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Proposal Items are the separate data items that make up a Proposal.
e.g. A Course proposal might contain items of Attendance Mode, Attendance Type, etc.
Use this page to create and maintain the Proposal Items to be included in a Proposal Type.
There is a system proposal item defined for 'Course Attendance Type' which corresponds to the Course Attendance Type in Callista CRS. This system data is set in an appropriate context. i.e. As part of a course offering option.
The Proposal Item is created in PAAW0300 and mapped to the appropriate system proposal item (ATTTYPE).
It inherits the System Proposal Type (COURSE) and System Element Code (COO) from the system value.
This Proposal Item can then be selected as part of an element (mapped to system element code COO) in a proposal type (e.g. NEW COURSE) in PAAW0200.
See the Proposals System Data pages for more details:
Proposals Unit System Data
Proposals Unit Set System Data
Course System Data
For further details about Proposals Items, check the Proposals technical information page in the Callista Product Centre.
This page may be reached directly from the menu.
A list of Proposal Items is displayed on entry to this page. This list can be searched using the initial fields displayed or the Additional Search fields available. See Working with Lists for general information about lists.
To create a new Proposal Item, click on the New button to open a blank Proposal Item page.
Record details for the new Record and click the Create button to create it. If you wish to continue creating new Proposal Items, click on the Create & New button.
To edit an existing Proposal Item record click on the link formed by the Proposal Item Code to open a page in which that record can be edited.
Make changes to the record and click on the Save button to commit the changes.
To delete a Proposal Item select that record and click on the Delete link.
These values are used to map Proposal Items to corresponding System Proposal Items. These are described in Proposals Unit System Data, Proposals Unit Set System Data and Proposals Course System Data.
Field: | Description: |
Proposal Item Code: | The local name for this Item which will be used instead of the system data name. PROPOSAL_ITEM.PROPOSAL_ITEM_CD |
Description: | Description of this Item - may contain up to 60 characters. PROPOSAL_ITEM.DESCRIPTION |
System Proposal Item Code: | Use a look up to select the System Proposal Item. A Proposal Item that is mapped to a system value will be subject to the validations of that system value. A system value (other than USER DEF) is the representation of the fields and records that form the Course Structure and Planning tables for a UNIT. PROPOSAL_ITEM.S_PROPOSAL_ITEM_CD |
Closed: | Select this check box to close this Proposal Item. It will then no longer be available for inclusion in Proposal Types. An item cannot be closed if that item has been used in a 'Display When' or 'Mandatory When' condition at either the element or element item level for a Proposal Type (PAAW0200). PROPOSAL_ITEM.CLOSED_IND |
Field: | Description: |
Amendment Value: | This value gives a measure of the significance of an item. It may be used to derive the total amendment value for a proposal. If the Proposal Type (see PAAW0200) does not have a Review Category defined, then the aggregate value of its items is used to allocate the appropriate Review Category. Review Categories (PAAW0500) have an amendment range, the range that the aggregate value falls in will be the review category used. PROPOSAL_ITEM.REVIEW_CAT_AMENDMENT_VALUE |
System Field Label: | Default Prompt for this System Proposal Item. S_PROPOSAL_ITEM.PROMPT |
Override Field Label: | The prompt that will be displayed for this item in a proposal. If blank then the System Field Label will be displayed. Note: Some proposal pages will automatically insert a colon after the field label. For this reason the Override Field Label should not end with a colon. PROPOSAL_ITEM.OVERRIDE_PROMPT |
Field Type: | Defines how the data will be collected. Examples of Field Types may be: check list, pop list, Radio Button, Text Field and FIND. Use the poplist to select the type of input allowed in the field. Enabled if associated system proposal item allows overrides else disabled. For concatenated fields, other than Unit Code, Unit Set Code or Course Code, the POPLIST option must be selected here. (Concatenated fields have an S_CONCAT_TYPE value defined for their System Proposal Item). PROPOSAL_ITEM.S_INPUT_FIELD_TYPE |
Display Field Description: | If this check box is selected, then when the item appears in a proposal (in PAAW1100), then a description will be displayed for the selected value of the item. This may be the 'description' defined by a system-defined query for the item (from S_PROPOSAL_ITEM) or it may be a description derived by the override query defined in the Display SQL Statement below. If an SQL statement has been recorded in the field below to override the system value then a 'Display Description SQL has been overridden' lamp displays. This check box cannot be set if the associated system proposal item has data type of CLOB. PROPOSAL_ITEM.DISPLAY_DESCRIPTION_IND |
Display SQL Statement | Where the Display Field Description check box is selected above, then the DISPLAY_DESCRIPTION_SQL query defined for the corresponding system proposal item will be displayed by default (where one exists). An alternative SQL query may be recorded here to override the system defined query.The parameters available include the Proposal Id, Proposal Instance Element (PIE) Sequence Number and Superior PIE Sequence Number. If an override SQL statement has been recorded here then a 'Display Description SQL has been overridden' lamp displays. Click on Test SQL to validate the SQL statement. A 'Valid' or 'Invalid' lamp displays. PROPOSAL_ITEM.OVRD_DISPLAY_DESCRIPTION_SQL |
This section of the page is dynamic. The field type details are determined by the Field Type selected above and the Allowable Values option selected here.
