Maintain Organisational Unit Locations - ORGF0145


To maintain records of all the locations applicable to an organisational unit. An organisational unit may be located at one or more physical locations.


Organisational Structure


Two Blocks

Organisational Unit

Organisational Unit Location



Organisational Unit


This context block displays the organisational unit for which locations are given in the Organisational Unit Location block beneath. If the form is entered via the navigation button in the Maintain Organisational Units form, this block displays the record in use in that form.



To inquire on the locations of an organisational unit other than that initially displayed, using the Maintain Organisational Unit Locations form:

This block does not permit a query to be entered. It is necessary to:

  1. Return to the Maintain Organisational Units form.
  2. Select the organisational unit for which locations are required.
  3. Select the navigation button for organisational unit locations.


Organisational Unit Location


Locations associated with the context organisational unit are shown in this block. These locations have already been defined in the Maintain Locations form. In this block, addition or deletion of records either creates or severs the link between organisational unit and location.



To record a new organisational unit location of the displayed organisational unit, using the Maintain Organisational Unit Locations form:
  1. Enter Insert mode.
  2. Select the new location from the list of values (or key a valid value) in the Location field.
  3. Save.


  • The location must previously have been created in the Maintain Locations form.
To delete an organisational unit location of the displayed organisational unit, using the Maintain Organisational Unit Locations form:
  1. Ensure that the correct organisational unit is displayed in the context block.
  2. Select the location record to be deleted.
  3. Delete record.
  4. Save.


Changes within this form will have the following notable effects: