Maintain Disciplines - CRSF2110


To allow the creation and maintenance of institution defined discipline groups


Course Structure & Planning


Single Block






This form is used to record and maintain the set of institution defined discipline groups covering the courses offered by the institution. These are comparable to Government discipline groups (STAF1128) but provide for greater flexibility by permitting classification at a more detailed level and the use of discipline group names specific to the institution. Government discipline groups have unique codes to group units of study into like disciplines within branches of learning. Each institution defined discipline group must be mapped to a Government discipline group. More than one institution defined discipline group can be mapped to the same Government discipline group.


The Government discipline group code 0605 - Music could be subdivided for institution purposes into:

  • MCLA (or any other code) - Music-Classical Performance and MCON - Music-Contemporary Performance or
  • JAZZ - Music-Jazz and CONT - Music-Contemporary.

Discipline Group codes can be alpha, numeric or a combination of both.

Discipline Group


Govt Discipline Group


Music-Classical Performance



Music-Contemporary Performance








To create a new institution defined discipline group using the Maintain Disciplines form:

  1. Enter Insert Mode.
  2. Enter the new discipline code in the Discipline Group field of a blank record.
  3. Enter the corresponding description for the discipline code in the Description field.
  4. Select the appropriate Government discipline group from the list of values (or key a valid value) in the Govt Discipline Group field.
  5. Enter any funding indices for the discipline group. (optional)
  6. Save.


To delete an institution defined discipline group using the Maintain Disciplines form:

  1. Find the record to be deleted.
  2. Locate the cursor in the record to be deleted.
  3. Delete record.
  4. Save.


  • If a discipline group has been assigned to a unit version, it cannot be deleted. It can be closed, preventing any further use, by selecting the Closed check box.

To modify an institution defined discipline group using the Maintain Disciplines form:

  1. Find the record to be modified.
  2. Modify the record as required.
  3. Save.


  • Caution should be exercised when modifying a discipline group which has been assigned to any course versions. Changing the description and/or the Government discipline group should normally be undertaken only to correct incorrectly created data.
  • Changes to Government discipline groups, initiated by DEST, may be best handled by creating new institution defined discipline groups and/or closing existing groups.
  • A discipline group can be closed, preventing any further use, by selecting the Closed check box.
  • A closed discipline group cannot be re-opened if the Government discipline group to which it is mapped is closed.

Changes within this form will have the following notable effects:

  • Adding a discipline group permits its assignment to a unit version.
  • Closing a discipline group prevents any further use.


Updated 30 January 2002