Record Enrolments - ENRF3000

Pre-enrolment Process (ENR3000pre)


This form is used for pre-enrolment processing of new student course attempts that are a result of direct enrolments.




Single Block




This form is used for pre-enrolment processing of new student course attempts that are a result of enrolments that have been directly entered via ENRF3000 and do not have a associated admission offer.

The pre-enrolment process will be triggered if the PRE-ENROL step is available for the Enrolment Category of the session details and the user has access to the step.

The Enrolment Period will be determined as follows:

  • Retrieve child calendar instances for the academic period of the session details (from CAL_INSTANCE_RELATIONSHIP) with the following criteria:
    • The child calendar instance has a System Calendar Category of ENROLMENT (as defined on the CAL_TYPE table).
    • The child calendar instance has a System Calendar Status of ACTIVE (as defined on the CAL_STATUS table, linked to from the CAL_INSTANCE table).
  • If no child calendar instances are returned then display a message indicating that the Enrolment Period could not be derived, and hence, pre-enrolment cannot be performed. The message text for this message should be:
    • "There are no valid Enrolment Periods for the Academic Period defined in your Session Details. Pre-enrolment can not be performed.".

    The Confirm checkbox on the SCA block should remain checked. The user can then decide whether or not they wish to confirm the SCA without performing pre-enrolment.

  • If only one child calendar instance is returned then this will be the Enrolment Period that should be passed to the pre-enrolment routine.
  • If more than one child calendar instance is returned then display the available enrolment periods on the Enrolment Period Selection pop-up block, and allow the user to nominate the enrolment period they wish to use. If the user selects the Pre-Enrol button, then continue with pre-enrolment processing. However, if the user selects the Cancel button, then do not continue with pre-enrolment processing. The Confirm checkbox on the SCA block should remain checked. The user can then decide whether or not they wish to confirm the SCA without performing pre-enrolment. Refer to the layout section for details about this pop-up block.


To Complete the Pre-enrolment Process:

At the Enrolment Period Selection screen:

  1. Select the appropriate enrolment period for the student by clicking in the Select checkbox.
  2. Click on the Pre-Enrol button to continue or click the Cancel button to abort this process.



Changes within this form will have the following notable effects:


Updated 22 October 2002