Job Control & Scheduling Glossary




Abort on Error indicator


specifies whether or not the failure of a request job should cause subsequent jobs in the request to be prevented from running.

Allow Email indicator


If the override options indicator is set, this indicator specifies whether or not a user can direct the job output to an email address.

Allow Fax indicator


If the override options indicator is set, this indicator specifies whether or not a user can direct the job output to a facsimile machine.

Allow Print indicator


If the override options indicator is set, this indicator specifies whether or not a user can direct the job output to a printer.

Allow Standing Request indicator


set by an IT specialist, an indicator showing whether a user is permitted to set up standing requests.

batch job


in this system, a job scheduled to run at a future time within a request, rather than immediately on the user's PC.

batch mode


a mode indicating a job is to run as a batch job.

batch queues


provide a mechanism for running request jobs in batch mode. A job must be assigned to an active batch queue by the system before it can run. Only one job at a time can be running in a batch queue, but several jobs can run concurrently using different queues.

Cancel Request


the act of cancelling a submitted request (using the Cancel Request button and saving). The status reverts to PLANNED.

CPU Time


the total time allocated by the computer processor to run the job.

data parameters (in JBS)


are similar to query criteria. They are values used for comparison in extracting particular data from the database for reporting.

Alias Instance - Job Request Schedule


the date of an event, such as census day, which is used in specifying the schedule for a job.

default parameter (in JBS)


is a commonly used value supplied as a parameter by the system. A default parameter value can generally be overridden by a user.

Delete Output indicator


when set this indicator causes the system to delete the output file after it has been sent to its specified destinations.

Dependent Job


a job which requires the successful completion of one or more other jobs before it can run. See also Mandatory, Prerequisite Job.

Destination Number


a unique number identifying a destination or set of destinations within each output number for a job in a request.

End Time - Batch Queue


represents the latest time a request job can be assigned to a queue. The end time must fall within at least one of the queue's run window intervals.

Entry Date & Time


the date and time at which the entry was made in the run log.

executable (executable job)


see Job Execution Name

immediate mode


a mode applying only to jobs run under the Oracle Reports facility, where the job runs immediately on the user's PC.



see Run Window Interval



the name or names by which existing executable jobs are known in Callista.

Job Execution Name


the name of the module (set of programming instructions) executed when a job is run.

Job Num (job number)


see Job Sequence Number

Job Output Destination


a destination or set of destinations (printer, fax, email) to which an output is directed.

Job Output Option


a term used to define an output destination at the time a job is defined.

job priority


each job is assigned a priority (1-9) which is a major determinant in deciding the order in which the job runs in relation to other jobs which have also reached their scheduled time. Priority 1 is the highest priority.

job request


see Request

Job Run


a particular instance of the running of a job.

Job Run Output


a particular instance of the running of job, identified so that output from that run can be reproduced.

Job Run Status


reflects the stage a job has reached in its running. Possible statuses are WAIT, SCHEDULED, RUNNING, COMPLETE, FAILED, ABORTED, CANCELLED.

Job Sequence Number (job number)


a number identifying a job (or occurrence of a job) within a request. Jobs in a request will run in the sequence shown by these numbers, if the Sequence indicator is set.

job type


see System Job Type

Last Run Date


the date on which the job was last run.

Location Code (JBS)


the code of the location of a printer or facsimile machine recorded as the output destination of a job.

Mand indicator


see Mandatory

Mandatory indicator


When two jobs have a dependent relationship, the mandatory indicator signifies whether or not they must be included in the same request.

Maximum Concurrent Jobs


the maximum number of jobs that may be run concurrently in the specified run mode at any time during the relevant run window. This can effectively limit the number of active batch queues in use.

Menu Title (of Job)


the title of a job to be displayed on menus.

Option (Job Output)


see Job Output Option

output (in JBS)


information produced as the result of running a job.

Output File Name


the name of the output produced from a job, which for reports is specified in the Maintain Job Details form and for other jobs is pre-determined within the executable job.

Output Number


a number, unique within a job, which identifies a file created as output from that job.

Override Options indicator


an indicator which specifies whether or not, at request time, an end-user is:

  • permitted to override any output options (destinations) defined with the job, or
  • required to enter destinations where none exist.