Field: | Description: |
Field Length: | Displayed when Field Type is INPUT TEXT FIELD Maximum number of characters which can be recorded for this item. Shows a value taken from System Proposal Item. Disabled if not allowed to override. PROPOSAL_ITEM.OVERRIDE_FIELD_LENGTH |
Rich Text: | Displayed when Field Type is INPUT TEXT FIELD. When selected, a rich text editor is enabled for the field allowing the application of formatting to the text (e.g. bold, italics). PROPOSAL_ITEM.RICH_TEXT_IND |
System Find Type: | Displayed when Field Type is INPUT TEXT FIELD. Determines the System Find Type available for this item when creating a proposal instance. Select from COURSE, CRSVERSION, DT-ALIAS, PERSON, UNIT, UNIT-V, UNIT-SET and UNIT-SET-V This find type will be available for the Proposal item as a pop up. e.g. Find and select Course PROPOSAL_ITEM.S_FIND_TYPE |
Allowable Values: | Displayed when Field Type is INPUT TEXT FIELD, RADIO GROUP or POPLIST. Select the radio button for 'Any value', 'Defined by SQL Statement' or "Custom set' or 'Arithmetic Operation'. The selection here will determine what fields are displayed below. e.g. If 'Defined by SQL Statement' is selected then the 'Values SQL Statement' field (see below) will display. PROPOSAL_ITEM_ALWBL_VALUE.VALUE |
Values SQL Statement | This field is available for INPUT TEXT FIELD, RADIO GROUP or POPLIST and Field Types when 'Defined by SQL Statement' is selected for Allowable values. Use it to record the SQL statement which defines the set of allowable values. This SQL statement allows a context to be passed from the proposal instance element in which the item has been used. For this to occur, the SQL must be defined with a variable. This may be - :proposal_id – Context Proposal ID :pie_sequence_number – Context Proposal Instance Element Sequence Number :sup_pie_sequence_number - Context Proposal Instance Superior Element Sequence Number :getItemValue(<proposal_item_cd>) – Retrieves the value of a specified Proposal Item. The variable works as follows - If 'pie_sequence_number' is used, the context is passed in the form of the current proposal instance element sequence number. The sequence number is used in the item definition to alter the allowable values that are available. i.e. That text will be searched for in the allowable values SQL statement. Any time ‘:pie_sequence_number’ is found it will be substituted with the sequence number from the current proposal instance element. Example 1. To display all the open values plus the current value, if it is not open. SELECT cs.course_status, cs.course_status||' - '||cs.description FROM course_status cs WHERE cs.closed_ind = 'N' UNION SELECT cs.course_status, cs.course_status||' - '||cs.description FROM course_status cs, proposal_instance_item pii WHERE cs.closed_ind = 'Y' AND cs.course_status = pii.character_field AND pii.pie_sequence_number = :pie_sequence_number AND pii.proposal_item_cd = 'CVSTATUS' ORDER BY 1 For further details relating to how these are used, refer to the Callista Product Centre - The Test SQL button is available to test the validity of the SQL statement. The 'Valid' lamp displays if the query is OK. A oracle message is displayed if not valid. PROPOSAL_ITEM.ITEM_CLAUSE |
Apply Values to System Find check box |
This check box displays when 'Allowable Values' is 'Defined by SQL Statement'. When selected, the Values SQL Statement will be applied as a filter in the System Find when a proposer performs a search. This will ensure that only valid data is returned bby the search. Note: This functionality, if used, will require that the Allowable Values SQL returns both code and version number if applied to a system find. For example, when validating a system find of UNIT, the allowable values must return UNIT_CD||’|’||VERSION_NUMBER as the first column, or, when validating a system find of UNIT-V, the allowable values must also return UNIT_CD||’|’||VERSION_NUMBER as the first column. This must be ensured or else the application of the Allowable Values SQL as a filter will, in nearly all cases, result in no results displayed to the proposer or a system error. When a value is selected from the Find Page, it will return just UNIT_CD for UNIT system find type, or UNIT_CD|VERSION_NUMBER for UNIT-V find type. PROPOSAL_ITEM.APPLY_SYSTEM_FIND_IND |
