Record or Confirm Course Attempt HECS Option - ENRF3110


To enable the recording and maintenance of student course attempt HECS options




Two Blocks

Student Course Attempt

Student Course HECS Option


Creating a New HECS Payment Option Record

Deleting a HECS Payment Option Record

Modifying a HECS Payment Option Record

Duplicating a HECS Payment Option Record


Student Course Attempt Block

You can access this form in two ways, either directly from the menu or from the Record Enrolments form (ENRF3000) as part of the enrolment process.

Accessing this form directly enables you to query details in the Person Detail block. Individuals and their course attempts can be found (queried) in the Student Course Attempt block and HECS option details recorded or checked.

If the form is accessed as a step in the enrolment process (ENRF3000), it opens with the student ID as the context record. During the enrolment process, the HECS option details of the enrolling student can be checked or recorded by selecting the navigation button in the Record Enrolments form. When accessed in this way, it is not possible to query any other person details.

Note that the person query function in this form is not as powerful as that in the Find Person form (ADMF1211). Names are case sensitive and are best avoided as query criteria. To avoid delays in retrieving records it is preferable to use Person ID numbers as query criteria.

The Student Course Attempt block displays details of a student's course attempt for which their Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS) payment option may be displayed and/or recorded.

Any changes that occur within this form are reflected within the HECS Payment Option Declaration Form section of Callista Connect, and vice versa.


Student Course HECS Option Block

The Student Course HECS Option block is used to record details of a student's chosen HECS payment option and associated taxation and residency details. The block is divided into three tabbed forms: Declarations, Overrides and Snapshots.

The purpose of the Declaration tab, is so HECS liable students, as part of enrolment, may complete a Payment Options Declaration Form on which they select their preferred option for payment of their HECS liability.

The purpose of the Override tab is to display the student HECS payment option declarations for specific fee calendar periods as override entries. The records entered will override the default declaration recorded in the STUDENT_COURSE_HECS_OPTION table whenever assessing fees or managing debt within the defined fee calendar period. Note: At ENRF3110 level, both past and future ACTIVE fee calendars applicable to HECS fee types will be shown. The Fees Type button is used if an institution has several different types of HECS fees and the maximum payment level needs to be proporioned between the HECS fees. The button is only active when the user selects payment (11), and a maximum payment level is indicated. The button shows either (+) or (-), as it is dependant on if fees have been define or not.

The Snapshot tab is for viewing only and is populated when the FINJ6231 job is run. It is this information that is used to report HECS Payment Options to the Australian Tax Office.

Important Notes:
A student with more than one course may have a different HECS payment option for each course.

An existing Override Declaration cannot be modified, but may be replaced by a new Override Declaration. A new Override Declaration will only apply to fee assessment and debt management in the defined period

Each HECS payment option maps to a Government HECS payment option (ENRF0161). Data must be entered in the System in accordance with these rules. Data is also validated against the student's statistical records relating to citizenship and residency. The calculation of HECS liability is carried out by the Student Finance subsystem and is based on the courses and units that the student is attempting. For HECS (and potentially some other fees), the fee is not assessed if a student's course attempt does not have an active HECS option defined for a date range that covers the census date.


The data from the form is entered in this block and validated against the student's statistical details (ENRF3060) to ensure that the payment option is within the rules. For instance, overseas students cannot select DEFERRED as their HECS payment option. Tax file numbers are recorded to permit the reporting of students' HECS liabilities to the Australian Taxation Office.


Creating a New HECS Payment Option Record

  1. Ensure that the correct student course attempt is displayed.
  2. Navigate to the Student Course HECS Option block - Declarations tab.
  3. Enter Insert mode. The Start Date field will default to the current date. Ignore the End Date field at this time.
  4. If applicable, select the Elect Payment checkbox. This will filter the available HECS options to those that enable fee payment.
  5. Select the HECS payment option, chosen by the student, from the list of values (or key a valid value) in the HECS Payment Option field.
  6. Amend the start date if required and optionally set an end date, once the HECS payment option is selected.
  7. The differential HECS check box, when selected, indicates that the student has been assessed as being liable for differential HECS. This data is currently transferred from legacy systems but may be overridden here.
  8. Overrides Tab - Enter the details of any HECS Payment Option Overrides.
  9. Enter data in the remaining active fields where applicable.
  10. Save.


  • If there is an existing 'active' HECS option record this must be end dated before creating a new record. Only the record with the most recent start date can be open ended.

  • On entering a HECS payment option, the End Date field will default to the end date of the current academic period where the government HECS payment option (to which the HECS payment option maps) is set to expire in the academic period.

  • User must have a tax file number recorded, if a HECS payment option of "13" or "14" is select.

  • The selection of a HECS payment option will determine which of the remaining fields is disabled, preventing data entry in those fields. For instance, a New Zealand citizen cannot have an option of 'upfront fees with discount'. If 'upfront with discount' is selected as the HECS payment option, the fields in the Holders of Special Category Visas box will be disabled.

  • The tax file number is protected from view in this form.

  • OVERRIDES:An existing override declaration cannot be modified but may be replaced by a new override declaration. A new Override Declaration will only apply to fee assessment and debt management in the defined period


Deleting a HECS Payment Option Record

A record with a start date earlier than the current date should not normally be deleted. But if necessary, it is possible to do so in this way:

  1. Modify the start date to the current date or later (see below).

  2. Delete the record.


  • It is preferable to end date rather than delete HECS option records. Except to rectify a clerical error.


Modifying a HECS Payment Option Record


  1. Find the record to be modified.

  2. Make the required changes.

  3. A start date can be altered once the HECS option has been selected. A warning message will appear.

    An end date can be added or amended.

  4. Save.


  • Where there are several HECS option records for a course attempt, the date ranges cannot overlap.

  • Changing an end date to an earlier date may result in an unintended gap between date ranges. No HECS payment option will apply for the course attempt during the gap period.

  • Normally a new record should be created for a change in HECS option. But in case of administrative error, an option can effectively be changed without creating a second record. Amend the start date to the current date, save the record, change the option, save, enter the original start date and save.


Duplicating a HECS Payment Option Record


  1. Select the record to be duplicated (source record).

  2. Select New Record.

  3. Select Duplicate Record Above from the Edit menu. The source record is copied to the new record. Note: The most recent dated Tax File Number for this student is copied to the new record.

  4. Change the start date of the new record (usually to the current date).

  5. Save.


  • This process uses the standard 'Duplicate Record Above' process but differs in that the Tax File Number from the source record is not necessarily copied.

 Updated 7 February 2003