To maintain and display various settings as the personal defaults for a person registered in Callista |
Subsystem |
Structure |
Single Block |
Person Preferences |
Person Preferences |
Explanation |
details for the person currently logged on are displayed when this form
is entered. Although it is possible to inquire on another user's record,
the majority of people will only have the security privileges to change their own record. The
fields you can update are: Default
Server Printer - Select from the list of values. This printer is
assigned by the system as a destination for any printer output when
jobs are requested, unless a printer has already been nominated as part
of the job definition. (A user can override the default printer assigned
to output when they create a job request.) Default
Email Address - Where output destinations are not defined for a
report or job, the output may be sent to this email address. This address
is also used, when the Notify Requester check box has been selected,
to send an email to the address advising when a report or job has completed. Notify
Requester - The check box should be selected if the user wishes
to receive email notification of report and job completion. Allow
Standing Request - The check box can only be updated by a person
with Administrator privileges (see SECF0062). When selected, the user
is allowed to submit jobs as standing requests, as opposed to normally scheduled requests. Use
Novice Request Interface - The check box can only be updated by
a person with Administrator privileges (see SECF0062). When selected,
the user is able to use the Schedule As Soon As Possible function when
running jobs and reports. It removes their ability to schedule jobs
and reports through Job Scheduler. (refer to Reports
Example |
To set personal defaults, using the Maintain Person Preferences form: |
An individual's personal defaults can only be set by the
individual or a person with Administrator privileges.
The Allow Standing Request and User Novice Request Interface
check boxes can only be set by a person with Administrator privileges. |
modify personal defaults, using the Maintain Person Preferences form: |
cancel the assignment of a personal default, using the Maintain Person
Preferences form: |
modified on 9 May 2002