two system defined run modes, IMMEDIATE and BATCH. If desired, particular run windows can be specified as running in one mode only, which enables a broad level of management of how (and therefore when) jobs can run.

Batch jobs in requests have to start within a run window specified for the request. It is possible to restrict the number of jobs that can be run concurrently in a run window in BATCH run mode. For example, if the maximum for concurrent jobs is set to 3, for example, and there are 5 active batch queues for the same run window available, only 3 queues can be used at the same time to execute jobs in the run window.

This block, which is displayed as an overlay when the Run Mode Restrictions navigation button is selected, allows for these restrictions to be applied to a run window.

If there are no entries in this block for a particular run window, then

  • both immediate and batch jobs can be run during the intervals when the window applies
  • the full number of available batch queues can be used concurrently by jobs in the window, subject to other considerations such as batch queue priority restrictions.


At certain times of year (for instance, during the enrolment period) it may be desirable to prevent users from initiating runtime reports so as to reserve processing power for online database access. This could be achieved by restricting the business hours run window to BATCH run mode.

Another use might be to influence the proportion of processing power allocated to batch jobs during the day by recording both modes against the run window, but setting a maximum for concurrent jobs against the BATCH mode.

To place a run mode restriction on a run window, using the Maintain Run Windows form:

  1. Access the overlay block using the Run Mode Restrictions navigation button.
  2. Ensure Insert mode.
  3. Select the run mode required from the list of values (or key a valid value) in the System Run Mode field of a blank record.
  4. Optionally, enter a number in the Maximum Concurrent Jobs field.
  5. Save.
  6. To reinstate previous screen configuration, select Back.

To modify a run window run mode restriction record using the Maintain Run Windows form:

  1. Find the record to be modified.
  2. Change the value in the Maximum Concurrent Jobs field.
  3. Save.

To delete a run window run mode restriction record using the Maintain Run Windows form:

  1. Find the record to be deleted.
  2. Locate the cursor in the record to be deleted.
  3. Delete record.
  4. Save.

Last Modified on 30 September 1999