Merge Person With Two IDs - ENRF5900

Purpose To merge the records of a student with two ID numbers, under one of those numbers
Subsystem Enrolments
Structure Four Blocks Merge IDs

Merge Table Name


Action Choice

Buttons invoke: Determine Actions process

Merge Person IDs process


Merge IDs

A person may be inadvertently recorded in the System under two (or more) ID numbers. This form is used to run a process which copies data from one of the ID numbers (Obsolete ID) into a single set of data under the other number (Current ID).

This block is used to record the two ID numbers to be merged. The Determine Actions button is then selected to display details of the data to be merged.

Users of this function should have an understanding of the data being merged.

Merge Table Name

When the Determine Actions button is selected, Callista determines which database tables from both ID numbers are involved in the merge process and displays their descriptions in this block. Each of these tables can be selected in turn to determine the action(s) to be performed on the data they contain.


This block describes the information contained under both IDs prior to the merge process. Based on the information displayed here, choices are made as to the actions to be performed during the merge process. Not all data has to be merged. Where data relating to two students is recorded under one ID, it is possible to selectively merge this data into the two correct IDs by performing this process twice, once for each current ID.

The block contains four fields, the fields on the left displaying information about data under the obsolete ID, the fields on the right displaying information about data under the current ID. The scroll bar on the extreme left is active when more than two information records exist for a merge table. The scroll bars to the right of each field are active when an information record occupies more than three lines of text.

To interpret the data contained in these fields it is necessary to read the highlighted information in conjunction with the highlighted information in the Action Choice block.

Action Choice

When information is highlighted in the Information block, the proposed actions to be performed on this information are displayed in the Action Choice block. The choice is then made as to whether or not to perform the action by selecting or deselecting the Perform Action checkbox. (Default is selected for all actions). Where the System determines that an action is not possible, the reason is displayed in the Action Choice block and the Perform Action checkbox is deselected.

When all actions have been decided, the merge Person IDs button is selected to perform the process. Successfully merged records are automatically saved and cannot be 'undone'.

If the merge is unsuccessful, it is most likely because some data under the obsolete ID conflicts with data under the current ID. Callista provides detailed messages which enable the user to determine the reasons for the failed merge and take action to either:

  • modify data to enable the merge to proceed or
  • deselect the Perform Action checkbox so that conflicting data is not merged.

Where a merge is unsuccessful, the obsolete and current records remain in their pre-merge state.


To merge the records from two ID numbers under one of those numbers using the Merge Person With Two IDs form:
  1. Enter the Obsolete ID number and tab. The student's name, as recorded for this number, is displayed.
  2. Enter the Current ID number and tab. The student's name, as recorded for this number, is displayed.
  3. Select the Determine Actions button. Descriptions of database tables from which data is to be considered for merging are displayed in the Merge Table Name block.
  4. Select each table name, in turn, to display details of the information contained under both IDs prior to the merge process.
  5. For each table name, select each record in the Information block, in turn, to display the proposed action(s) to be performed on that record.
  6. The Perform Action checkbox is selected by default. If you do not wish to perform an action, deselect the checkbox.
  7. When steps 4, 5 and 6 have been completed for all records, select the Merge Person IDs button.
  8. If the merge process is unsuccessful, error messages are displayed advising of the problem. Either:

  • 'fix' any problems with conflicting data and then
  • repeat all steps in this process or
  • deselect the Perform Action checkbox for the offending data to remove this data from the merge process
  • save and then
  • select the Merge Person IDs button again. Manual action is then required if this data is to be included under the current ID.
  • When the merge process fails to copy any part of the obsolete data to the current ID, the whole process 'fails' and no obsolete data is transferred.
  • Callista can identify many instances where data cannot be merged and reports on each in the Action Choice block. The Perform Action checkbox is automatically deselected in these cases. If the merge process fails, solutions should be sought from those action choices with the Perform Action checkbox selected.

Changes within this form will have the following notable effects: