The Student Course
HECS Option block is used to record details of a student's chosen HECS
payment option and associated taxation and residency details. The block
is divided into three tabbed forms: Declarations, Overrides and Snapshots.
The purpose of the
Declaration tab, is so HECS liable students, as part of enrolment, may
complete a Payment Options Declaration Form on which they select their
preferred option for payment of their HECS liability.
The purpose of the
Override tab is to display the student HECS payment option declarations
for specific fee calendar periods as override entries. The records entered
will override the default declaration recorded in the STUDENT_COURSE_HECS_OPTION
table whenever assessing fees or managing debt within the defined fee
calendar period. Note: At ENRF3110 level, both past and future ACTIVE
fee calendars applicable to HECS fee types will be shown. The Fees Type
button is used if an institution has several different types of HECS
fees and the maximum payment level needs to be proporioned between the
HECS fees. The button is only active when the user selects payment (11),
and a maximum payment level is indicated. The button shows either (+)
or (-), as it is dependant on if fees have been define or not.
The Snapshot tab
is for viewing only and is populated when the FINJ6231
job is run. It is this information that is used to report HECS Payment
Options to the Australian Tax Office.
Important Notes:
A student with more than one course may have a different HECS payment
option for each course.
An existing Override
Declaration cannot be modified, but may be replaced by a new Override
Declaration. A new Override Declaration will only apply to fee assessment
and debt management in the defined period
Each HECS payment
option maps to a Government HECS payment option (ENRF0161).
Data must be entered in the System in accordance with these rules. Data
is also validated against the student's statistical records relating
to citizenship and residency. The calculation of HECS liability is carried
out by the Student Finance subsystem and is based on the courses and
units that the student is attempting. For HECS (and potentially some
other fees), the fee is not assessed if a student's course attempt does
not have an active HECS option defined for a date range that covers
the census date.