The indicator works in conjunction with the Allow Print/Fax/Email indicators.

parameter (in JBS)


a value influencing the way a computer program, routine or command will work, and/or the data it will access. In the JBS subsystem, parameters are entered by a user before a job runs.

parameter form (in JBS)


the form into which parameters are entered before a job is run.

Person Preferences (in JBS)


allows a user to change their own default printer and displays an indicator showing whether the user is permitted to set up standing requests.

Prerequisite Job


a job whose successful completion is required before a dependent job can run. See also Mandatory, Dependent Job.



see Job Priority

Priority Override


the priority for a job set by a user (where the user has been granted this privilege) which overrides the default job priority.

Queue ID


the unique code assigned to a batch queue.

report job


a job producing a report, run using the Oracle Reports facility. Report jobs are the only ones that can be run in immediate mode, but they may also be run in batch mode.



a request is the method by which a user can schedule and submit jobs to run in batch mode.

Request Job


a job that is included in a request and run in batch mode.

Request Number


a system generated unique number identifying an individual request.

Request Schedule


the stipulation of specific date(s) and time(s) within the specified run window after which the jobs in a particular request can run.

Request Status


reflects the stage a request has reached. Possible values are PLANNED, WAIT, SCHEDULED, COMPLETE, CANCELLED.

Requested By


the identification of the current user.

Re-send Job Output Destination


a previous destination to which an output file can be redirected for a further copy of its contents.

re-send output


where an output file has been retained, a copy of its contents can be re-sent to a previous destination (printer, fax or email).

Restartable indicator


specifies whether or not a job can be restarted after a system crash.

Run As Requester indicator


an indicator which shows whether or not database security restrictions will be enforced when a report job is run.

Run Log


a record of the outcome for jobs that have completed.

run mode


see System Run Mode

Run Window


is assigned to both batch jobs and batch queues and defines a set of times (intervals) during which jobs may be run, and batch queues are active.

Run Window Interval


a run window interval is a period of time within a run window defined by a start day/time and an end day/time.

Scheduled Date & Time


the date and time at which, or as soon as possible after which, a job is required to run.

scheduling a request


used in this documentation to mean the specification of either a request schedule or a standing request.

security access (in JBS)


access to particular menus, forms, data or jobs granted to individuals or security roles.

security privilege (in JBS)


the ability to create or change security restrictions/access.

Send Person ID


the Callista identification of the person to whom the (email) job output will be sent.

Sequence (job number)


see Job Sequence Number

Sequence indicator


specifies whether or not the jobs within a request are to run in order of job sequence number. Jobs not run in sequence will generally run according to their priority. If job dependencies exist the system will ensure that pre-requisite and dependent jobs are run in the appropriate order.

Short Title (of Job)


the title of a job to be used in zoom lists.

Standing Request


is a request automatically scheduled to run on a regular basis - for example, on the last day of each month - rather than on specific dates nominated beforehand.

Standing Request Frequency


the days, day of the month, events, or other time markers which are used to trigger the automatic scheduling of a standing request.

Standing Request indicator


specifies whether or not the request is one that is automatically scheduled on a regular basis.

Standing Request Period


is the set of dates marking the period during which a request is to be run automatically at regular intervals. The period can be open-ended.

Start Time - Batch Queue


represents the earliest time a request job can be assigned to a queue. The start time must fall within at least one of the queue's run window intervals.

submit a request


the act of submitting a PLANNED request (using the Submit Request button and saving) so the system can schedule and run its constituent jobs.

System Job


see Job

System Job Priority


see Job Priority

System Job Type


specifies the type of job. The current types are STORED DATABASE PROCEDURE, PRO C PROGRAM, ORACLE REPORT and UNIX SHELL SCRIPT.

System Output Type


the currently available types are TEXT and POSTSCRIPT.

System Queue Status


indicates the level of activity of a batch queue. The possible statuses are ACTIVE, INACTIVE and SUSPENDED.

System Run Mode


the available run modes are IMMEDIATE and BATCH. Report jobs can run in either mode, but other jobs run only in batch.

Update Job indicator


indicates that the job updates the database. This indicator is for information only.

 Last Modified on 30 September 1999