Number Values |
Number values can be added if ' Custom Set' is selected for Allowable Values above. One number value is selected as the default value. |
Arithmetic Operation | This field is available if 'Arithmetic Operation' radio button is selected for Allowable Values (above). Valid parameters are: :proposal_id - Context Proposal ID :pie_sequence_number - Context Proposal Instance Element Sequence Number :getItemValue([proposal_item_cd]) - Retrieves the value of a specified Proposal Item |
Validation Function | An institution-defined database function used to validate the Proposal Instance Item. This function can receive the input parameters Proposal Id, PIE Sequence Number, Superior PIE Sequence Number and PII value. Its output parameters contain a message type (Error, Warning or Information) and message text. PROPOSAL_ITEM.CUSTOM_VALIDATION |
When called (radio buttons) |
Defines when the validation function is called while editing a proposal instance. i.e. On change, on lost focus or on save. PROPOSAL_ITEM.CUSTOM_TRIGGER |
Default Value (radio buttons) |
Displayed for INPUT TEXT FIELD, RADIO GROUP or POPLIST Field Types. Select a radio button to determine whether the Default Value is defined as a Specific Value or by an SQL statement. N/A |
Default Value | When 'Specific Value' radio button is selected for Default Value, the value recorded here will be the default value on creation of a new instance of that proposal item in a proposal instance. PROPOSAL_ITEM.DEFAULT_VALUE |
Default SQL Statement | When 'Defined by SQL Statement' radio button is selected for Default Value, this SQL statement will determine the default value on creation of a new instance of that proposal item in a proposal instance. This SQL statement has the following parameters available: Proposal Id, PIE Sequence Number and Superior PIE Sequence Number. The Test SQL button is available to test the validity of the SQL statement. The 'Valid' lamp displays if the query is OK. A oracle message is displayed if not valid. PROPOSAL_ITEM.DEFAULT_SQL |
By Default is Ticked: | Displayed for CHECKBOX Field Type. Select if the checkbox ticked by default. PROPOSAL_ITEM.DEFAULT_VALUE |
Field: | Description: |
Help Text: | Help text that will be available for this item via a help button adjacent to the item in PAAW1100. PROPOSAL_ITEM.HELP_TEXT |
Instructions: | Text block to record instructions that will be displayed above this item in PAAW1100. PROPOSAL_ITEM.INSTRUCTIONS |
Comments: | Text block to record comments pertinent to this item but which will not be displayed in PAAW1100. PROPOSAL_ITEM.COMMENTS |
Multiple Instances: | Currently, selecting the Multiple Instances check box will not affect the properties of an item. PROPOSAL_ITEM.MULTIPLE_INSTANCES_IND |
This functionality is reserved for future releases.
Field: | Description: |
Superior Proposal Item | Use the Search and Select pop up to select a Proposal Item that is superior to this item. That item should be present if this item is to be added to the related element. A value recorded here will cause the Proposal Item Relationship field in PAAW0200 to be 'DEFINED'. PROPOSAL_ITEM_RLTSHP.SUP_PROPOSAL_ITEM_CD |
Subordinate Proposal Item | Use the Search and Select pop up to select a Proposal Item that is subordinate to this item. That item should not be added unless this item is present for the related element. A value recorded here will cause the Proposal Item Relationship field in PAAW0200 to be 'DEFINED'. PROPOSAL_ITEM_RLTSHP.SUB_PROPOSAL_ITEM_CD |
These steps may be added to a Review Category workflow for a proposal which includes this Item. The inclusion of the step will occur if the 'Include when' condition is satisfied.
