Maintain Course Fields of Study - CRSF1260


To enable the definition of the main fields of study of course versions.


Course Structure & Planning


Two Blocks

Course Version

Course Field of Study



Course Version


The Course Version block displays current course version record from CRSF1210. The displayed records in the Course Field of Study block, are the fields of study for the context record.


If course version A300 - Bachelor of Arts, version x is selected, then this form will display A300 - Bachelor of Arts and any existing fields of study relating to this course version will be displayed.

To inquire on the fields of study of a course version other than that initially displayed:

This block does not permit a query to be entered. It is necessary to:

  1. Return to the Maintain Basic Course Details form.
  2. Select the course version for which field of study records are required.
  3. Select the navigation button for Other Course Detail.
  4. Select the navigation button for fields of study.

Course Field of Study


One or more fields of study may be recorded for a course version. The fields of study, themselves, are created and maintained using the Maintain Fields of Study form. Each field of study maps to a Government Field of Study which is used for statistical reporting.


The course Bachelor of Arts (Languages) may have the field of study Linguistics recorded against it. This, in turn may be mapped to the Government Field of Study 030304 - Linguistics. Psychology, Agricultural Science are also examples of fields of study.

To define a field of study for a particular course version using the Maintain Course Fields of Study form:

  1. Enter Insert Mode.
  2. Select the appropriate field of study from the list of values (or key a valid value) in the Field of Study field of a blank record.
  3. If only one field of study is being created for the course version, the Major Field check box will have been selected by default. 100 should be entered in the Percentage field.
  4. If more than one field of study has been created, select the Major Field checkbox for the field of study considered to be the major field of study and adjust the percentage values in the Percentage field of all records so that their total is exactly 100.
  5. Save.


  • A course version may have more than one field of study.
  • Combined degree courses are the only courses which should have more than one field of study.
  • Each field of study must be assigned a percentage, representing the proportional weighting of the field of study in relation to other fields of study of the course version. The total of the percentages for all fields of study of a course version must be 100.
  • One, and only one, field of study must be identified as the major field of study.
  • Fields of study are created and maintained using the Maintain Fields of Study form.
  • Field(s) of study cannot be altered once the Course Version has been made INACTIVE.
  • CLOSED fields of study cannot be added to course versions.

To modify a field of study for a particular course version using the Maintain Course Fields of Study form:

  1. Find the record to be modified.
  2. Modify the major field or percentage as required. (ensuring that only one field of study is selected as the major field and the total percentages for all fields of study equals exactly 100.)
  3. Save.


  • Only the Major Field and Percentage fields are able to be modified. To change a field of study it is necessary to delete incorrect records and/or create new records.

To delete a course field of study from a particular course version using the Maintain Course Fields of Study form:

  1. Ensure that the correct course version is displayed in the Course Version block.
  2. Select the desired field of study record in the Course Field of Study block.
  3. Delete record.
  4. Ensure that the total percentages of remaining fields of study equal exactly 100 and that one field of study is selected as the major field.
  5. Save.


  • An ACTIVE course version must contain at least one field of study. If all fields of study are deleted using this process, at least one new course of study must be added before saving.

Changes within this form will have the following notable effects:

  • Fields of study map to Government Field of Education which are used for VET statistical reporting. Changes to fields of study may affect the VET statistics.

Updated 22 May 2002