Field: | Description: |
Workflow Step | Name of the Workflow Step - as defined in GENF4820. Click on this link to launch the pop up which allows you to edit the details for this workflow step. PROPOSAL_ITEM_WRKFLW_STEP.WORKFLOW_STEP |
Order | Step Order of the Workflow Step - as defined in GENF4820. This determines where this step will be inserted in the workflow sequence. WORKFLOW_STEP.STEP_ORDER |
Description | Description of the Workflow Step - as defined in GENF4820. WORKFLOW_STEP.DESCRIPTION |
Include Step When Item Value | Value may be 'Changed', 'Changed from default value' or 'Has a Specific Value' This event triggers the inclusion of the workflow step in the workflow for a proposal that contains this item (if the workflow step isn't already there). If 'Has a Specific Value' is selected then a condition may need to be specified. PROPOSAL_ITEM_WRKFLW_STEP.INCLUDE_WHEN |
Condition | The Operator defines the relationship between the Comparison Item and the specified value. The Operator can take values of: - Starts With - Ends With - Equals - Does not equal - Less than - Greater than - Less than or equal to - Greater than or equal to - Between - Not Between - Contains - Does not contain - Is Blank - Is not Blank Note: If the Comparison Item is a CLOB field, then 'Is Blank' and 'Is not Blank' are the only operators available. This event triggers the inclusion of the workflow step in the workflow for a proposal that contains this item (if the workflow step isn't already there). If 'Has a Specific Value' is selected for 'Include Step When Item Value' then an operand must be selected here. PROPOSAL_ITEM_WRKFLW_STEP.OPERAND |
Value Start | The value of the item against which the condition is normally tested. Not displayed for 'Is blank' or 'Is not blank' operands. A value must be recorded in this field if it is displayed. PROPOSAL_ITEM_WRKFLW_STEP.VALUE_START |
Value End | The value defines the end point for a range defined for ‘Between’ and 'Not Between' operands. Only displayed for the ‘Between’ and 'Not Between' operands. A value must be recorded in this field if it is displayed. PROPOSAL_ITEM_WRKFLW_STEP.VALUE_END |
Communications to be triggered by various events.
Field: | Description: |
Communication Event | The event which triggers the generation of this communication. PROPOSAL_ITEM_COM.S_PROPOSAL_ITEM_COM_TRIG |
Communication to Send | The communication to be sent. May be used to record details for previous Subscription Email Type and Subscription Notice Code fields and other communications relevant for the context Proposal Item. PROPOSAL_ITEM_COM.COMMUNICATION_TYPE |
Delivery Method | Recorded for the Communication COMMUNICATION_TYPE.S_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TYPE |
Note: Values must be recorded for fields marked as Mandatory.
Note: More than one Proposal Item Code may be mapped to a System Proposal Item Code.
Proposal Items defined here are available for selection for Elements defined for a Proposal Type in PAAW0200.
Values here determine how data for a Proposal Item is entered when creating a Proposal in PAAW1100.
Amendment Values recorded here for Proposal Items may be aggregated to determine the Review Category that applies to a Proposal.
Workflow Steps need to be defined in order for them to be included here. These are created in GENF4830.
Last modified on 20 December, 2016 1:38 PM
History Information
Release Version | Project | Change to Document | | 2174 - PC 339 | Added information for Apply Values to System Find check box. | | 2174 - PC 318/359 | Added information for Validation Function and Default fields. | | 2174 - PC 326 | Added information for Radio Group field type |
18.0 | 2074 - Proposals Functional Updates | Added information for conditional workflow steps | & 17.1 | 2000 - PC 307 | Added note about closing a proposal item. |
17.1 | 1903 - CAPS Enhancements | Added further details including new System Find Types for Field Type Details in the Field Descriptions section. |
16.0.0 | 1844 - CAPS Enhancements | Added details for Allowable Values Removed Subscription Email Type & Subscription Notice Code fields and added the Related Communications section. Included Save and Create buttons. | & 15.1 | 1844 - CAPS - User Interface | Added details for Display SQL Statement |
15.0 | 1762 - CAPS -User Interface | Added details for Display Field Description check box |
15.0 | 1722 - 11g Upgrade | New Help page for 11g. |